Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1036


The fans in the stands let out a cry of surprise!

Some female fans even cover their eyes subconsciously to avoid seeing a bloody scene.

Guines players stand in the same place and look funny, some even show a cruel grin on their faces.

The players of the rosefinch team are all ready to crack, and now they have to fight with Carl and Maxi.

But at this time, Carl and Marcy, who are shining their shoes, suddenly feel a strong reaction force coming. The next moment

"Click" "click"

There's a bone shattering sound!

Then came a burst of pain, two people holding the right ankle on the ground to roll!

Li Feng, on the other hand, stands in the same place as if nothing happened, and his eyes follow the ball more and more far, until he flies into the gines' goal.



No one cheered, no one cared whether the goal had been scored or not, and everyone's eyes were focused on Karl and Marcy.

It's not You two are doing something there, shoveling someone else, holding your feet and yelling and rolling back and forth. Is the movie emperor attached?

It's like a punch in someone's face, but the one who is beaten doesn't do much, but the one who hits him covers his hands and cries.

Press the key!

"Li Feng, are you ok?"

Rosefinch players disgusted to see the "acting" of Carl, Maxi, and then ran to Li Feng body care asked.

On the surface, Li Feng is like nothing, not only without pain, but also relaxed.

Is this really someone who was shoveled to the ankle by two strong defenders?

"I'm fine." While speaking, Li Feng stamped his left foot.

The players of the rosefinch team were in a daze.

Sleeping trough, he's really OK. Are you kidding? The two strokes of Carl and Maxi's flying shovels are not generally heavy, and their ankles are relatively fragile parts. According to common theory, Li Feng can't be without injury, unless his ankle is made of iron!

"Don't worry. I'm tough, just a spatula. I can't hurt me." Li Feng shrugged his shoulders in a somewhat sarcastic tone.

"Er..." The players of the rosefinch team looked at each other and didn't know what to say.

In contrast, Guines players, they are still waiting to see the good play, slowly found that Li Feng seems to be OK, when Li Feng raised his left foot and stamped hard, they were stupid!

"Fake, did I just lose sight?"

"Shepard, is he lifting his right foot?"

"Damn it, he's really OK. It's so unscientific!"

The depressed gines players came to Carl and Maxi and kicked them: "Hey, don't roll, Li Feng is OK."

"What's the matter with you two? Didn't you get on the ball just now?"

"Shit, you two let me down. I didn't take such a good opportunity."

Just then, the referee came from a distance, and when he arrived, the Guines players shut their mouths.

It's OK to talk about it openly in front of the referee.

"You two are acting alone." The chief judge said impatiently and took out two yellow cards from his coat pocket.

Just to his surprise, Carl and Marcy were still rolling on the ground, and their voices were becoming more and more shrill.

"Carl, Marcy, are you all right?"

No. 10, aware of something wrong, quickly squatted down to pull down their socks. Then they saw that their ankles were already swollen and stretched, red and black!

How much does it hurt?

Only Karl and Marcy knew that the injury would ruin their career

"Lying trough!"


"What the hell is going on?"

Even the referee's pupils shrank and said, "Shepard!"

He thought they were acting, but he didn't think they were really hurt, and they were very injured.

Look at Li Feng again Is this the one who was shoveled to the ankle?

For a moment, the referee has to doubt whether he is blind, so the two yellow cards he took or not?

On the bench, the people of the rosefinch team were also confused.

So Alice didn't lie? But it's not scientific!

In the stands, the fans were also aware of something wrong, a strange atmosphere diffused in the crowd.

"Referee, what they did just now is very dangerous. Fortunately, my physique is different from that of ordinary people. Otherwise, I will end up like Chen Yu."

"In addition, I suspect that they are malicious fouls, just like the abolition of Chen Yu, so please send them off directly."

At this time, Li Feng went to the judge and said in a cold voice.The referee was silent for a while, and then showed a yellow card to Carl and Maxi. After two yellows turned into one red, they were sent off.

The players of the Guines people are willing to argue, but the fact is in front of them. They can't find any reason to argue, so they can only accept the fact.

Only two players are sent off at one time. Can the game still be played? Under the condition of full capacity, the rosefinch team poured a 4:0, OK!

At this time, Li Feng proposed: "since it is a friendly match, I think the Guines can play two more players."

Don't mention the referee, even the players of the Guines did not expect Lee summit to be so kind.

Finally, after some discussion, the referee agreed with Li Feng's proposal, and Guines was on two substitutes.

After that, the competition continued, and then Li Feng's performance moment

Li Feng, who shot in the middle of the field and shot from the middle of the field, got tired of playing a few times. He began to spike with the ball, from the first three through three to the later one through eight, and then to pass the goalkeeper and take the ball directly to the goal.

He kept rubbing the Guines on the ground.

At the end of the first half, the score was 11-0

Guines players are all pale, let alone fighting spirit, they just want to go home to find their mother!

The players of the rosefinch team are also numb, they hardly participate in the attack, all see Li Feng perform alone.

However, the atmosphere of the fans in the stands became more and more warm. In the end, whenever Li Feng took the ball, there was a burst of screaming and shouting, and the fans of the Guines turned against each other and became Li Feng's hard core fans.

At the end of the first half, Li Feng was worshipped and cheered by all the fans. Even the coaches and players on the reserve bench of the rosefinch team all worshipped Li Feng.

One player even took out his mobile phone and made a video call to his daughter-in-law, shouting excitedly, "wife, come out to see God!"

The next time, the coach will not arrange any tactics, just a theme: "Li Feng, can you come to the rosefinch team to play football, I can apply to the boss for a satisfactory annual salary!"

Li Feng of course will not join the rosefinch team, even if invited by the world's top giants, he will not go.


"Let me join the team, but I can become the boss of the rosefinch team. You can ask your boss if he is interested in me taking a stake."

Li Feng said with a smile.

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