Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 629

All the people present were confused.

Li Feng even said that he can take people in, but he doesn't need to buy tickets. Who is he? Is he a staff member of the concert organizer?

Wang Yanmei also guessed in this way, and asked her questions in her heart at the moment.

"I'm not the sponsor." Li Feng shook his head and then said with a smile, "but I do have a way to bring you in."

Wang Yanmei is skeptical, and the people around him are quite puzzled. Only Zhang Chao believes that Li Feng has this ability.

The sponsor? Oh, don't make a fuss. For Li Feng, a 100 billion rich man, there is no pressure on the organizers to buy the concert.

Of course, in order to buy Li Feng's contacts, but not bring them in with them?

At this time, the Yellow Cattle said with a gloomy face: "brother, after it, you are smashing my business ah."

At the same time, several young people crowded out of the crowd and surrounded Li Feng in the middle. One by one, their faces were not good. There was a sense of beating him if they didn't agree.

The Yellow Cattle seldom fight alone. They are all organized. These young people are the thugs of the Yellow Cattle organization. They are specially responsible for dealing with people who are not open-minded, like Li Feng.

Wang Yanmei's face changed slightly, and she was afraid. She quickly hid behind Zhang Chao.

Zhang Chao tightly protected Wang Yanmei, looked at Li Feng and said, "I'd better buy tickets from him..."

He wanted to come, although Li Feng is rich, but the shoes are afraid of barefoot, Li Feng seems to come alone, in case of being beaten by these people?

Even if Li Feng recovered the court afterwards, the beating had already been dealt with, which was harmful to his reputation.

It's better to spend money on disaster relief.

Li Feng raised his hand and said with a smile, "little things."

Hearing this, Zhang Chao did not insist on buying tickets.

Wang Yanmei turned her lips and felt that Li Feng was suspected of pretending to be 13. She was surrounded by people, but she was also trivial. Did he practice or how to drop it?

No matter how, he had better not involve himself, or she can not care what relationship Li Feng and Zhang Chao are, a scolding is absolutely inevitable!

On the other side, the cattle were amused by Li Feng: "little things? Have you ever heard a saying that cutting off people's wealth is like killing parents. If you just cut off my wealth, you just killed my parents. Do you think this is a small matter? "

As soon as this was said, the atmosphere became more tense.

Among the melon eaters around, some of them were waiting for the opening of the drama with their eyes wide open. Some secretly squeezed Li Feng's cold sweat, some ridiculed Li Feng's act of pretending to be 13, and some took out their mobile phones to prepare for the police at any time.

At this time, Li Feng said with a smile: "don't say that I broke your financial road. Even if I break your hands and feet, it's just a small matter."

The yellow cow is a Leng first, then is angry: "you specially..."

"What is responsible for this?"

Li Feng a word to let the Yellow Cattle hit a clever, after the words to Shengsheng suffocate back.

"You Do you know boss Ho? " The yellow cow swallowed his saliva and asked in an astringent voice.

Pearl southeast northwest four major urban areas, each city has a boss, he Qiu is the boss of Dongcheng District, and Pearl stadium is located in Dongcheng District.

The boss of the Yellow Cattle organization is he Qiu!

No matter what the relationship between Li Feng and he Qiu is, at least listen to Li Feng's tone, he knows he Qiu, which will let the cattle weigh it.

"Yes." Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and took out his mobile phone and dialed the phone number of he Qiu.

After the call was put through, he Qiu's respectful voice came over the phone: "Li Shao, do you want me?"

Li Feng is like the God of war in the heart of the thirteen Taibao. He Qiu's respect for Li Feng is absolutely from his bones.

"Well, I broke a scalper business here at Pearl stadium, and then he's going to make an enemy of me." Li Feng pondered.

"Li Shao, I'll take someone over now and tie up the guy who doesn't have long eyes and throw it into the river to feed Wang Ba!"

On hearing this, he became angry. How dare his younger brother provoke his eldest brother's man? This is not a bear heart leopard gall!

Li Feng laughed: "no, I don't know if I'm not guilty. You just need to tell him who I am."

With that, Li Feng gave the phone to the opposite cattle.

Around, a crowd of gourd eating people listen to the clouds, what this piece of hatred is responsible for? What tell him who you are, who are you?

"Zhang Chao, is he your friend?"

Wang Yanmei looks at Li Feng, who stands tall and upright, and asks in a low voice.

"He's my classmate in the University. He's from one of our dormitories."

Zhang Chao looks at Li Feng in front of him with complicated eyes and answers in a low voice.

"College classmate and roommate? What does he do now? "

Wang Yanmei's eyes flashed and she cared about Li Feng's work.

"This..." Zhang Chao's face changed slightly: "I'll talk about it later. Let's see how he handles the things in front of him."Wang Yanmei nodded in silence and murmured in her heart: "I have never heard Zhang Chao mention that he has any rich second generation classmates. This Li Feng should not be a rich second generation."

"He and Zhang Chao graduated in the same year, ordinary office workers should not have any contacts, is he a public servant?"

Wang Yanmei's eyes brightened and she thought she had guessed Li Feng's identity.

Not rich second generation, graduated a year and a half, but the tone of voice is so bullish, do not put the opposite cattle in the eye, it should be in this area to know what can not be.

In addition, Li Feng said before that he could bring them both in without buying tickets. Wang Yanmei could not imagine any other profession like Li Feng except for public servants.

thought of this, and Wang Yanmei secretly make complaints about it: "hum, a small public servant, what good cattle batch, naive."

Wang Yanmei looks disdainful on the surface, but in her heart she envies Li Feng. She is the boss of XX, who directly frightens the other party with her name. It is much better than Zhang Chao, an honest man who only can sell houses.

While Wang Yanmei secretly guessed Li Feng's identity, the Yellow Cattle answered the phone, half puzzled and half respectfully asked, "boss he?"

Then, he Qiu on the phone is a big scolding, scolding the cattle want to cry without tears.

When he Qiu said Li Feng's identity, the yellow cattle were even more scared and helpless. His legs were soft and collapsed on the ground!

This scene directly shocked the surrounding melon eating masses!

Lying trough, what did the Yellow Cattle hear on the phone? They were scared to be like this bird?

Even Wang Yanmei began to doubt whether her guess was accurate. It is impossible for a public servant who has not been working for a long time to have such a big threat?

At this time, Li Feng went to the cattle, grabbed the mobile phone and asked, "now do you want to avenge me?"

The Yellow Cattle shivered and got up to kneel down to Li Feng. However, Li Feng held his body with genuine Qi.

With so many people watching, the kneeling of the yellow cattle is likely to make headlines. Can't he use the system to intervene every time?

Feeling that he was held by an invisible force, cattle once again realized Li Feng's horror. At the moment, he said in a trembling voice, "I don't know Mount Tai with my eyes. I don't know Li Shao in person. Please forgive Li Shao!"

"Well, those who don't know are not guilty. Don't be so angry in the future." Li Feng shook his head and let go of the other side.

In the final analysis, the yellow cattle are also their own people. Moreover, the cattle have not offended him. As a superior person, you must be tolerant, so that others will be willing to do things for you.

After finishing the cattle, Li Feng, regardless of how shocked the melon eaters around him, winked at Zhang Chao and then turned to the ticket gate.

Looking at Li Feng's domineering figure, Wang Yanmei's eyes showed a little light, and then she pulled Zhang Chao, who was still in a daze, to catch up with him.

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