Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1046

"This is a long story..." Philip gullet sighed.

Li Feng's mouth a smoke: "then you long story short."

"Yes, master." Philip Gullit hastily sped up his speech and said, "werewolves and blood race are natural enemies. At first, the two races fought continuously, which made a deep blood feud."

"However, with the rise of the light Council, there is a common enemy between the blood clan and the werewolf. Later, the black witch clan proposed that the three clans should unite to create the dark Council."

"In response to the threat of Extermination from the light Council, the blood clan and the werewolf followed the advice of the black witch clan, put aside their hatred temporarily and joined the dark Council together."

Hearing this, Li Feng said strangely: "I thought that the hatred between werewolves and blood clan was all made up by screenwriters, but I didn't expect it was true."

Werewolves often appear in movies about blood clan in Europe and the United States. The camp settings are opposite. In the past, of course, Li Feng thought it was made up by a screenwriter. After all, the blood clan and werewolf were all made up in a blind way. As a result

Philip Gullit laughed and then said, "at the beginning, the strength of the dark Council formed by the three ethnic groups surpassed that of the light Council, and the light Council was almost unable to raise its head."

"However, strong fortresses are often broken from the inside, because they have the upper hand in the confrontation with the light Council. The hatred between the blood clan and the werewolf outweighs the hatred for the light Council, and then the two races began to fight again."

Li Feng Mei pointed out: "then the wolf clan was driven out of the dark Council by the blood clan?"

"Yes." Philip Gullit sighed and said with a complex complexion: "the whole strength of the blood clan is extremely strong. Among the 13 elders of the dark Council, there are six from the blood clan and four from the werewolf."

"This is only the peak level of combat power, and the blood clan also has a lot of advantages over werewolves in the middle level."

"Not only that, the blood clan also secretly colludes with the black witch clan, so that they have an advantage over the wolf clan."

"It was a war that shocked the world. In the end, almost all the half gods of werewolves fell, leaving only the former wolf king alone."

"In the end, the former wolf king fought hard to stop the pursuit of a group of strong men, and let stonenard Longfellow lead the remnant to escape."

Although Philip Gullit only said a word, Li Feng can imagine how tragic the war was.

However, Li Feng also guessed another thing: "let me guess, at the beginning, the wolf clan escaped, just met you, and then you helped them hide their tracks. In order to repay you, stonenard made his descendants become the housekeepers of the Gullit family?"

Philip Gullit was stunned at first, and then gave Li Feng a thumbs up: "the master is so smart that he can guess it at once!"

Li Feng nodded. Before, he wondered why the werewolf was a member of the dark Council. Why did he become a housekeeper in the Gullit family? Moreover, the relationship between the Gullit family and the light Council was very good

"A strong fortress can be broken from the inside."

Li Feng sighed and then asked, "do you know where stonenard lives now?"

"He doesn't have a permanent residence. If you want to see him, I can call and ask where he is." Said Philip Gullett.

Li Feng's eyes twinkled: "are there three grottoes of cunning rabbit?"

"Yes, stonenard is extremely cautious. Generally no one knows where he is." Philip Gullit explained patiently.

Li Feng frowned slightly, and then said with a smile: "after all, people who have experienced drastic changes Well, you can ask for me

Philip nodded, took out his cell phone, made a call, opened the release and said, "Hello, Mr. stonenard, where are you? My host wants to see you."

"What are you talking about?" Stonenard's voice was obviously shocked.

As the founder of the Gullit family, Philip Gullit has always had a detached position in the western world. Even the bright council would sell him some face.

Such a big man has a master

Wait a minute. Isn't Philip a particular hobby?

"Stonenard, don't get excited. I mean it." Philip smiles and goes on, "my master wants to see you. I don't know if you have time."

There was a silence at the other end of the line, and after a while stonenard said, "Philip, may I ask if your host is a man or a woman?"

Just when Philip was about to answer him, Li Feng suddenly took his mobile phone: "Hello, I'm Li Feng, the owner of Philip. I want to meet and talk with you about how to wipe out the dark Council."

There was another silence on the other end of the line, and after a while stonenard laughed, "I don't know how you became master of Philip, but do you know what you just said?"

It's a dark Council that even the light Council can't do. It's so powerful! Unless Li Feng is a strong man in the divine realm, how can he say such words as destroying the dark Council?

It's a pity that the strong gods only exist in legends, so Li Feng's words will only make people laugh."Yes, because the Council of light has been destroyed by me." Li Feng said with a smile.


It's not Has the Council of light been destroyed by him? Who are you teasing here? The Council of light is

"Otherwise, why do you think Philip thinks I am the Lord?" Li Feng continued.

Stonenard, take a breath!

Yes, Philip is such a big guy. Without special reasons, he certainly won't recognize others as the main one. Hasn't Li Feng lied?

"If you want the dark Council to be destroyed, tell me where you are now and I have something important to talk to you about."

"If you're afraid to see me, of course."

Li Feng said with a smile, and the last sentence was obviously ironic.

Stonenard's pupils shrank, and after a long time, he said in a deep voice, "my greatest wish in my life is to destroy the dark Council. Since you are Philip's master and you say so much, come on."

Now he said the address again.

At the end of the call, Philip Gullit said, "stonenard is a demigod, the peak of the strong, the master in the past, if you want to take more people?"

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick: "you do not believe my strength?"

"I dare not!" Philip gullet bowed his head.

"Lead the way." Li Feng shook his head and laughed, followed Philip out of the hotel, and drove away to the distance in a lasalles phantom.

By coincidence, stonenard came to LD two days ago. Otherwise, Li Feng would fly to other cities.

An hour later, they arrived in front of a small wooden house in the suburbs.

"Is the address correct?" Looking at the small wooden house in front of him, Li Feng could not help but feel strange.

A demigod top level strong person, unexpectedly lives in this kind of place, said that nobody believed, OK?

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