Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1219

"Marcus, calm down, we all calm down."

Barron Ebert also knows that it's a bit of a delusion to take Tong Yan Shui alone. After all, the chief planner of today's game is Marcus Sapir, and Kevin Robert is Marcus Sapir's friend.

"Well, Barron, we've been friends for many years, and we won't fall out for a small profit."

Marcus sapirpi said with a smile.

Tongyanshui formula is not a small profit, but an inexhaustible gold mine!

Such interests are placed in front of us, not to mention old friends for many years. Even brothers will turn against each other!

It's just that he's still in charge, so now he can talk to Barron Ebert calmly.

"Yes, we are friends." Barron Abbott laughed and said, "frankly, if you didn't have me, you wouldn't know Li Feng was still osville's boss, right?"

Because of the relationship with entertainment cooperation in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, Barron Albert made a survey on Li Feng. Of course, the things he investigated were very simple, including the information that Li Feng was the boss of osville.

At first, he didn't think about the formula of Tongyan water, but when Marcus Sapir talked about wanting Li Feng's A380, he had a flash of inspiration and thought of the formula.

Marcus Sapir's face changed slightly, and then he sneered, "Baron, do you look down on me? Of course I know he's still oswelli's boss. "

Barron Abbott's mouth puffed, thinking that you know a fart, if you know, can you not mention the formula of Tongyan?

But instead of breaking up with Marcus Sapir, Barron Ebert nodded with a smile: "Okay, my fault, I shouldn't have said that."

"But Everything is always told first, then come first. Since I put forward the formula of Tongyan water first, then I want half of it, isn't it too much? "

"Half?" Marcus Sapir was stunned for a moment, his face was strange and said, "can half of the formula for children's face be used?"

It's not ordinary goods. If you give half of it, it's worth half. It's a formula. It's like a paper. If you divide half, you still have wool?

"No, no, no, Marcus, you don't understand what I mean. I mean We jointly hold tongyanshui formula, and then invest together to build the factory, and the income is half Barron Albert said with a smile.

Marcus Sapir, with a deep look on his face, said after a while, "seven three, I seven, you three."

It's not a small business. It's a very rich business. There's a big difference between a score of 55 and a score of 73.

Barron Abbott's face changed slightly: "Marcus, we've been friends for many years. You're going to hurt our feelings by saying that."

"Baron, my brother knows what to do. I'll do more for this, and I should get more profit." Marcus Sapir said with a smile.

"Mr. Marcus, do you forget that I am the only one who can contribute more. Without me, you will not threaten Li Feng at all, so I think it is necessary for me to participate."

Kevin Robert smiles, the old God says.

Marcus Sapir:

Barron Ebert: "it's

Fake, how to forget Kevin? Kevin is the main force to deal with Li Feng, Ma Dan!

"Mr. Kevin, I've already paid you..." Marcus Sapir mused a little, somewhat embarrassed.

In order to ask Kevin Robert to do it, he promised a high price of 100 million dollars. Before he came here, he had paid Kevin Robert 50 million dollars in advance.

Kevin Robert shakes his head and smiles: "the little reward you give me is nothing to do with what you're about to get. You won't get anything without me, will you?"

"I'm not greedy either. You two have invested in building the factory together. I'll provide security services. In terms of revenue, I only need to achieve 4 achievements."

"As for the $1.1 billion you want back and the A380 private jet I can get nothing. "

With that, Marcus Sapir and Barron Albert's faces changed dramatically!

4. Is the achievement OK? Is the word "jiu" also used by tenima? Do you know how much benefit this represents? There are still 4 achievements.

Greed is not enough to swallow the elephant!

"Too greedy, too greedy, I have never seen such a brazen person, you must not agree with him!"

Just then, a voice sounded in the ears of the people.

Marcus and Barron subconsciously nodded to agree, and then they realized that the speaker was Li Feng. He immediately turned his head to look at Li Feng.

Li Feng spit out a cigarette ring and said heartily, "do you know the value of tongyanshui formula? Every time you sell a Tong Yan Shui, you have a profit of nearly 30 million dollars. "

"How many women in the world want to buy Tongyan water? Can afford to say at least 100000 people? $30 million for one person, and $3 trillion for 100000 people! ""So you know what 40% is? If I don't know, I'll help you calculate it. It's $1.2 trillion! Enough to buy the most valuable listed company in the world

The threshold for Forbes' world rich list is $1 billion, compared with 2200 last year.

If you lower the threshold to $100 million, is that a 10 fold increase? If the threshold is lowered to $50 million, the number will continue to expand several times.

Therefore, Li Feng said that there is no problem for at least 100000 people who can afford tongyanshui.

Perhaps the number of rich women is less, but do men have no wives or girlfriends? The other half asked him if he wanted Tongyan water. Could he not buy it?

What? Not willing to buy? It's not true love if you don't buy it!

Is this theory not convincing? It doesn't matter, businesses can design a set of advertising copy for this theory, no brain promotion.

Just like "a diamond will last forever, a diamond will last forever". It will add a symbolic meaning of love to tongyanshui.

At that time, ordinary people buy diamond rings for their girlfriends to run Yan Shui and Hong Yan Shui, and the rich buy diamond rings and Tong Yan Shui for their girlfriends. If they don't buy them, they don't love them!

Hearing Li Feng's description of Tong Yan Shui's future, all the people present became short of breath.

There are few people who can resist the temptation of money, and none of them are present.

"50%, I want 50%" Kevin Robert's eyes were red and he suddenly yelled.

"Mr. Kevin, you're going too far!" Marcus Sapir is angry. Four achievements are too much. Do you want 50% more?

"Mr. Kevin, don't forget my identity with Marcus!" Barron Abbott was a little angry.

It's true that Kevin Albert is a strong martial arts man, but his identity with Marcus is not built. I really want to urge them. They can find someone stronger than Kevin Robert to come here!

"Hey, you fight with him quickly. It's just a strong player of S + level. It's not invincible. Unite to defeat him!"

Li Feng took out a piece of watermelon and said while eating. The melon seeds vomited all over the ground.

Marcus three people:

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