Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 565

"We intend to Intend to Well, Xiaoxue, when are you going to marry me? I'll listen to you. "

Li Feng keeps winking at Murong Xue. He really wants to marry Murong Xue, but he has to agree with Murong Xue.

Murong Xue wants to cry without tears!

She and Li Feng are fake lovers. Ah, where did they come from? What plans? Li Feng also said to listen to her, this is clearly throwing pot, OK!

Around, Murong and Le were very satisfied with Li Feng's reaction.

When things happen, he is not manly and knows how to ask for women's opinions. This shows that Li Feng is a good man who loves his wife.

Although they want to marry Xiao Xue because of Li Feng's identity and strength, is it better for Li Feng to love Xiaoxue?

"I I haven't decided yet. "

In the public gaze, Murong snow tangled said.

"What's the point? I think it's better to choose a day than to collide with the sun. You two will go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get your card today, and then choose a auspicious day to do the wedding."

Murong hele waved his hand and said.

Murong Xue:

It's not Are you my grandfather, so anxious to marry me out?

Besides, how much do you know about Li Feng, you are not afraid that he has the tendency of domestic violence? Ah, if you beat a woman, you'll be a meat pie with one punch?

If Li Feng knows Murong Xue's idea, he must throw up her face. I'm a good man. Don't say to beat a woman. He's not willing to scold. It's too late to love him!

"Xiaoxue, I think what your grandfather said is reasonable."

Murong Yuzhi took over the conversation and said to Luo Caiping: "Caiping, you go to take out the Hukou book and let the two children go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the card."

"Well, come on Luo Caiping gets up and goes to the bedroom on the second floor to get her certificate.

Li Feng:

Murongxue:.... "

It's not It's too fast for the two of them to get the certificate, isn't it?

"Li Feng, you are talking."

Murong Xue is in a hurry. She hasn't figured out how to deal with Li Feng's flower radish. If Li Feng gets the card, it's too cheap for him?

"Cough." Li Feng coughed and said with a bitter smile, "that Xiaoxue and I haven't decided when to get married. Let's say I didn't take the account book with me

"So Grandfather Murong, can you give me and Xiao Xue a little time to think about this problem? "

Li Feng's words naturally have a lot of weight. Although Murong and Le felt urgent in their hearts, they could only nod and say, "OK, we don't get involved in young people's affairs, but I hope you can give Xiaoxue a name as soon as possible."

He took the position of head of the house with the help of Li Feng's power. Once Li Feng broke up with Xiao Xue and was known by the elder brother and the second brother, he would have to give up the position of the head of the house.

Elder brother is abandoned, second elder brother or extraordinary medium-term strong person, he can't let Li Feng also abolish second elder brother's Dantian?

It's hard to say whether Li Feng can agree or not. Besides, once the Murong family is in trouble, he needs the second elder brother to solve the problem.

Although Li Feng's realm is enough to frighten the curfew, he can't always rely on Li Feng.

These are the problems Murong and Le need to consider, as long as Li Feng and Xiao Xue get married, these problems will be solved easily.

"Please rest assured that as long as Xiaoxue is willing to marry me, I will certainly marry her."

Li Feng said seriously.

"Is he serious, or is he dealing with my family?"

Murong snow heart a jump, can not help thinking.

Murong and le and others nodded with satisfaction. They could see that Li Feng didn't lie because Li Feng's tone was sincere.

Xiaoxue has found the right person this time!

At this moment, the system prompts the sound.

"Ding, congratulations to the host. The mission" rescue goddess murongxue (2) "has been completed, and the task reward is being awarded..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, obtaining 10000 experience points, 1 million system points and 20 conquest points."

"Well, it's done at last."

Li Feng was so angry that he killed sun Xixiang yesterday and abandoned sun Zhishang's elixir field. However, the task was not completed. Li Feng was really worried. He thought that sun Zhishang must be killed to finish the task.

Host: Li Feng

level: SS level

experience value: 30500100000

System score: 7467000

conquest point: 389

skills: kunyuangong, Qiankun fist, Fangcun, Qingshan guardian, Tiangang 36 moves, crazy storm, cloud Finder

Tasks to be completed: all kinds of wind and rain are used by us

"I don't know when I can get wind and rain building in my pocket..."

Looking at the task to be completed, Li Feng thought of the scene with Xiao Ling Fei that day."We still have to subdue concubine Xiao Ling first, then we can indirectly take the wind and rain building into our pocket. However, this woman is a wild horse, which is not easy to tame."

Li Feng thought to himself for a little while. He couldn't think of a way to subdue concubine Xiao Ling, so he had to suppress his thoughts.

The next time, Li Feng and Murong and other people said a conversation, and then he excuse the company's business, want to leave.

Murong and Le naturally tried to stay, but they saw that Li Feng had decided to go, so they let Murong snow follow Li Feng away.

Murong Xue naturally won't object to this. In fact, she doesn't want to stay at home, so as not to ask questions from the family

On the way to the airport, Murong Xue is still in the aftertaste.

In just two days, Li Feng solved the problems that had troubled her for a long time with the momentum of thunder. She was very grateful to Li Feng.

In addition, Murong snow also found his love for Li Feng, and Li Feng wanted to get her jade forget.

It's just that Li Feng has so many girlfriends that Mu Rongxue can't make up his mind

"Thank you, Li Feng. I'm afraid I would have been forced to meet sun Zhishang without you."

Murong snow pressure down the mind, said.

"You're welcome. I also want to leave outstanding talents for the company. We take what we need, so we really don't need to thank." Li Feng, driving the car sharing, said with a smile.

Murong Xue's face changed slightly, biting his lips and saying, "is it just to leave outstanding talents for the company?"

"What?" Li Feng heard it, but pretended not to hear it, because he did not know how to answer this question.

"Nothing..." Murong snow sighed and shook his head, then said: "you promised to help me out of the album matter, still count?"

Li Feng nodded: "count, you must count. I'll write the remaining nine songs when I go back."

Murong Xue:

It's not What she wants is a good song with excellent lyrics and music. It's not a kind of salivary song with no connotation and no new ideas. Li Feng said it too easily, right?

"Doubt my strength?" Li Feng mouth a hook, play flavor: "don't worry, the quality of the remaining nine songs with that" meet "can be said to be poor, as if you are satisfied with that is."

Is there a system in which to choose the Golden Melody of another parallel world?

In addition to writing songs for murongxue, Beethoven's film has to be promoted as soon as possible.

"Go back and do it!"

In this way, Li Feng stepped on the gas pedal deeply, and shared the car to the airport.

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