Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 602

Li Feng's sharp mouth gave him a new understanding of Shen Zixuan's bravery.

Tough! Incomparably fierce!

In front of a group of dragon soul members, it is impossible for ordinary people to say that the leader is not.

But Shen Zixuan not only worked out, but also was so righteous and impressive!

Just don't know what Xiang Tianya will do. Is she going to teach Shen Zixuan a lesson in public to establish her absolute authority in the dragon soul, or just laugh it off?

Li Feng thinks that the most likely reaction to Tianya is not to hear that Shen Zixuan is a woman, and is pursued by Ren cangsheng and Mo Wentian crazily. To reprimand Shen Zixuan in public is equivalent to refuting the face of the three dragon envoys, and the consequences are very serious.

Sure enough, Xiang Tianya just took a puff from the corner of his mouth and flew to the deck of the cloud class battleship.

Although Fujida Xiang and Huajian erixiang were rescued by kawajima Ichio, the remaining shadow members are still there. Take them back to Huaxia, and the operation tonight is not a complete failure.

"Damn it, how dare you ignore your aunt, damn it!"

Shen Zixuan murmured discontentedly, and then flew to the deck of 055 Daqu in the eyes of many dragon soul members.

speechless, make complaints about the girl's swelling. Even the faucets dare to face the Tucao.

Then he looked at Ren cangsheng and Mo Wentian in the distance, and thought with a strange look: "Zixuan didn't think much of them, but now the realm is beyond them, I think they will be more despised. Ah, love is really maddening."

In mid air, Ren cangsheng and Mo Wentian look at each other.

They also knew that they were getting farther and farther away from Shen Zixuan. They felt bitter for a moment and felt that they were in the same boat.

It's just that they don't understand why Shen Zixuan suddenly promoted her realm. It's not scientific!

The shadow members on the battleship of cloud level have the highest strength, that is, the master level. When they rush to the end of the world, they are the tigers and sheep. Those people who have no time to react are all knocked out to the end of the world.

When Xiang Tianya comes out of the cabin, there is no one awake on the whole battleship of cloud class.

"Let's get this warship back."

Order to the end of the world.

There are the most advanced weapons and equipment in Japan and a series of high-tech used on the warship represent the world's advanced level.

To return it to China for research will not only help China's military and science and technology, but also enable China to understand the military strength of Japan.

In this respect, the gains of this operation are enormous.

With an order to the end of the world, some dragon soul members walked through the ladder and came to the cloud level battleship.

Most of the dragon soul members are not like Li Feng, who are half way monks. They have received systematic military training. They can fly airplanes, ships, fighter planes, warships and submarines.

Don't exaggerate. Warriors are powerful not only by force, but also by brain power. They learn things much faster than ordinary people. After systematic training, they master more skills.

As soon as they got on the ship, they took control of the cloud class battleship.

Then, flying to the end of the sky to 055 big drive, fell in front of Shen Zixuan and said, "Zixuan, go to the bridge, I have something to ask you."

Luo Taibai, Ren cangsheng and Mo Wentian also come to xiangtianya and stand behind them. They all look at Shen Zixuan with complicated eyes.

Until then, a group of dragon soul members found that the clothes on the four people in xiangtianya were somewhat broken, and some wounds could be seen through the holes in the clothes.

These wounds are deep and shallow, shocking!

However, these wounds have stopped bleeding and are healing at a speed visible to the naked eye. This is the resilience of the supreme power!

"If you have something to say here." Shen Zixuan raised her eyelids and said.

"It's not convenient here," he said

"What's the inconvenience?" Shen Zixuan rolled her eyes and saw that she was going to get angry at the end of the world. Then she said, "well, you have to tell me what you want to ask me?"

Glancing at the horizon, he said, "ask why your realm has suddenly risen."

He does not think that Shen Zixuan is hiding strength, who will hide strength to be knocked out in the past?

Even if the protagonist in the cartoon has not been knocked out and then exploded, there is usually a kind of explosion on the spot.

In that short one minute, something must have happened to Shen Zixuan, and this kind of thing is definitely not suitable for speaking out in public.

Shen Zixuan's face changed several times, and finally nodded: "yes, but take Li Feng."

To the end of the world.

Ren cangsheng couldn't help asking, "why?"

"Zixuan, don't say Li Feng is your sweetheart. It's OK to cheat children, but we can't be deceived."

Don't ask the sky, spit out a mouthful of turbid gas to say.

He almost believed it before. Now when he calmed down, Mo Wentian guessed that Shen Zixuan was deliberately deceiving them and said that Li Feng was her sweetheart.There is no contact between the two people, and Shen Zixuan has been looking down on the strength of her weaker men, how can you like Li Feng?

"I'm not lying to you. He's my sweetheart." Shen Zixuan curled her lips, and then changed her voice: "but I let him follow him not for this, but for the sudden improvement of my strength, which is related to him."


everyone looked at Li Feng, and their faces were very strange.

Shen Zixuan's sudden rise in strength has something to do with Li Feng? It's impossible. What strength is Li Feng? How can he help Shen Zixuan.

What's more, Li Feng has been on the deck all the time. How can he help Shen Zixuan?

"I remember, Li Feng seems to have left here just now!"

At this time, a dragon soul member exclaimed.

Li Feng did not attract other people's attention when he left, but later some people found out that he left. However, at that time, the war situation was anxious, and no one went to explore where Li Feng had gone.

To the horizon eyebrow tip a pick: "good, you also come over!"

Voice landing, turn to the end of the world to go to the bridge.

Ren cangsheng and Mo Wentian glared at Li Feng fiercely and turned to follow him.

Luo Taibai took a deep look at Li Feng and Shen Zixuan. Then he took a big step to follow him.

Li Feng is helpless.

Younger sister, I will be punished by Shen Zixuan!

"I'll tell you the truth later."

Shen Zixuan glared at Li Feng.

Li Feng nodded and followed Shen Zixuan to the bridge.

As soon as they left, a group of dragon soul members exploded.

"When I started gambling, I would bet that Li Feng would be severely punished by the two dragon envoys, and whether he would bet."

"I'll bet Li Feng will be beaten up."

"I will send 50000 yuan, and the purple dragon envoy will come forward to protect Li Feng."

"Do you think there is one between Li Feng and the purple dragon envoy?"

"Certainly not, not even the black dragon envoy and the green dragon envoy, not to mention Li Feng?"

"It's hard to say that love can't be inferred by common sense."

"I don't think it has anything to do with Li Feng to improve Zilong's strength. She should have hidden her strength."


No matter how many people guess, at least Li Feng left a very deep impression in the hearts of these dragon soul members.

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