Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1207

Li Feng:

It's not You've been playing for five minutes, and then you've got a goal. What's so exciting about?

Face it!

"Hum! It's just a goal. The game is just beginning

On the players' chair, mark Jonathan snorted.

Li Feng's mouth a smoke, SHENTE Mo competition just started, the same world, the same line is how to drop?

"Is it?" "But I think the game is over, and the next is the moment to witness the miracle!" said Jim Albert with a sneering smile

"Hehe, let's break 30 first." Mark Jonathan seems to have "confidence" in Jim Abbott's level, the old God said.

Jim Abbott's eyebrows Rose: "who do you look down on? Believe it or not

"I'll eat the club if you can break a hundred on one." Mark Jonathan sneered.

Li Feng rolled his eyes, playing billiards, playing the atmosphere of the basketball game, but also spray garbage words, these two goods are really enough!

But he was curious about how to end the game. Was Jim Abbott going to clear the stage with one stroke?

The red ball on the table has been completely scattered. If O'Sullivan is here, one stroke clean-up is OK, but it is very difficult for amateurs.

At this time, Scarlett whispered: "the club did nothing wrong..."

Li Feng:

Scarlett, why did you steal my lines?

"OK, I'll wait for you to eat the club!" With a sneer, Jim Ebert leaned over, took a look, and pushed the club.


the white ball hits the blue ball on the middle line, and the blue ball falls into the left middle pocket!


The referee takes the basketball out, wipes it and puts it back in place.

There are 15 red balls and 6 colorful balls (yellow, green, coffee, blue, pink and black) in the snooker match, a total of 22 balls.

15 red balls, 1 yellow ball, 2 yellow balls, 1 green ball, 3 coffee balls, 4 coffee balls, 5 blue balls, 6 pink balls and 7 black balls.

The order of hitting is to hit a red ball, and then hit any colored ball. Before the red ball is finished, take it out and put it back to its original position.

Until all the red balls fall into the bag, and then yellow, green, coffee, blue, pink, black order will be one by one into the ball.

In the end, the one with the highest score wins.

Jim Albert scored a red and a blue, and the score came to six.

Jim's down, down the corner, another red shot.


falling bag!

+1 point!

Jim Albert ran to the other side of the table without stopping, bent down to aim at the ball and put it.


the powder ball falls into the right middle bag!


Next, Jim Albert connected two red balls, a coffee ball and a pink ball.

Jim scored 25 for a good meal!

Jonathon's batting is not good enough for three months.

You know, three months ago, mark Jonathan was here, beating Jim Abbott by a big score.

Did Jim Abbott train in these three months?

Just as mark Jonathan was wondering, Jim Ebert continued to maintain his hot touch, scoring six red and six colored balls in a row, scoring 41 points!

At present, the total score is 66!

There are only five red balls left on the table. If Mark Jonathon wants to win the game, he must clear the table with one stroke, and every time he scores a red ball, he must score a black ball with a score of 7!

You can imagine the difficulty!

What's more The right to attack is still in Jim Abbott's hands, and if he scores another red goal, the game will be over early.

"Well With so much to play, which one should I play first? "

Jim Albert touched his chin and looked at the red ball on the table and said with a smile.

The position of the white ball is very good, at least three red balls are good to play, with his technique, he has more than 90% confidence to score it.

In the lounge chair, mark Jonathan's face was as heavy as water, and his entourage was silent, looking like a frosted eggplant.

Scarlett's face was also a little ugly. If Jim Albert won and threatened to dance with her, how would she refuse?

In contrast, Jim Abbott's entourage was as excited as Christmas, and all sorts of strange sounds and tunes came out.

"Well, I'm soft hearted. I'd better give you a chance to turn the tables."Then Jim Abbott shook his head, bent over and aimed for a moment, putting the putt.


after hitting the red ball at the center line, the white ball hit the left side of the table, while the white ball rebounded and rolled to the bottom table, and finally stopped behind the black ball, almost sticking to the black ball.

There is no red ball behind the white ball. If you want to hit the red ball in front of you, you must bypass the black ball, but it is almost stuck with the black ball!

Perfect snooker!

"Well done, Jim!"

"Oh, my God! Jim, you are so good

"Jim, the little emperor of table altar! You shocked me again

Jim Abbott's entourage jumped excitedly, clapped at each other, and howled.

Jim Abbott himself also smelled the tip of his nose and ticked mark Jonathan's finger, provocatively.

Mark Jonathon sat in his chair, deep in water, silent.

Shit, how do you play this ball? Can't fight!

With his level, up is the end of the foul, in addition to giving the other side points, there is no second possibility!

Jim Abbott, who could have won with one goal, hit snooker on purpose!

"Why, why don't you come up here? Don't you want to admit defeat?"

Jim Albert said, with a sharp eyebrow.

"Hum!" Mark Jonathan snorted coldly, without saying a word.

"If you want to admit defeat, just say it. Don't waste time. I still want to go dancing with Scarlett." Said Jim Abbott triumphantly.

Mark Jonathan's face sank, his fists clenched, and he remained silent.

It's impossible to admit defeat, or where will his face go? You can only pretend to be dumb and maintain your self-esteem.

"Don't admit defeat? It doesn't matter. If you don't come to the stage, you will automatically admit defeat. " Jim Albert shrugged, put down the club, went to Scarlett, put out his hand and said, "Miss Scarlett, dance with me."

Scarlett bit her lip and didn't say a word. She didn't get involved. They didn't ask her what she meant. Why did she dance with Jim Abbott?

If you just refuse She didn't know how to speak.

"Miss Scarlett, don't you want to give me face? I'm going to get angry Jim Albert, with a heavy face, said menacingly.

Scarlett's face changed again. Jim Albert was very energetic in LSJ and was arrogant. She didn't play cards according to common sense. She was really afraid that Jim Albert would do something terrible after losing his mind.

At this time, Li Feng said, "well, I'll take over mark and fight with you, OK?"

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