Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1011

As the dust cleared away, a panoramic view of the basement was revealed.

Boxes and boxes of debris piled up on the basement floor, leaving only a narrow space for Alice Coffey and Pearson.

At the moment, the two people have closed their eyes and fainted on the ground, but their breathing is relatively stable, no life-threatening.

The funny thing is, because Li Feng opened the entrance with one punch, and countless stone chips fell down, which made them look very dishonored.

Still, it's hard to hide Alice Coffey's beauty, especially when she's lying on the ground, her white dress clinging to her, creating a beautiful picture.

"Wait I'm thinking about something

Li Feng patted his face, took a deep breath and went over and kicked them with the tip of his foot.


Alice Coffey let out a exclamation and opened her eyes. The next moment, she was stung by the glare.

When she blocked her hand in front of her eyes, a doubt came to her mind: "isn't the basement dark? How can there be light? Am I dead? This is heaven?"

"No, I did something bad. I should go to hell after I die..."

It was only for a moment that these confused thoughts came to her mind, and then she heard Pearson yell, "Li Feng?"

"Li Feng?" Alice Coffey's face changed slightly, moved her hand and saw a figure in the glare of the light.

Wait until she adapted to see clearly, this figure is Li Feng!

"You saved us?" Although Alice Coffey said interrogative sentences, she was almost 100% sure that she was saved by Li Feng.

There is no one else outside. It can't be the basement door that suddenly breaks itself?

But before Li Feng is not also said that he never repay good for evil, how suddenly repent?

Li Feng mouth a hook, play flavor: "in addition to me, there will be others?"

"Thank you for saving us," Alice Coffey said after a long time! Thank you very much

It was a terrible experience to suffocate, and it really made her grateful to be able to rescue her from that situation.

What moved her more was that Li Feng really rewarded good for evil! This makes her feel a little shame and guilt at the same time.

"What about you, should you say something?" Li Feng looked at Pearson, and his tone was more sarcastic.

Alice Coffey is still good. She knows how to thank herself, but Pearson, the old boy, has always kept a straight face and doesn't want to express any thanks. This makes Li Feng very unhappy.

"Didn't you say you wouldn't save us?" Pearson said without expression.

Li Feng:

It's not Is he questioning me? This old boy is bold enough!

After a long time, Li Feng vomited out a turbid airway: "well, I did say that, so what do you want to express?"

"You clearly have the ability to save us, but you watch us suffocate and faint. Shouldn't you apologize to us first?" Pearson accentuated his tone and spoke a little fiercely.

Alice Coffey's face changed slightly, and she quickly interrupted, "Pearson, it's normal for us to get angry with Dr. Li. In any case, we were saved by Dr. Li, and it's reasonable to say thank you to Dr. Li."

Alice's words make Li Feng feel a little more comfortable. Compared with this old boy, Alice's three views are obviously more normal.

"Miss, you have made a mistake. If it were not for him, we would not have been trapped here." Pearson said with abnormal head iron.

Alice Coffey's face was stunned, and for a long time she did not say a word.

Li Feng eyebrows sharp pick, he suddenly found that Pearson's eyes have a bit of hatred, he killed Pearson's parents, or dug Pearson's ancestral grave? It's not because he won the battle, is it?

Thinking of this, Li Feng used mind reading skills to Pearson: "Mr. Pearson, have you known the people of the bright Council for a long time?"

Pearson's face stagnated, and then denied: "No

"Oh." Li Feng nodded and asked, "so you betrayed Miss Alice's parents?"

Pearson's face changed dramatically: "no way! You're bullshit! I didn't! "

"Oh." Li Feng nodded, relieved: "I finally understand why you are so hostile to me."

"Why?" Alice Coffey asked, puzzled.

"Because he is a faithful believer in the Council of light." Li Feng pointed to Pearson and said.

"Nonsense! I am not! You're bloody! " Pearson was in a hurry. If he didn't know he was not Li Feng's opponent, he would go up and fight Li Feng in a boxing match!

Alice Coffey was confused. "Dr. Li, how do you know that Pearson is a faithful believer in the Council of light? He denied it from the beginning to the end, and you have never seen Pearson before today?"Pearson has been the housekeeper of the Coffey family for decades, and has a good relationship with her. She treats Pearson as a relative!

So at this moment, she naturally tends to believe in Pearson, rather than just recognize Li Feng, even if Li Feng just saved her!

"Because I can see through the heart." Li Feng shrugged his shoulders, playing with the smell: "in addition, I don't seem to need to explain too much to you, because you are my enemies, aren't you?"

Alice Coffey's pupils shrank, and then she said with a wry smile, "I'm sorry, I know I've done too much, but I've got a problem Well, no matter what I have done, I have dragged you into danger, so I really can't get your forgiveness for my behavior. I just hope you can give me a chance to make up for my fault. "

"So you don't believe me, do you?" Li Feng looked at Pearson, and there was a flash of cold light in his eyes.

At that moment, Pearson had the illusion that he was being watched by prehistoric monsters, and his hair stood on end!

"I..." Alice Coffey had the heart to retort, but she was afraid to make Li Feng angry and kill herself and Pearson, so she was stunned at the scene.

"I knew that." Li Feng sneered and then said to Pearson, "you'd better tell Miss Alice yourself."

Alice Coffey looked at Pearson with a puzzled look on her face. Then she saw a dull look on Pearson's face. Then she heard him say, "I'm sorry miss, I cheated you and your master and wife. In fact, I've always been the most devout believer in the Council of light."

"What?" Alice Coffey couldn't believe her ears.

It's just that Pearson shocked her not only in this way, but also in the back: "I suggested to Russell that you transfer Li Feng here, so it's my responsibility to poison the master and his wife."

Alice Coffey is struck by lightning!

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