God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 2124

The map of mountains and rivers has the power to suppress thousands of universes.

The mountain and river country map unfolded, enveloping Qin Shihu and others. Theoretically, with the treasure of the mountain and river country map, Qingtian sword sect is equal to being invincible.

However, with Hugh leading many demons and great gods to come, Qin Shihu\'s expression became particularly dignified.

There are still too many people on the other side.

Although the map of mountains and rivers is strong, it is a huge consumption for those who drive it.

The demons didn\'t pay much attention to Qin Shihu and others, but the picture of mountains and rivers in the void made them have a shadow in their hearts.

The war demon God rode on the black horse with a faint ferocious smile on his mouth. He took the reins with his right hand and said to Hugh, "Sir, I hope you can help contain the mountain and river country map. As long as you contain the mountain and river country map, the rest will be handed over to us."

They have more people than the Optimus sword sect and naturally have more confidence. Moreover, without the map of mountains and rivers, they don\'t think they have any power to threaten themselves.

Hugh said faintly, "that\'s right."

Hugh spread out his hands. There was a pale light on his hands. After the light, a spear with a pale light appeared in Hugh\'s hands.

Extremely evil power radiates on the spear.

Gently stroking the spear in his hand, Hugh said faintly, "this is the spear of evil gods."

Evil spear? Isn\'t this the basic spell of the evil clan? Everyone knows his magic.

So evil to the extreme power, many demons don\'t buy it, and their eyebrows are slightly wrinkled.

The most angry fire demon immediately shouted, "Hugh, are you kidding? Use the magic of rotten street to fight the map of mountains and rivers?"

The others, like the fire demon, also had doubts.

Although the evil power on the spear was the only one they had seen in their life, the word "spear of evil god" directly broke the spear into the world.

Hugh didn\'t care about other people\'s opinions, but smiled faintly. Finally, there was a trace of emotion in his words and said, "this is the real evil god\'s spear. The spells you see are just the projection of the evil god\'s spear."


The eyes of the people widened in an instant.

Hugh smiled: "Yes, all the spells used by the evil clan are just the projection of our God\'s magic weapons. In addition to the spear of the evil god, there are also the hammer of the evil god, the shield of the evil god, the chain of the evil god, the axe of the evil god and the strongest sword of the evil god, which are all our God\'s weapons. These spells of the evil clan are just the projection of the call. These magic weapons themselves are the existence born with our God and the power of everything , they are no worse than the innate Lingbao in your fairy world. "

Six congenital treasures? People are shocked.

But then, he was a little silent. The last time an evil god came, the three world experts died and injured. He alone had six treasures of the congenital Lingbao level, which seemed not so strange.

Holding the spear of an evil god, Hugh smiled faintly and said, "give me the map of mountains and rivers, and I\'ll give you the rest to kill."

With Hugh\'s words coming sentence by sentence, Qin Shihu and others\' faces became particularly dignified. Although they knew that Hugh\'s words had the purpose of bringing pressure to their hearts, it was a conspiracy and could not be avoided.

Qin Shihu said in a deep voice, "now is the key moment for the guild leader to break through. We keep the void. The five element array, run."

Five people can just display five kinds of five elements, and the five elements are perfect, which can bless many people\'s strength.

The war demon God smiled and said, "since we have the means to restrain the country map of mountains and rivers, why wait for the Styx river? Let\'s go." at the thought of killing Song Fei and getting benefits from him, the war spirit of the war demon God became extremely high.

There are many treasures on Song Fei\'s body besides the map of mountains and rivers. This is what the demons and gods are most greedy for. Therefore, it is naturally the best thing to divide them with fewer people. For them, there are too many people in the Asura world. It is naturally the best thing to exclude them when dividing treasures.

Moreover, the people of the Asura world follow the lead of the ancestors of the Styx river. Compared with the people in front of them, they seem more united. If there is a conflict because of treasure distribution, they will suffer some losses.

"Kill!" the fire demon roared, but turned his eyes to Hugh. Hugh didn\'t take action to contain the power of the mountain and river country map. They promised not to do anything but shout.

"Kill!" Hugh Leng drank, his slender body rushed out, turned into a white figure and shot at the top of the map of mountains and rivers, and then the spear of the evil god pierced down fiercely.

Like lightning splitting the sky, heaven and earth reversed at this moment, and the spear of the evil God turned into a thunderbolt like white rainbow and shot at the country map of mountains and rivers.

On the picture of mountains and rivers, the sun, moon and stars emerge, dominated by the sun and moon, and countless stars surround the sun and moon to form a mysterious pattern, which is blocked above the spear of evil gods.

"Boom!" like thunder, after the evil god\'s spear stabbed the mountain and river country map, the void shook wildly, invisible ripples spread from the intersection point of the evil god\'s spear and the mountain and river country map, and a large amount of chaotic Qi was shocked into nothingness.

Below the picture of mountains and rivers, Qin Shihu\'s heart shook wildly, and blood slowly flowed out of the corners of his mouth.


"Two masters!"


Several people hurriedly surprised.

Qin Shihu shook his head and said, "it\'s okay, I can hold on." Qin Shihu looked up and looked at the top of his head. Hugh in white, wearing a white mask, looked down like a God.

Qin Shihu knew that Hugh\'s strength would surpass him, and the attack power of the evil god\'s spear was extremely strong, which made Qin Shihu feel that the country map of mountains and rivers would be pierced by his evil god\'s spear.

Qin Shihu knew that the country map of mountains and rivers was not so easy to break. His strength was not strong enough to cause this illusion.

In the distance, the demons laughed.

Zhan demon\'s spear pointed at Qin Shihu and others: "the map of mountains and rivers has been restrained, and no one can threaten us. Kill!"

"Kill!" the hatred repressed in the depths of the demon gods broke out at this moment and turned into a strong sense of killing. The seven demon gods and the power of two great saints completely broke out at this moment.

"Hoo Hoo!" the fire demon spits out flames, and immediately plunges Qin Shihu and others into the sea of fire. The powerful flames begin to devour the power of everyone.

The poison devil\'s hands were clapped with one hand. The green power seemed to corrode everything. Instead of dissolving in the fire of the fire devil, it seemed to be more terrible with the power of the fire devil.

The spear of the war demon God, the claw of the blood demon God, the dark power of the dark demon God, the earth power of the earth demon God, the wind power of the wind demon God... The power of the demons broke out completely at this moment.

"Five elements array, get up!" Qin Xiaoru shouted. The remaining four people complement each other. Everyone\'s face is particularly dignified. Without Song Fei, the four people who have just become the emperor of heaven are still much worse in the face of the old emperor of heaven.