God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 2032

When red apricot passed the message to Xiao Hei, Xiao Hei frowned gently, and then suddenly said, "no, the mistress is dangerous."

For Song Fei, Xiaohei has 100% trust. When Hongxing is still worried about the demon world and Qin Xiaoru coming to arrest them with blood books, Xiaohei has figured out the key, that is, Qin Xiaoru, they are tracked and in danger.

"Red apricot, you come back." Little Black said in a deep voice.

Red apricot said loudly, "husband, according to the agreement, when they pass, you come to me, so that you can avoid them."

Little black said in a deep voice, "it\'s not what you think. Come back."

The red apricot is helpless and resists the despair in her heart and opens the transmission array.

The transport array disk cannot be taken away. After using the transport disk, the array disk equivalent to this pair is discarded.

After seeing Xiaohei, Hongxing\'s tears immediately flowed down and cried, "husband, I clearly see that you are in heaven. Why do you still have fantasies? Even if you don\'t think about yourself, you should think about our future and our children."

Little * * * *: "the mistress can\'t collude with the Asura family. The only explanation is that they are followed."

Red apricot shook her head and said with a smile, "that\'s not better. Let them fight for a while. It\'s best that the Kirin is dead, and I can be safe."

"Red apricot!" Xiao Hei shouted, "that\'s my mistress. They\'re in crisis."

Red apricot shook her head: "even if they brought the pursuers, even if they came to find you, you? Just died with them. But we could have escaped."

Xiao Hei lowered his head and remained silent for a while. Then he looked up at the red apricot with firm eyes and smiled slowly: "the mistress is coming, which shows that this is the master\'s arrangement. I believe we will go out."

Red apricot shook her head and looked bitter: "What if I go out? What if I don\'t go out? Do you know that all these years have been the happiest day for me? Even if it continues like this, I will be very happy. But now, they have broken our lives and dragged us into a crisis. Husband, you and children are the most important people to me. As for others, they are just strangers to me 。”

"I know, I know what you think, I understand what you say." Xiao Hei\'s voice is very light, but it is very clear word by word, "This is also my happiest day, but I still have a home. In addition to our small home, I also have everyone. I have many relatives. They are also very important people. How can I hide here all the time and pretend that I don\'t know anything and let them fight there."

After a pause, looking at the red apricot with tears on her face and this peerless face, she used to be so arrogant and unyielding. Now her pride is washed away, leaving only tenderness. Xiao Hei hugged her in his arms and whispered: "I can\'t, can\'t watch them fall into danger without fighting. In that case, I\'m not me, nor the one you love. If I can\'t escape, let\'s disappear together."

"Do you really want that? That\'s zizaidian and blood scholar. Lord zizaidian personally fought with your monkey sun, who is the most powerful in the fairy world."

"I have made up my mind." little * * * *, whose face has been firmly filled at the moment, then smiled, "such a desperate situation has been experienced many times. I believe the master will not let us die."

"I see." red apricot held Xiaohei tightly with her backhand, then loosened it, took out a nose sword from the storage ring, and said with a smile, "no matter what decision you make, I\'ll accompany you."

"Go out with me." little * * * *.

Stepping out of the magic weapon of space and out of the blood cloud, Xiao Hei looked at the distant sky and stood silently. Red apricot leaned on Xiao Hei\'s shoulder and was hugged by Xiao Hei with one hand.

Red apricot\'s tears disappeared and restored her beautiful face in the past. Like a proud princess, her bright eyes shine on people. She only left Xiaohei with that kind of gentle eyes.

"They\'re coming." when the little slang voice fell, four streamers suddenly came from his sight. The leader was black Qilin Heinan, followed by magic blood ant, Qin Xiaoru and Hu Meier.

"Master, it\'s really you." when he saw the separation of the magic blood ant, little Hatton smiled as if he had come. Everything was not a problem. Many times, Song Fei\'s subordinates were far more confident than Song Fei. On the contrary, Song Fei felt deeply helpless many times.

Xiao Hei immediately said, "there are pursuers behind you. Go quickly."

"Go, where do you want to go?" a slow voice came from behind Song Fei. Zizaidian and blood scholar came with the army of Asura family.

Song Fei silently turned around and looked at Zizai and others who were getting closer and closer. He couldn\'t figure out why they suddenly appeared here, but Song Fei was not the Lord of being slaughtered. He shouted, "Xiao Ru, take us into the turbulent flow of space."

With a cold hum, his right foot stepped on the void. An inexplicable force emerged between heaven and earth. Qin Xiaoru\'s face changed slightly and said, "husband, this person limits the family\'s space, and I can\'t tear the space."

Song Fei looked at Kate and said, "sister-in-law, it\'s up to you. Take them with you. I\'ll try to hold them for a while."

Kate is powerful. Otherwise, Song Fei will not just let Qin Xiaoru come alone without others.

To save Xiaohei was originally a desperate action. Song Fei didn\'t think that she would be able to retreat. As long as Kate could run away with them for a distance, Qin Xiaoru could tear the space and let people escape into the turbulent flow of space. The space was blocked and the flashing symbol couldn\'t be used.

Kate looked at zizaidian faintly and said with a smile, "uncle, you underestimate zizaidian. In addition to fighting with monkeys, he also fought with one person and drew, but the outside world rarely knows. That person is called Huanglong immortal."

Immortal Huanglong, an expert at the level of emperor of heaven? Although he ranked lower in the same level, he was also a figure of the Heavenly Emperor level. Song Fei\'s heart suddenly fell to the bottom of the valley. It was really not that simple to be able to escape and survive under the hands of monkeys.

Song Fei said with a wry smile, "aren\'t you sure, sister-in-law?"

Kate said, "our enemies are more than that. Don\'t you wonder why they are so easy to find?"

Song Fei\'s mind turned quickly. He thought of various reasons. He suspected that he had been tampered with by others, sun Qingrou and DuPont\'s warrant.

Kate said, "uncle, although a woman in my family doesn\'t think much, I think you underestimate the ancestors of the Styx river."