God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 2035

The old man in black, who was transformed by Yuan Tu\'s sword, stood on Kate\'s retreat with his hands behind him, his back to Kate, and silently looked up to the void.

Like the first meeting, it looks like an ordinary old man in black. The long black clothes are dancing gently in the wind, and it seems as if an old old man is looking out at the sunset.

However, the appearance of such an old man stopped Kate, so that Kate had to stop and was stopped by Zizai and Styx.

At this time, Song Fei has completely become a spectator. He can\'t understand the existence of this level. Any suggestions are just self righteous.

Qin Xiaoru came to Song Fei and held Song Fei\'s hand tightly. They both felt the tension in each other\'s hearts.

Little black and red apricot\'s hands held together. Red apricot\'s hands held tightly, as if she had exhausted all her strength. Especially when the Styx appeared, her body trembled fiercely. It seems that in her heart, the ancestor of the Styx had indelible absolute dignity.

Hei Qilin and Heinan\'s face became darker and kept whispering, "I\'m just looking for someone. How can I meet such a person? And I\'m not dead yet."

In the void, the void behind the sky completely collapsed, glanced over Kate, bowed respectfully to the old man in black and said, "Grandpa."

Old Styx nodded silently, still keeping his back to everyone.

The free sky\'s eyes looked coldly at Kate and said with a grim smile, "run, see where you\'re going."

Kate patted the waves gently on her chest and showed a charming smile: "how come even you, a dead ghost, appeared. I was scared to death."

The Styx finally turned around and looked at Kate silently, but did not do it. Instead, he said faintly: "Kate, I want to save you a way to live in that person\'s face, put down those people in your hands, and I\'ll let you go."

Hu mei\'er said with a smile, "you are a big man, the ancestors of the Asura world. Why bother with those young people? It\'s better to let them go together."

The expression of Styx River didn\'t move. He didn\'t see what he was thinking. He said quietly, "do you really want to be my enemy for a few mole ants?"

Hu mei\'er\'s beautiful eyes moved and silently looked at the Styx river. Then her face showed the charming smile that turned all sentient beings upside down. She said, "since there are only a few mole ants in the eyes of the ancestors of the Styx River, isn\'t my face worth a few mole ants? Styx River, do you think you are my opponent with an external avatar?"

Ming River: "it\'s enough to kill you."

The voice of the Styx River fell, stepped out, approached Kate in an instant, turned his palm with one hand, and cleaved down at Kate\'s forehead.

Kate\'s face was surprisingly dignified. Even in the face of self-control, she had never been so dignified.

When the peach blossom long sword crossed the sky, the space crossed by the sword body broke silently, and then blocked in front of the palm of the ancestor of the Styx river. At the intersection of the sword and the palm, the space collapsed.

Hu mei\'er\'s body withdrew several steps, while the ancestor of Styx still stood still.

Behind Kate, a ferocious smile appeared on her face. Then she raised the iron whip and hit her head hard.

The peach blossom sword turns around and collides with the iron whip. They step back respectively. The peach blossom sword is broken and turned into peach blossoms all over the sky, flying away in the void.

Peach blossoms whirled around Kate like a tornado and looked very beautiful.

The Styx River looked at Kate silently and whispered, "I\'ll give you one last chance, leave someone, you go."

Kate breathed softly in the air. The two fights seemed to consume her great strength. She covered her chest with her right hand and looked at the Styx like silk: "it\'s all right. This chess game is too big for me to play. Old ghost of the Styx, I admit that you are a profound chess player."

Styx stood still, as if everything was in his hands, waiting for Kate to make a decision.

Hu mei\'er then said, "but the Styx River, your noble ancestor of the Asura world, chose to take refuge in the evil god, but people despised it."

Styx river said faintly, "you don\'t need to talk nonsense about my business. You\'re not qualified to play chess with me."

Kate shook her head. She could not see a nervous expression on her face. Instead, she was more calm than Styx. She was full of a bright smile and said, "when did I say to play chess with you? I know myself very well. Originally, this was your own chess, and I came in just as a chess piece."

Ming River: "yes, in front of me, you only deserve to be a chess piece."

Kate looked at the Styx River meaningfully and smiled very happily: "I think you\'re boring alone. Some can\'t see it, so I found a chess player for you."

"Chess player?" Styx frowned inexplicably.

Hu mei\'er said with a smile, "yes, chess player. It\'s lonely to see you playing chess alone. If you don\'t see it, it\'s OK. But I can\'t bear to see it."

"Heaven, earth and man, who are qualified to play chess with me?" Styx\'s eyes suddenly became very sharp, just like yuan Tu A\'s nose shining sword, showing a murderous breath, and shouted at Kate, "you mean, you called her!"

Hu mei\'er said with a smile, "don\'t you always say you want to give that man face? Don\'t give it. She\'s the chess player I\'m looking for for you. You can just play the next game."

"Presumptuous!" Styx yelled. With his voice, the space extending to the distance with him as the center was silently broken, and several people fell directly into endless space turbulence.

When she heard that Kate found the man, even the dark river was full of anger and completely lost its breath. It was like the two swords of yuan tu\'a nose, full of unprecedented killing intention.

Styx raised his hand again, his eyes as cold as ten thousand years of solid ice.

Zizai Tian also shot at the same time. The black iron whip crossed the layers of space and hit Kate\'s head hard.

Hu mei\'er still narrowed her eyes. The two curved willow eyebrows seemed to have a smile and said softly to the two: "I\'m a chess piece, I won\'t join in."

While talking, Kate took out a thick yellow book, which seemed to have a thick smell of the earth and was gathered high above her head.

Facing the palm of the Styx River and the iron whip in the sky, the thick books suddenly turned quickly, emitting a faint yellow light.

In the magic weapon of space, Song Fei felt the familiar smell revealed in the book and couldn\'t help but whisper: "this is the book of the dead!"