Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 618

Li Feng eyebrow tiny frown, this time comes the task, is with who?

"Check it out!"

"Mission: save the goddess Xiao Ling Fei (3)"

"mission objective: rescue Xiao Ling Fei from ye Chenghai, ye Chengyuan and Xiao Ye, kill or repel three people to ensure the safety of Xiao Ling Fei. If Xiao Ling Fei dies, the mission fails, and 2 million system points of the host will be deducted for punishment."

"Mission reward: 50000 exp, 1 million system points, 50 conquest points."

After reading the introduction of the task, Li Feng said:

It's not Is it concubine Xiao Ling who is in danger?

Now, where is she in danger?

It should be now, he and Xiao Lingfei have seen each other many times. The system can not release tasks to him too long in advance. At most, it is a few minutes before the danger erupts.

Now what Li Feng wants to confirm is the position of Xiao Lingfei.

"System, help me check the specific coordinates of Xiao Ling Fei."

Li Feng didn't dare to delay, so he gave instructions to the system.

Before, Li Feng used the function of searching for the coordinates of the target when he was looking for someone with killing intention in Mingzhu city.

If you want to use this system, you can't just find out which function you need.

Soon the system reported the location of Xiao Ling Fei. When Li Feng heard that Xiao Ling Fei was still in the villa, the whole person was confused.

I remember reminding her before. The Ye family will certainly find trouble with her. As a result, the woman still lives there. Should he say that concubine Xiao Ling has a big heart or a bad brain?

"Su Tong, I need to deal with something urgent."

Li Feng took out his mobile phone and pretended to read information, then said to Li Yuan and Su Tong.

The two women did not think much, nodded and watched Li Feng leave the suite.

After Li Feng left the suite, he quickly came to a corner where no one was around. After using the technique of concealment, he started space transmission.

Tianfu City, Xiao Ling Fei's villa, living room.

"We are the black spots of his life. How dare you say that we are the black spots of his life? It's Xiao Ran's pursuit of me. How much did I give up for him? Don't you know about it? "

Ren Xiaolei's voice is a little sharp, and her beautiful face is distorted.

"Yes, my elder brother knows that, but your identity is doomed to be unable to be with my elder brother. You should also be very clear about this."

"You are a taboo in China, which can not be mentioned. You can live to this day safely. Thanks to the mediation of Xiao family, do you understand?"

Xiao Ye said without expression.

Ye Chenghai two brothers face color slightly change, taboo? What taboos? What else does Ren Xiaolei have that they don't know?

What kind of identity can be called taboo by Xiao Ye of Xiao family? Is it

No, it won't. that organization was destroyed 50 years ago. Ren Xiaolei should not have anything to do with that organization.

Xiao Lingfei's face changes slightly, too. Her emotional mother hides something from her. Isn't it simple for Xiao ran to cheat?

"Sister, I think something's wrong. Who would not want a woman like my mother? I'm going to ask my mom when I'm done with these three guys! "

Thinking of this, concubine Xiao Ling is a little bitter. If only Ye Chenghai and her brothers are the only brothers, she absolutely believes that her mother can handle it, but she has a more realm than her mother's Xiaoye

Don't hang up here, Granny? No, my aunt hasn't played enough! Li Feng, you bastard, if you hang up here today, I will not let you go as a ghost! "

Concubine Xiao Ling hated Li Feng somehow.

At the moment, there is a black crack in the open space in the backyard of the villa, and then the black crack suddenly separates to both sides, and Li Feng walks out from it.


as soon as he got out of the black crack, Li Feng sneezed. He rubbed his nose and said to himself, "which sister is missing me? Well It must be. "

Speaking to himself, Li Feng took out a suit of clothes from the system backpack and put it on. Then he turned and walked to the living room.

In the living room, Ren Xiaolei's face changed slightly, and then chuckled: "taboo Oh, I didn't hide my identity from Xiao ran

Xiao Ye nodded: "yes, but our Xiao family does not allow elder brother to be with you, and the ancient Chinese martial arts world also does not allow you to be with my elder brother."

"My elder brother once fought with his family to stay with you. After he found that he could not fight against his family, he proposed to let the family keep you peaceful for the rest of his life."

"If it wasn't for the elder brother, you might have been hunted to death. The elder brother can be said to have done his utmost to you."

Ye Chenghai nodded, touched the goatee and sighed: "Xiao Ran is a chivalrous man. No wonder my daughter is fascinated by him."

"Yes, among the younger generation in the ancient martial arts world, the one I admire most is Xiao ran. With Xiao ran and Xiao Ye's wise nephew in the Xiao family, they will continue to stand on the top of the ancient Chinese martial arts." Ye Chengyuan also flattered Xiao Ye without a trace.Although the Ye family is also a powerful family in the world, it is not worth mentioning when compared with the Xiao family of the four top ancient Wu families.

Although the two families are married, the Ye family is more dependent on the Xiao family, and it is impossible to get along with Xiao Jiaping.

Xiao Ling Fei rolled her eyes and felt very shameless about the flattery of the Ye brothers.

Ren Xiaolei sneered: "now I've become a stumbling block on his way forward. Will he acquiesce in your killing our mother and daughter? What a benevolent and righteous man

Xiao Ye eyebrow tiny frown: "elder brother really don't know I come here."

"Don't explain. The more you explain, the more I think you Xiao family are hypocritical. Don't think you can do anything to our mother and daughter when you come here. I let Xiaolei walk the world by her own ability. "

"Today, I want a dozen and three, to see if the three of you can beat me as a woman!"

Voice landing, Ren Xiaolei's momentum all burst out, and then rush to Xiao Ye.

At the moment, Li Feng has entered the living room, heard part of the dialogue between Xiaoye and Ren Xiaolei, and was confused.

However, what Ren Xiaolei said deeply shocked Li Feng.

"I'll go. Who is this woman? I feel stronger than concubine Xiao Ling! Xiao Ling Fei's mother

Li Feng knew many brave women, including Jiang Mengyao, Xiao Lingfei, and Shen Zixuan.

According to the degree of ferocity, Ren Xiaolei is better than Xiao Lingfei. Of course, she is a little worse than Shen Zixuan.

While Li Feng was feeling, Ren Xiaolei had already rushed to Xiaoye and punched out.

Xiao Ye sighed, and with the same fist, he said, "I'll deal with her. You'll kill Xiao Ling Fei!"

Ye Chenghai and his two brothers chuckled grimly and left and right attacked Xiao Ling Fei.

Ren Xiaolei's face changed and she was going to stop them. However, Xiao Ye didn't give her a chance and entangled her in the same place.

"Ling Fei, run

Ren Xiaolei roared in despair.

Xiao Ling Fei's face looks sad, run? Where to run? The other side is two into the holy level, she this extraordinary later stage has no possibility of escaping!

When the two girls were in despair, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Ling Fei!

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