Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1007

Aaron Russell's face changed slightly, and he raised his sword again and cut his big foot on top of his head.


there was a huge gap on the soleplate of Xushen's right foot!

But different from the previous two times, the empty God's right foot did not completely dissipate, and the rest of the body was still pounding down!

Chunas and Bruno changed their faces slightly, so they helped!

Under the joint efforts of the two, the remaining empty God's right foot suddenly collapsed!

"The same moves, but more and more powerful, the Chinese people are really strange!"

Said Aaron Russell, with a heavy face.

"If the power of the first time is 1, then the second is 2, and the third is 3."

Bruno raised his eyebrows: "will it be 4 next time?"

Chunas was about to say something when he suddenly changed his face and said, "here we are, let's go!"

He's going to get out of here.

Aaron Russell and Bruno are not slow to react, and they are about to leave now.

Since it is speculated that Li Feng's attack is becoming stronger and stronger, they will not be foolishly left in the same place to resist, so that Li Feng's efforts have been wasted again and again, and his true spirit has been exhausted, and victory will be easily obtained.

However, although they were quick to respond, they found that their actions had a trace of delay when it came to the point!

The locking ability of Xu Shen's right foot appears at this moment!

At the same time, this side of the world is once again covered by thick darkness!

"Damn it, I can't hide it. I'll deal with this big foot. Pay attention to the sword spirit!"

As he spoke, Alan Russell chopped his sword over his head.

This time, he didn't ask big, directly used his strongest move - Holy Punishment!


the sword of the great Knight trembled violently, and a beam of dazzling holy light spurted out from the tip of the sword.

This beam of light is so dazzling, so bright that it actually dispels a lot of heavy darkness around Aaron Russell.

White holy light reflected on his face, let him look a few distracted, solemn and solemn!

The next moment, the white light and the right foot of empty God collided.

Just as the two collided, a black sword spirit was born from nothingness, and in a flash came to Aaron Russell!

Because Aaron Russell's energy was on the right foot of the empty God overhead, there was no time to dodge and make defensive actions.

Fortunately, chunus and Bruno are fully prepared. At the moment of the appearance of black sword spirit, Bruno cuts out a sword Qi and chunas shoots out!

"Boom" "boom"

two loud noises!

The virtual God's right foot on the top of their heads was cut by Allen Russell with a sword!

The black sword spirit is also blocked by the joint efforts of chunus and Bruno!

Go straight up to the castle and cut off the stones!

Before Alice Coffey and Pearson got to the back door, their retreat was blocked by rolling boulders!

"Ah! We can't get out! " Alice Coffey was pale and sad.

Pearson was also startled and said, "Miss, we should be glad we haven't run out, otherwise we may have been..."

He didn't say the second half of the sentence, and Alice Coffey knew what he was going to say. It was nothing more than a horrible, bloody phrase like a meat pie.

It's just

"If the whole castle collapsed, wouldn't we still be..." Said Alice Coffey, pale.

"The ancient fort of Kofi is extremely strong and can withstand at least level 7..." Pearson didn't go on.

It's all collapsed. What's the meaning of saying that it's extremely strong to withstand a magnitude 7 earthquake? Run!

At the thought of this, Pearson took Alice Coffey and ran to the basement. Fortunately, they were not far away from the entrance of the basement. At the critical moment, they also broke out far faster than usual, and soon they rushed into the basement.

Just as Pearson closed the basement door

"Boom" "boom"

The ground is shaking and the castle is completely collapsed!

Both of them felt a sense of survival as well as fear.

Just then, Alice suddenly thought of a very critical question: "Pearson, is there any other exit from this basement?"

Pearson frowned a little, then said bitterly, "this is the only one."

While he was talking, he pushed the basement door and found that he was still!

Alice Coffey was in a moment of despair. "It's over. We're going to die here."

"Shit, I'm so desperate, but I can't do much harm to these three old boys? There's no reason for that! "At the moment, Li Feng saw that his attacks were resisted by Allen Russell, and his heart was somewhat anxious.

The invincible aura has failed, and the hourglass is almost up to time. If it continues to drag on, and it is time to run wild and furious, he will not be able to fight with the three Allen.

"Shit, it's not the time to be discouraged. I'll fight with them!"

Li Feng bit his teeth and once again controlled the empty spirit behind his back and stepped down with his right foot.

Step five, step seven, damage five times!

"Damn it, it's better than last time! Chunus, help me

Allan Russell sensed the great crisis from this foot and quickly asked for help.

Chunas also knew that this was not the time to hesitate. When the spear was lifted, a brilliant light broke out on the gun tip!

The Holy Punishment of gunshot!

Aaron Russell gritted his teeth and cut a Holy Punishment again!

Two Yao's eyes go straight to the sky!

Although Bruno didn't make a move, his whole attention was focused on Li Feng, in case Li Feng had another move to kill at night.

"Be on guard against my virtual night beheading?" Li Feng raised a sarcastic smile at the corner of his mouth. When he turned his right hand, he stabbed Bruno with his sword!

A little star awn condenses on the tip of Shenwu sword. The next moment, this star awn comes to Bruno!

The sixth move of sky cutting sword - Xingyao!

This move is similar to the second type of the sky chopping sword. The difference is that the light emitted by the star is extremely dazzling. Even the semi God level strong people will be in a trance for a moment.

What's more, star Yao can hit five times the damage!

Bruno only felt the light in front of his eyes, and almost blinded him. At the same time, a great sense of crisis rose in his heart.

In a panic, Bruno quickly waved the knight's sword to meet this star awn!


with a loud noise, Bruno stepped back three steps, and then swayed and vomited a mouthful of blood!

Because he is standing in the void, when he regresses, you can see that the void is rippling!

At the same time, Aaron Russell and chunas successfully resisted the fifth step. The explosion of the shock wave shocked both of them, and they almost vomited blood under their Qi and blood!

Li Feng even hurt Allen Russell with his own strength!

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