Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1241

Emily was so angry that she almost broke the glass on the spot!

Why not thirsty, you ya did not drink water, how can not thirsty? Miss Ben, you are a special person. I really tease me!

Laurence is not calm. I, NIMA, have been busy working for so long. Are you finished without thirsty? What a fuss!

Scarlett is also stunned. Can you tell me the reason? Do you really like them?

After a long time, Lawrence said with a gloomy face: "Mr. Li, are you deliberately playing us? Is that how you come to talk to me about cooperation? "

"No, no, no, Mr. Lawrence, don't get me wrong. I don't mean to play tricks on you, but I'm not thirsty now. Why don't you ask Miss Emily to put the cup aside and wait for me to drink? It's hot to carry all the time. " Li Feng said with a smile.


I wipe? Inexplicable still a bit moved is how to return a responsibility?

Thinking of this, Emily quickly put the cup on the tea table next to her, and then kept scratching her ears.

It's going to burn to death just now!

"What if I say you have to drink?" Lawrence's eyes were wide, and he said angrily.

Li Feng said: "Mr. Lawrence, is he serious? It's my freedom to drink water or not. Haven't you Americans always paid attention to promoting these two words? "

Lawrence's face was puffed, and his anger was rising. "Of course you have the freedom not to drink water, and I also have the freedom not to cooperate with you. If you don't drink water, I don't need to talk about cooperation with you. Emily, see off the guest."

With that, he turned the boss's chair with his back to Li Feng, showing off his guests.

"Then I just don't have a choice?" Li Feng sighed and looked depressed.

On hearing this, Lawrence's mouth raised a sneering smile, and then turned to say: "the right to choose is in your hands. I will not interfere in how you choose, but you have to bear the consequences of making the choice."

"Well, well, I get it." Li Feng spread his hands and said, "then I won't cooperate with you. Let's talk about Scarlett."

"What?" Lawrence didn't understand Li Feng.

"The script of" girl X "has been temporarily changed by the director, and a new drama has been added. What's your opinion on this Li Feng asked directly.

"How do you know?" Emily was surprised, then looked at Scarlett: "you told him? It's a leak. You broke the contract! "

Hearing this, Lawrence's face suddenly became gloomy: "Scarlett, I need a reasonable explanation."

After listening to Emily's story, he understood that Scarlett disclosed the plot of "girl X" to Li Feng, which obviously violated the confidentiality agreement she signed with the company. According to the agreement, Scarlett should compensate 10 million dollars!

"Yes, I did tell Mr. Li." Scarlett nodded and admitted.

"Do you know it's a breach of contract?" Lawrence raised his pitch and asked in a cold voice.

Scarlett said with a smile: "I know that I will pay the penalty for this. Please rest assured by President Lawrence. But also ask President Lawrence to tell me if I can refuse to play this part

Lawrence's face changed several times and said with a smile, "Scarlett, we've known each other for many years. It's OK for you to make a mistake once in a while. It won't hurt our friendship. So we'll forget about the penalty, but we'll never do it again. Do you know?"

Ten million dollars is nothing compared with the value of Scarlett. What's more, Scarlett really gives the money to the company, and it's impossible for him to swallow it alone.

"President Lawrence, the point is not the penalty, but the director's temporary modification of the plot that I can't accept." Scarlett frowned slightly and accentuated her airway.

"Scarlett, the director has the right to modify the script according to his own ideas. He also does this to make better works. As a professional actor, you should be able to understand." Lawrence sighed, and said in a persuasive way.

"But the contract doesn't say I need to shoot such a plot." Scarlett argued.

"But the contract says it's an R and a film, and the director's changes are within R and scope." Lawrence shrugged and said helplessly.

Scarlett was tongue tied.

Indeed, the contract states that "girl X" is an R and a movie, but there is no inevitable relationship between R and the movie and Chuang opera. If it is too bloody, it will be attributed to R and.

At that time, Scarlett asked the director that there were more bloody scenes in the film, so she was classified into R and the film. Scarlett didn't ask any more questions and didn't think it was a big hole

"You see, you admit it, don't you?" Lawrence grinned and continued to say, "Scarlett, you should know how beautiful you are. You are 30 years old, don't you want to record your best state?"

"When you're old, you can still leave a beautiful memory. Believe me, it's absolutely the right choice."Li Feng almost angry smile, God special beautiful memory? You have to make a movie if you want to record your best state? Can't I take a picture myself and save it? Have to be seen all over the world?

Special logic!

"No, I don't think it's the right choice." Scarlett let out a sullen breath and asked in a deep voice, "I just want to ask President Lawrence if you can communicate with the director and ask him to delete this episode."

Lawrence looked at her for a moment, then said with a smile, "what are you going to do if I don't?"

Only interests are in the eyes of businessmen. Even if Scarlett is the first sister of DSN, in Lawrence's eyes, she is just a tool for making money. Tools are controlled by people. How can tools control people in turn?

Scarlett's surplus value is not much. Only in this way can we squeeze out all her surplus value. Unless Lawrence doesn't want to make more money, he will not accept Scarlett's request.

It seems that she had already expected to get the answer. Scarlett's expression on her face did not show much change: "in this case, I can only terminate the contract with DSN."

As soon as the words came out, the atmosphere of the field became stagnant for a moment.

After a while, Emily screamed, "Scarlett, are you crazy? Do you know what you're talking about? "

Scarlett looked at her faintly: "break the contract with DSN, what's the problem?"

"It's a big problem!" Emily said almost madly: "you are the X girl loved by countless fans. This IP is shaped by your efforts for many years. If you break the contract with DSN, you will destroy your efforts over the years!"

"And Not only do you have to give back the pay for "girl X" to the company, but you also have to pay up to $200 million in liquidated damages for it! Can you get so much money? "

"Scarlett, don't be silly. Only by staying in DSN can you have a bright future!"

Lawrence nodded with satisfaction. Emily was indeed his confidant. Without him, Emily could persuade Scarlett from various aspects.

Next, Scarlett should step back?

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