Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 620

Ye Chenghai's intention to kill is so strong that he has to kill Li Feng to avenge Ye Chengfeng.

Ye Chengyuan is also murderous, and his eyes are red with blood.

Just as they were about to start, Xiao Ye suddenly reached out and said, "wait a minute."

Ye Chenghai and his two brothers are stunned and look at Xiaoye with puzzled color.

Xiao Ye didn't explain to them. He looked at Li Feng and said, "are you Li Feng who destroyed the Royal City trial some time ago?"

Li Feng raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

"Lingya girl told me about you, she has a good evaluation of you." Xiao Ye explained.

Hearing this, ye Chenghai and his two brothers were in a hurry.

What does Xiao Ye mean by this? Is it related to Li fengla? Can they avenge the death of the third brother?

Although anxious, but Xiao Ye has not made clear what, they also dare not say more at this time.

Li Feng has no expression: "so."

"The master of the wangsun family attaches great importance to you. The Xiao family and the Wang family have always been advancing and retreating together, so I hope you don't interfere in the affairs here. As long as you promise not to interfere, I can owe you a favor."

Although Xiao Ye is discussing things with Li Feng, the expression on his face is still somewhat arrogant.

It is true that Li Feng has the blood of Wang Sun family, but after all, he has not really returned to the family tree of Wang and sun. Even if he killed Li Feng here, the Wang Sun family could not really seek revenge on him.

However, in that case, the Xiao family and the Wang Sun family will inevitably become estranged. The Wang Sun family is the strongest among the four top ancient martial arts families, which is not in the interests of the Xiao family.

"My nephew Xiao Xianye Ye Chenghai screamed.

Xiao Ye really wants to let Li Feng go. This is absolutely not allowed. If the third brother knows about it, he will never rest in peace!

"Uncle Ye, this is related to the interests of our Xiao family. Please don't make it difficult for me to do it." Xiao Ye looks at Ye Chenghai and says without expression.

Although the Ye family is married to the Xiao family, it can be said that the Ye family is just a vassal of the Xiao family. Since they are vassals, why should we consider the feelings of the Ye family when making some decisions?

Even if ye Chenghai was upset by this, it was better than Wang sun's.

Of course, it's just because Li Feng didn't directly fight against the Xiao family. If Li Feng killed the Xiao family, Xiao ye would kill Li Feng without saying a word!

Ye Chenghai's face changed several times, and finally sighed: "since Xiao Ye xiannephew said so, forget it."

Ye Chengyuan tightly pursed his lips and did not say a word, but from his clenched fists, we can see that he must be very upset at the moment.

"Look, Uncle Ye has agreed. Now tell me your answer." Xiao Ye turns to look at Li Feng and asks in a deep voice.

Xiao Ling Fei was suddenly nervous. Although she didn't know why Li Feng's strength had improved so much, he was the only one who could help their mother and daughter through the difficulties.

If Li Feng leaves at this time, their mother and daughter will die!

"It's time to test Li Feng's feelings for me."

Xiao Ling Fei pretended not to care about looking at Li Feng, but whispered in her heart.

"It turns out that the name of Wang sun's family is so easy to use. Will I only need to report the name of Wang sun's family when I encounter enemies in the future?"

Li Feng is somewhat surprised. The Xiao family is also a top-level ancient martial arts family. Because he has something to do with Wang sun's family, he doesn't want to be hostile to him?

"Of course, the wangsun family is a top-level ancient martial arts family. Anyone who knows the wangsun family and knows that you are a descendant of the wangsun family will never trouble you, unless he is not afraid of the Revenge of the wangsun family, but as far as I know, there is no such person or organization in China."

Xiao Ye said definitely.

"Not even dragon soul?" Li Feng pretended to be joking.

Dragon soul is a special department of the country. The leader plus four Dragon envoys is a terrible battle force. Even if Wang sun's family is a top ancient martial arts family, it should not be the opponent of dragon soul.

"Not even the dragon spirit." Xiao Ye said definitely.

Li Feng:

It's not Is Xiaoye serious? He dares to say that the dragon soul can't do it. If Shen Zixuan is here, he will surely fight his flying.

"Maybe you don't know that there are two supreme late strongmen in dragon spirit."

Li Feng put away his thoughts and said sarcastically.

Xiao Ye's face changed slightly, and then said, "although it's different from what I imagined, I still stick to my original view."

"In addition, I need to remind you that although Wang sun's family is the strongest among the four top ancient Wu families, the Xiao family is not much weaker."

"But you just have the blood of the wangsun family, but you have not entered the family tree. Strictly speaking, you are not a member of the wangsun family. Even if I kill you, the wangsun family will not do anything to me."

Li Feng's pupils shrank and he didn't speak again.

He can see that Xiao Ye didn't lie, that is to say, there are at least five super powerful people in Wang sun's family, and at least two of them are in the later period of supreme power?

The strength of Wang Sun family is really terrible!If Wang sun's family is like this, what will happen to the other three top ancient martial arts families? As Xiaoye said, even if it is weaker than the wangsun family, it is estimated that it will not be weaker to where?

Under the joint efforts of the four, the dragon soul is expected to be easily destroyed!


Li Feng took a breath of turbid air and said slowly, "what you said is really beyond my expectation. In this case..."

Xiao Ye eyebrow tip a pick: "how?"

Xiao Ling Fei squeezed her hands tightly.

Ren Xiaolei's eyes flashed, and a sarcastic arc appeared in the corner of her mouth: "daughter, is this the man you choose? It's a bad eye

A man, when chasing a woman, seems to be able to do something for her, but when it really concerns his own vital interests, he always counsels faster than anyone else.

Xiao ran was like this at the beginning, and Li Feng is also like this now.

"I told you he wasn't my man." Xiao Ling Fei's cold hum turned her head, but the disappointment in her eyes could not be concealed.

Li Feng's mouth was full of fun: "I said Xiao Ling Fei, do you look down on me too much? Since I said you are my woman, I will protect you in the end. Unless I die, I will never let anyone hurt you! "

As soon as this word comes out, Ren Xiaolei and Xiao Ling Fei's faces show surprise.

Xiao Ye is more eyebrow tip a pick, can't believe said: "Li Feng, are you sure you want to be the enemy with me?"

"I don't want to, but if you want to hurt my woman, I can't just sit around and ignore it. But for the sake of Xiao's family's strength, I can't kill you, but they two..."

Li Feng points to Ye Chenghai and his voice turns cold in vain: "you must die!"

A quiet scene!

Some of Xiaoye can't believe his ears, so you can't kill him because the Xiao family is too powerful?

Ma De, Li Feng thinks he's a winner, right? How arrogant!

As for ye Chenghai, the two brothers had already been shocked at the scene, and then they laughed grimly.

Must they be killed? Good, very good, so that the two of them can avenge the third brother!

Ren Xiaolei took a look at Xiao Lingfei, and after a long time vomited out a turbid breath: "at present, it seems that your vision is pretty good."

Xiao Ling Fei snorted coldly and didn't say much, but her eyes were somewhat proud.

In such a dangerous moment, Li Feng did not give up her, which shows that Li Feng really cares about her! In an instant she felt like she was in love!

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