Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 558

The five members of Murong and le's family were shocked by Li Feng's behavior.

The first second also said that he wanted to spare Murong and Fengye three lives, and the next second he started to scrap their elixir fields. Li Feng's speed of turning over his face was faster than that of turning over books!

Key Li Feng's words were too deceptive. At that moment, they really thought that the Li summit had let Murong and Fengye off.

"The posterity is to be feared, and the latter to be feared!"

Murong hele couldn't help feeling. At the same time, he was more and more satisfied with his future grandson-in-law.

With strength, brains and determination, Li Feng will surely grow into a great figure in the ancient Chinese martial arts world by giving him some more time.

"Li Feng is an orphan. He married Xiao Xue, even if he is not a burden, he looks like a burden. Our family is expected to rise!"

In this way, Murong hele is looking forward to Li Feng and Murong Xue getting married as soon as possible.

On the ground, Murong and Fengye were struck by lightning.

They didn't expect that Li summit was so cruel that he directly abandoned the elixir fields of the three of them! From now on, the three of them will be disabled!

How can they remain arrogant in front of the members of the two clans when they become disabled? Are they not called around by the members of the two branches in turn?

It's worse than killing them!

"Don't you agree?"

Seeing Murong and Feng Ye's three faces ferocious, Li Feng asked.

Murong and Fengye three quickly put away their ferocious faces and kept shaking their heads.

Damn, they are not satisfied, but dare they say no?

If they dare to say no, Li Feng will not blow them into flesh mud?

"Before you killed me, if I didn't kill you, I would have been merciful to you. If it wasn't for the relationship of Xiaoxue, you think you can still live to this day?"

"It's good to be an ordinary person. Don't be so arrogant and overbearing in the future, so as not to offend people who should not be provoked."

With that, Li Feng turned his head to Murong and music, put on a smiling face and said, "grandfather Murong, you have beaten your elder brother carelessly. Don't you blame me?"

Murong hele: "it is

Murong Hefeng said:

Others:.... "

It's not What is carelessness? You're obviously on purpose, OK! Can you not be so hypocritical!

make complaints about brother Murong's heart and heart, and repeatedly say, "Xiao Li, where you say," my elder brother started to kill you. You didn't kill him. It's already outside the law. I thank you for your brother. How can you blame him if you haven't had time to thank your elder brother? "Murong said.

Why did Murong hele stop talking just now? He didn't want Li Feng to spare Murong and Fengye.

let Murong and the wind go to San, and the Murong family has the final say of their three. Even if Li Feng married Murong Xue, Murong and he could not really suppress Murong and the wind.

This is unacceptable to Murong hele, who has been forced by Murong and wind all the time!

However, Murong hele can't bear to watch Murong Hefeng be killed. It's just right to abandon Murong hele's Dantian.

Murong and Feng only felt that a mouthful of old blood blocked his throat!

God wants to be merciful beyond Dharma? Thank him for me! I wish I could tear Li Feng into pieces now!

It's just that the situation is stronger than people. Even if Murong and Feng are angry, they can only hold back. They have to laugh with each other!

Li Feng hehe smile: "thank you for your understanding."

Murong hele waved his hand with great relief, then looked at Murong Hefeng and said, "elder brother, you did make a mistake today. I hope after this, elder brother, you can learn a lesson and make a fresh start."

Murong Hefeng said:

Is shentemo reformed? A new man, a dog egg! Old three, old three, don't go too far!

Seeing that Murong and Feng did not speak, Murong and Le laughed in their hearts, but said, "brother, I want to receive Xiao Li, so I won't entertain you. You go back first. I'll call my second brother later, and we'll discuss the matter of reselection of the owner."

"What? I don't agree! " Murong and Feng finally couldn't hold on and started shouting.

The third one wants to choose the owner again? Why didn't he say he wanted to be the owner himself?

Old three, old three, you special wolf ambition finally exposed!

Murong Yubo and Murong Qing, father and son, were also angry. They abandoned their elixir fields. They also wanted to drive their father (grandfather) from the position of the master of the family. They were too bullied!

Without waiting for Murong and music to talk, Murong Yuzhi scoffed at him and said, "uncle, you are now a disabled person. Do you still have the qualification to refuse?"

Murong Hefeng's face changed dramatically. He looked at Murong Yuzhi with ferocity. It looked like he was going to eat Murong Yuzhi alive.

"Oh, Yuzhi, no nonsense." Murong hele falsely reprimanded: "the position of the master of the house should not only depend on the realm of martial arts, but also on the mind. However, your uncle's mind is really close to success."

When talking about the first half of the sentence, Murong and Feng are very happy in their hearts. They think that the third one has a little conscience. When it comes to the back, Murong and Feng want to scold their mother!Who special brain almost matter, this word changes to do Li Feng did not come when you especially dare to say?

Murong Yuzhi directly laughs and spurts out sound. On disgusting people, his father's strength is even higher than him.

Murong Xue couldn't help turning a white eye. His family ugliness was not publicized. His grandfather and father were not afraid of Li Feng's jokes?

"Not satisfied?" Murong hele sneered: "elder brother, I've always wanted to say this. In fact, when I was a child, I adored you very much. You have high martial arts talent, and you also protect me and my second brother."

"But when you grow up, you change. You become arrogant. You only see your children and grandchildren. You don't treat me and my second brother."

"Especially this time, it's clearly your grandson who made trouble outside, but asked my granddaughter to sacrifice her happiness for your grandson's safety. Brother, you're too deceiving!"

These words have been pressed in Murong hele's heart for a long time. Once they are said, they only feel that the whole person is refreshed.

On the contrary, Murong and Hefeng are ashamed, angry and subdued All sorts of emotions mixed together, let his face blue a burst of purple, like open dye room.

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick, can't help but ask: "Murong grandfather, you just said the disaster is Murong Qing?"

"Well." Murong hele nodded and said in a cold voice, "he robbed Qin Lang of Qin family and beat Qin Lang outside. He told Qin family to put down his words to destroy our Murong family."

Li Feng nodded thoughtfully. It seems that all the men of Murong family have trouble genes. Murongche did similar things in Mingzhu, and murongqing was not willing to fall behind

"In a word, I don't think elder brother is fit to be the head of Murong family any more. I'll tell my second brother that we'll have a family meeting tomorrow to re elect the head of the family."

With the support of Li Feng, Murong and Le have the confidence to speak, and they will directly make decisions in front of Murong and Feng.

Although Murong Hefeng didn't want to agree, the situation was stronger than others. If he didn't agree, he had to agree. At the moment, he nodded with an ugly face, then got up and left with Murong Yubo and his son.

As soon as they left, Murong hele said to Li Feng again, "Xiao Li, tomorrow our Murong family will choose the owner again. You are Xiaoxue's boyfriend. Come and join us."

Where Li Feng didn't understand the meaning of Murong and music, he nodded and agreed.

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