Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 632

The price of a large house in the center of Mingzhu is over 10 million yuan, and with the monthly salary of 100000 yuan, Zhang Chao becomes a millionaire who lives in ten million luxury houses every year.

Hanging wire counter attack, this is!

If it is someone else who says this, Wang Yanmei must think that he is pretending to be 13, and he can't really do it. But this man is Li Feng, who has a hundred billion yuan, that's just spitting and nailing.

In the eyes of ordinary people, more than 10 million yuan is an astronomical figure, but for Li Feng, who has a fortune of 100 billion yuan, it is only a drop in the ocean. People make more money by selling bottles of Tongyan water.

Wang Yanmei regretted that her intestines were green.

If she didn't break up with Zhang Chao, she would be able to live in a big house and enjoy the luxury brought by Zhang Chao's millions. At least, there is no pressure to buy a bag or cosmetics!

Zhang Chao is also confused.

It's not Is Li Feng serious? Just because he had a drink with him in the market, he gave him a house to work for?

This makes him have a feeling of being taken care of!

On the other hand, Li Na expressed her real name admiration, and also felt deeply about Li Feng's wealth.

"Zhang Chao, I was wrong. Please give me another chance. I will cherish you."

In the face of huge interest temptation, Wang Yanmei is ready to make a change.

It is just that Zhang Chao has thoroughly seen Wang Yanmei's true face, which is just like breaking the heart demon after an epiphany. His mood is indescribable calm, and there is also some disgust to Wang Yanmei and dissatisfaction with himself.

"Enough, Wang Yanmei, don't act any more. I have nothing to do with you from now on."

Zhang Chao pushed Wang Yanmei aside and said in a cold voice.

Ma De, has he been fascinated by this woman!

In fact, Wang Yanmei was not like this in high school. She just went to university. She was influenced by some girls around her and gradually became a vain woman.

After all, the university had little contact with the outside world, so although Wang Yanmei was vain at that time, she was also within the acceptable range.

After graduation, Wang Yanmei came to the Pearl and was influenced by the rich and colorful life here. She gradually intensified her efforts.

At that time, Zhang Chao thought that Wang Yanmei still loved him. She was just a little vain. Now she finds that she thinks too much. Now Wang Yanmei doesn't love him at all!

"Zhang Chao, you can't do this to me. You said you would be good to me for a lifetime!"

Wang Yanmei is going crazy. Zhang Chao didn't love her a moment ago. How could she be so ruthless?

Because Li Feng gave him a house and a high salary job, the man became worse when he was rich?

Or What Li Feng likes is actually a man. Zhang Chao also knows this. In order to be prosperous, he gives up himself? As pretty as a flower wife love love,

Li Feng still make complaints about Wang Yanmei's heart, and now he has a corner of his mouth. He says, "I like a man's dog egg. I have so many beautiful wives. I am free but I love him."

Wang Yanmei is not only vain but also hard to use!

"Sorry, I didn't do it."

After all, Zhang Chao loved Wang Yanmei deeply. Even if he recognized Wang Yanmei's true face, he didn't want to say anything vicious.

Let's get together and let go.

"I'm sorry? You compensate me for the loss of youth

Wang Yanmei knew that there was no hope of compounding with Zhang Chao, so she wanted to squeeze the last bit of interest out of Zhang Chao.

You said I'm sorry, didn't you? Then I'll ask for compensation. It's reasonable!

Zhang Chao is a Leng first, subconsciously asked: "how to compensate?"

"Isn't Li Feng going to give you a house? This house is half of mine. Don't you make millions every year? In three years, half of your salary will be paid to me. "

"I've been with you for six years. Even if you go out to find sister Xiao, you'll have to spend four or five hundred at a time? I'm a good family. "

"Six years is six times 365. How much less do you spend?"

Wang Yanmei said with a straight fork.

Li Feng:

It's not Wang Yanmei treats herself as Xiao Jie, doesn't she? What's more, four or five hundred at a time, and six times 365, are you special when Zhang Chao is an iron man?

OK, even if Zhang Chao is an iron man, you don't have those days in a month?

This woman can say anything for money!

Li Na is also shocked by Wang Yanmei's shamelessness. She has seen many shameless people in the entertainment industry, but those people like to have a good look at each other, but Wang Yanmei's eating appearance has no image!

Zhang Chao's mouth is slightly open, and his face is full of confusion.

Lying in the trough, he never expected Wang Yanmei to say such shameless words. The key point is that he can refute a few sentences by multiplying 6 times 365, because he doesn't know how much money to ask for once!

"No more words? If you don't have anything to say, do as I say, and we'll sign a sentence today. "Wang Yanmei is very proud. How about breaking up with me? I can eat you to death!

Zhang Chao clenched his fists with resentment, shame and anger, pity and helplessness All sorts of emotions rose and mingled in his mind, which made him not know how to express them for a moment.

At this time, Li Feng stepped sideways in front of Zhang Chao and mocked: "Wang Yanmei, according to your opinion, Zhang Chao can also collect money from you."

Wang Yanmei frowned slightly: "what do you mean?"

Li Feng spread his hands, playing with the taste: "women can be Xiaojie, and men can be Yazi. The market price of goods like you will not exceed 200 times. As for Zhang Chao I think 500 is more reasonable. "

"In this way, you need to pay back 300 yuan to Zhang Chao every time. If you calculate by 6 times 365 and then 300 yuan, it will be 657000 yuan. For the sake of meeting everyone, Zhang Chao won't give up the odd. You can give Zhang Chao 650000 yuan."

Wang Yanmei:

It's not My mother and Zhang Chao for such a long time even want to paste 650000 upside down? You're crazy about money!

However, Wang Yanmei did not dare to say that Li Feng was a 100 billion rich man.

Zhang Chao is also muddled, no, Li Feng, who do you say is Yazi? You are too damaged!

But Wang Yanmei was speechless. This feeling is quite cool. Is it true that the villains in the legend still need to be polished by the villains?

"Don't talk? You want to pay off? Dream What has the final say?

Li Feng pointed at Wang Yanmei's nose and said in a cold voice, "you fear that you don't know. The underground world is what the little master said. If you don't pay back, I'll let you take the club to the sea, when will you earn enough money to let you out."

"Do you want to? Yes, throw it into the river and give it to Wang ba? Don't believe it? I'm going to call someone to come over and see who's been there

Li Feng will take out his mobile phone to call he Qiu.

Wang Yanmei's face turned white at first, then she knelt down to Li Feng with a thump: "brother li No, Li Shao, I'm wrong. I'm greedy. Please spare me this time. I'll never dare again. "

"Zhang Chao, for the sake of our love affair, please ask Li Shao for help."

Seeing Li Feng unmoved, Wang Yanmei asks Zhang Chao for help.

Zhang Chao's face changed several times, and finally said to Li Feng, "forget it, Li Feng. Don't waste time on such people. Let's go to the VIP box, smoke, drink and listen to music!"

Zhang Chao turned around and left. He was quite free and easy.

Li Feng amused a smile, stretched out his finger to point Wang Yanmei several times, turned to follow up.

As soon as they left, Wang Yanmei sat on the ground and was swallowed up by remorse!

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