Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 604

"Ask the heaven and the common people, I now solemnly warn you not to be hostile to Li Feng."

To the end of the world to re cloth a real gas barrier, said.

Ren cangsheng raised his eyebrows: "Lao Xiang, do you want to turn against us for Li Feng?"

"Lao Xiang, you're a little worried. It's just a late period of entering the holy land, and it's not worth being targeted by me." Don't ask the sky.

"Well, I'll put in a word." Luo Taibai coughed and said strangely: "you used to treat Li Feng as a love enemy..."

Two people shame anger: "Lao Luo, you ya shut up!"

"That's enough." He rubbed his forehead to Tianya and said with some headache: "Li Feng is very hopeful to step into the supreme realm. In that way, there will be six supreme strongmen in the dragon spirit. You should know what this means."

Ren cangsheng's face changed slightly.

Among the powerful departments of various countries, only China dragon soul and the US Super Energy Bureau have five supreme level strong persons, and the dragon soul and Super Energy Bureau are known as the two strongest special departments in the world.

If the dragon soul can have one more super strong person, it will be able to enjoy the title of "the strongest special department in the world".

This is not just a false name, but a real deterrent!

If there are six supreme level strongmen in dragon spirit today, it is very likely that Leighton, Kawashima and others will be left behind.

It's just that the supreme realm is not so good to break through. Many people are not allowed to enter the holy land for decades.

It takes not only talent, but also opportunity!

Just like Xiang Tianya, if they didn't get their own chance in the Seventh Continent, whether they could become the supreme power is still unknown.

Li Feng is young enough, martial arts talent needless to say, he also has a big chance to become a supreme power.

Under such circumstances, Xiang Tianya naturally won't let Ren cangsheng, Mo Wentian and Li Feng have a bad relationship.

"Li Feng is one of my subordinates. Naturally, I will not be hostile to him. However, Lao Ren was beaten in the face by Li Feng for fear that he would trip him up."

"Well, although I didn't win or lose with Lao Ren in terms of military force, I was much better than Lao Ren in terms of people's eyes."

Don't ask the sky and say with a smile.

Since Li Feng and Shen Zixuan are clear, he will not be hostile to Li Feng, but will try his best to cultivate Li Feng.

As for Ren cangsheng, there should be some diaphragm in my heart.

"Don't ask God, do you want to fight?" Ren cangsheng had already extinguished his anger, but was stimulated by Mo Wentian, his anger rose again.

"If you fight, you'll fight. Who's afraid?" Don't ask the sky and sneer, your breath will be released.

To Tianya and Luo Taibai look at each other, and then leave here without a word.

Let's fight. Out of sight and out of mind, these two bastards will die together, so as not to upset them.

As soon as they left, Ren cangsheng and Mo Wentian were stunned.

stubborn and reluctant to admit mistakes or defeats. They are all injured, and they will definitely aggravate the injury, so they only started to speak hard, but they didn't really mean to play because they felt that they would be in the middle of the world.

As a result To Tianya and Luo Taibai left without saying a word!

It's like two groups of people yelling at each other across the wire mesh, and suddenly the door is opened and there is no obstacle

Embarrassment, incomparable embarrassment!

On the other side, Li Feng followed Shen Zixuan to the stern position.

"The same Tiancai Dibao can only be eaten once, and the second time will lose its effect."

Shen Zixuan cloth under a real gas barrier, said without end.

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick: "Purple Dragon envoy is to remind me not to eat more?"

"You secretly put away that fruit, don't you plan to eat it?" Shen Zixuan's face was mocking.

"Er Not really. " Li Feng touched the tip of his nose.

Don't say that the second time eating is ineffective, even if it works, he won't eat it. If he does not gain experience after eating it, will he just have a taste? That's too extravagant.

System points have been enough, he is ready to revive his mother Li Yuan, then give her mother Jasper fruit to eat, that is the best use of everything.

"Oh?" Shen Zixuan took a look at Li Feng, shook her head and said with a smile, "I underestimated you. In short, I have reminded you that it depends on you to do what you do."

"Besides Don't tell anyone else about this. You should also understand the truth of Pifu's innocence and his guilt. "

Li Feng nodded, of course he understood, but he didn't understand why Shen Zixuan wanted to help him hide.

"How do you divide a fruit among four people? I don't want them to have a problem with that. "

Shen Zixuan saw Li Feng's doubts and said calmly.

Li Feng's face changed slightly.

"There are also brothers who turn against each other. It depends on whether the interests are big enough. Don't deliberately try anything. Most people in the world can't stand the test."

"What's more, if Ren cangsheng and Mo Wentian give you little shoes, tell me at any time that I'll help you clean them up.""Don't think about it. I just want to thank you for saving me."

With that, Shen Zixuan gave her contact information to Li Feng, then removed the Qi barrier and left here in Li Feng's complicated eyes.

"Don't I think about it..."

Looking at Shen Zixuan's back, Li Feng murmured to himself.

After several hours of sailing, 055 Daqu stopped at a military port in China, and then the members of the special operation disbanded on the spot and went back to their respective homes.

"Hua Jian was taken away by the Japanese swordsman, and her life will not be in danger. I just don't know if she can find a chance to come to China."

Looking at the direction of Japan, Li Feng sighed softly and then turned to take a taxi to the airport.

At 8:00 p.m., Li Feng arrived alone in a cemetery in the suburb of Huacheng, where Li Yuan's ashes were buried.

On the way, Li Feng has consulted the system that it needs media, such as ashes, to revive a dead person.

As for the principle of resurrection pill to resurrect a person, Li Feng asked, but the system did not give an explanation, because Li Feng's level was insufficient.

However, Li Feng had some conjectures in his mind. Maybe human soul exists. After death, the soul will go to some place.

The role of resurrection Dan is to reorganize the body, and hook that person's soul to the real world and "plug" into the body.

As for whether his guess is right or not, he can only know when his level is enough to get a systematic solution.

When he came to Li Yuan's tombstone, Li Feng looked around. After confirming that no one was there, he went underground to find Li Yuan's urn and took it out.

After finishing this, Li Feng finally looked at the tombstone, turned and disappeared in the night.

An hour later, Huacheng, the western suburb, once belonged to Liu Chuan's single family villa.

Li Feng solemnly opened the urn, and then spent 10 million system points to buy the next resurrection pill.

"Resurrection pill has been purchased. Do you want to use it now?"

The system prompts the sound.


Because of tension, Li Feng's voice is a little dry and dumb.

When the voice lands, the system prompt tone appears again: "please select the resurrection medium for the host."

Li Feng had already made preparations and identified the ashes as the medium. Then, a white light appeared. On the resurrection pill, there was blood and flesh growing rapidly, and the adult type was condensed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, Li Feng's nervous heart almost jumped out of his throat.

When the white light dissipated, a beautiful woman in cheongsam appeared in front of Li Feng!

It was Li Yuan who died in a car accident more than three years ago!

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