God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 2030

More and more Asura people gathered at the entrance of the blood underworld.

It was originally led by a blood scholar. Soon, the blood scholar also withdrew from the position of leader, because someone higher than him came.

All the four disciples came here. The existence who almost killed Song Fei now came here in person.

"From heaven, my Lord." the blood scholar personally came forward to pay a visit. The status of the Asura family, like a pyramid, went down layer by layer, very clear.

Zizai nodded and said, "Lao Zu calculated that the devil will find the red apricot. As long as we follow the devil, we can catch them all."

The blood book said, "but there is a dark blood fog in the blood underworld. I\'m afraid even the giant devil can find it if we go in now."

Zizaidian said with a smile, "red apricot has the ability to suppress a bi sword from my ancestors, but Qingtian doesn\'t have that ability." while talking, zizaidian took out a bloody jade, which emits a layer of blood light. He said, "this jade can be induced with the Yuantu sword in Qingtian\'s hand. We can easily find Qingtian\'s place with this jade. Let\'s go."

He walked towards the entrance step by step from the sky, and then stepped into the blood underworld. The others followed silently.

The blood underworld is still shrouded in blood mist.

The blood scholar frowned gently: "it\'s hard to think about how Optimus could find the red apricot."

He shook his head and said, "I don\'t know. They\'re in that direction. Let\'s go."


After flying continuously for an hour, Song Fei stopped after flying out of a very long distance. Looking at the vast blood fog behind him, he loosened his airway: "it should not be found at such a long distance."

Hu mei\'er said with a smile, "has uncle found their way?"

Song Fei said, "yes, the Kirin family has a secret method to find their own family. Now I\'m going to bring a black Kirin."

"Now, bring it here?" said Kate.

Song Fei said: "of course, the conventional method certainly can\'t, but I can\'t guarantee whether it will succeed."

Song Fei took out an array plate and put it in front of him. Then he poured 100 drops of earth milk into the groove of the array plate.

A hundred drops of earth\'s milk is equivalent to 50 celestial objects, which is definitely a very luxurious behavior. I think Bai Shuo\'s Tianmen City spent more than 100000 years of accumulation for a celestial object. This wealth is definitely a sky high price in the hands of ordinary people.

However, at the moment, Song Fei is so consumed.

Kate said, "it\'s reasonable to say that the blood underworld is attached to the Asura world. I\'m afraid it\'s not so easy to transmit it. Do you want Xiaoru to try?"

Song Fei said, "yes, with Xiaoru\'s strength, even if it fails, it\'s nothing. If it\'s someone else, I\'m afraid it will fall into the turbulent flow of space."

As the power of the milk of the earth began to radiate, the power of transmitting the array disk began to start. On the other side of the fairy world, Song Fei and Qin Xiaoru had already waited in another array disk.

After the array plates on both sides started at the same time, Qin Xiaoru\'s figure disappeared into the transmission array. In the blood underworld, Song Fei waited anxiously for fear of danger. Although he believed that Qin Xiaoru would not fall into the turbulent flow of space, he had to pass through the Asura world after all. In case of the intervention of the Styx, it would be an extremely dangerous thing.

Time passed minute by minute. It is reasonable to say that the transmission array can make the target reach in an instant, but now the time of incense has passed, Qin Xiaoru still didn\'t appear, and Song Fei seems more and more worried.

"Take it easy, uncle," said Kate comfortingly.

Song Fei nodded silently and said with a bitter smile, "I know." however, a quarter of an hour later, Qin Xiaoru still didn\'t come.

When Song Fei was very anxious, the light on the array disk rose sharply, and Qin Xiaoru appeared in the array disk.

Seeing Qin Xiaoru, Song Fei finally put his heart down and was very happy.

"Xiao Ru, what happened?" Song Fei asked.

Qin Xiaoru said, "it worries my husband. Just on the way, the space is very unstable. In order to make it easier to walk, I spent a little time rebuilding a stable channel."

Song Fei said, "that\'s great. As long as we find Xiaohei, we can return to the fairyland."

Qin Xiaoru released an old man in black from the magic weapon of space. He is a member of the black Kirin family and a master of Jinxian Level 3. Because he is a black Kirin, the general Jinxian level 4 is not his opponent.

When seeing Song Fei\'s evil blood ant separate, black Qilin and black Nan suddenly said in a fierce voice: "people in the demon world."

Song Fei pondered for a while, but did not explain.

Qin Xiaoru said, "Heilao, our common enemy is the Asura nationality. The two friends risked their lives to sneak into the bloody underworld in order to save Xiaohei."

Heinan sighed and said, "I\'m not a pedantic person. I\'m just surprised to see it. I\'m sorry."

Song Fei said, "well, thank you for your help."

Heinan said, "I should thank you. Anyway, Xiaohei is the son of our black Kirin family."

Kate said, "old Kirin, hurry up. Maybe the Asuras are right behind us."

Heinan looked at Kate and said in surprise, "it\'s you, it\'s you?"

Hu mei\'er said with a smile, "it\'s me. Don\'t talk nonsense."

Heinan sighed: "unexpectedly, unexpectedly, there are still people who can please you." next, Heinan didn\'t talk nonsense, stretched out his right index finger to bite out a wound, and then silently dropped a drop of blood.

At the same time, Song Fei winked at Qin Xiaoru and motioned him not to call himself husband. The latter nodded silently.

A mysterious force appeared in Heinan\'s blood. Heinan closed her eyes and felt it silently for a while. Then she pointed in a direction and said, "in that direction." then she put away her blood and flew in the direction of his finger.

Behind Song Fei and others, he stood silently in the sky and said faintly: "the yuan Tu sword moved, in that direction."

The extension of the blood underworld, an area with thick blood clouds, and a grain of dust floating silently, is just an ordinary magic weapon of the Taoist instrument. It is precisely because of this that the fluctuation of the Taoist instrument can be easily suppressed, so that people can not feel its existence. In this area where the divine consciousness can not operate, such magic weapon can better avoid the search of others.

Relying on the unique environment of the blood underworld, this grain of dust escaped the search of the Asura army again and again.

Inside the magic weapon, Xiaohei wears a black coat and sits on the ground silently, absorbing the power of the milk of the earth for cultivation. Hongxing silently sits next to Xiaohei, covered with Sequoia, and a pair of beautiful eyes look back on Xiaohei\'s body and his lower abdomen from time to time. His right hand gently touches his lower abdomen. The lower abdomen that originally did not contain a trace of fat now has a slight protrusion.