Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 644

Wang sun's house, central hall.

"What kind of decision do you think brother Wang will finally make?" Lei Yunfeng laid a real gas barrier around the three people, and then asked.

"I don't know." Xiao Yu frowned slightly, and then said, "but I guess he can't fight with the three of us for Li Feng's sake. It's too expensive."

"What brother Zheng said is exactly what I think, and Is brother Wang's decision important? " Zheng Tao was playing with the Bodhi string, playing with the smell: "Li Feng must die, he will not die, we will sleep and eat hard. The three of us killed Li Feng together. Will brother Wang sun fight with the three of us for Li Feng's sake? "

Xiao Yu and Lei Yunfeng looked at each other and shook their heads together and said, "No

Xiao, Zheng, and Lei are all poor compared with the wangsun family, but they can absolutely win the wangsun family.

However, the four families have no hatred and often get married. Although there is competition, they are generally friendly. Therefore, they would like to inform Wang Sun Hong before moving Li Feng, that is, they don't want to create estrangement between the two families.

"That's it, so no matter what reply Wang Sun Hong will give later, we will kill Li Feng, right?" Zheng Tao said with a smile.

Xiao Yu and Lei Yunfeng nodded: "yes, Li Feng must die."

Although they didn't want to be estranged from Wang sun's family, they would not listen to Wang Sun Hong's insistence on protecting Li Feng. If they killed Li Feng, they would not believe that Wang Sun Hong would fight against the three families for the sake of a foreign surname.

"That's over, isn't it?" Zheng Tao spread his hands and said with a smile, "no matter what brother Wang sun says when he comes back, we don't have to worry about it. After we go back, the three families will send one or two strong men to kill Li Feng."

"After killing Li Feng, let's invite brother Wang sun to drink again. I believe that brother Wang sun can tell the difference."

"But before that, the three of us have to send a representative to go to dragon soul. Although we are not afraid of dragon soul, dragon soul is a special department of the country, and its strength is not weak. It is better not to have resentment if we can not."

Therefore, Li Feng's identity is really very powerful. Relying on Wang sun's family and dragon soul, the general forces dare not ask Li Feng for trouble.

If Li Feng hadn't provoked Xiao, Zheng and Lei at the same time, he would have continued to be carefree.

It's a pity that Li Feng is so arrogant that even the three of them dare to provoke them. It's a living thing.

For Zheng Tao's proposal, Lei Yunfeng and Xiao Yu both nodded and agreed.

They have been playing together since they were young. Zheng Tao is always the person with the most ghost ideas. This time is no exception. From the beginning, Zheng Tao came up with ideas from the side.

At this time, Wang Sun Hong walked into the middle hall from the outside. Lei Yunfeng removed the Qi barrier and stood up and said, "brother Wang, how are you discussing?"

Wang Hong and Sun Tao stand up and look forward to it.

Wang Sun Hong glanced at three people in a circle, finally nodded and said: "we Wang Sun family decided to give up Li Feng."

As soon as this word came out, Lei Yunfeng's three people immediately showed their joy.

But before they could speak, Wang Sun Hong said, "but we Wang Sun family has a request."

Lei Yunfeng's three brows frowned slightly. Since they have decided to give up Li Feng, why do the Wangs ask for compensation?

It's understandable to ask for compensation. After all, killing Li Feng is equivalent to cutting a piece of meat from Wang sun's family. I'm afraid we'll have to fight with Wang Sun Hong.

Under the gaze of the three, Wang Sun Hong said: "you can only send in and out of the saint level strong, not the supreme level strong."

Lei Yunfeng three people Leng, since they have decided to give up Li Feng, then who they send to kill Li Feng, what's the difference?

See three people do not understand, Wang Sun Hong explained: "even if Li Feng must die, I also hope he died with dignity."

This word a, Lei Yunfeng three people second understand.

It was the result of crushing and killing Li Feng in the past to send a superior person to kill Li Feng. Li Feng may have been bombed into slag before he made a response. This method of death is too humiliating.

But if the strong man sent to the holy peak passed, Li Feng could still struggle for a moment and die a little bravely.

Wang sun's family can accept Li Feng's death, but he must not let Li Feng be so humiliated to be killed.

"OK, no problem."

"I accept it."

"I'll take it, too."

Lei Yunfeng three people did not even bargain with Wang Sun Hong, they agreed directly.

Wang Sun Hong just asked them not to send the most powerful to kill Li Feng, but there was no limit on the number of people. When the time came, the family sent two strong men to the holy peak. Li Feng was dead, and there was no second possibility.

Of course, the premise is that the Wang Sun family and the dragon soul do not interfere.

Now Wang Sun Hong has made it clear that he will give up Li Feng. After their representatives go to the dragon soul, the dragon soul will probably not intervene.

So Li Feng must die!

The next day, Shangjing, longhun headquarters, conference room 1.

The dragon head Xiang Tianya sits on the main position. Ren cangsheng, Luo Taibai, Mo Wentian and Shen Zixuan sit on both sides of the conference table.The atmosphere was a little dignified.

"So you all agreed to give up Li Feng?"

Shen Zixuan looks at the four people at the end of the world with a sarcastic tone.

Last night, representatives from Xiao family, Lei family and Zheng family came to longhun and reported to Xiang Tianya that they wanted to kill Li Feng.

To Tianya did not reply on the spot, but said to have a meeting to discuss.

Early this morning, he called the four Dragon envoys to a meeting for discussion. As a result, Ren cangsheng, Luo Taibai and even Mo Wentian all said that they would give up Li Feng because it was in the best interests of the dragon soul.

Although Xiang Tianya didn't comment, Shen Zixuan, who knew him well, knew that if Xiang Tianya didn't agree to give up Li Feng, he would not hold this meeting.

"The dragon spirit is still in its development stage. It is unwise to fight against the four great families at this time." Ren cangsheng said.

"Li Feng is too arrogant. If we protect him this time, he doesn't know what to do next time." Luo Taibai sighed, some helpless.

Shen Zixuan looked at Mo and asked, "Li Feng is your man. You usually protect the calf most, but now you are willing to let people kill you?"

Mo asked the sky with a bitter smile, but he said: "at the same time, I can't even protect the calf even if I have three top-level ancient martial arts families."

"Dragon head, what do you mean?" Shen Zixuan looks to the end of the world.

Silence to the horizon for a long time, finally sighed: "things can not be done, can only give up."

There was a silence in the conference room. Then Shen Zixuan laughed and said, "it's a good thing you can't do but give up. Since you all decide to give up Li Feng, I won't say more and say goodbye."

Voice landing, Shen Zixuan is about to get up and leave here.

"Zixuan, where are you going Xiang Tianya moved to Shen Zixuan and blocked her way.

"Go home and sleep in the cage. You wake up early in the morning and I'm trapped." Shen Zixuan yawned and looked sleepy.

Staring at her for a while, she said, "Zixuan, you should know what the consequences of fighting with the three families at this time."

"I know. I'm not stupid. Besides, I don't have any friendship with Li Feng. I don't care about this kind of business." Shen Zixuan said with a look of indifference.

Nodding to Tianya, he dodged the road and watched Shen Zixuan leave the meeting room.

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