God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 2008

The third level of Jinxian breaks through to the fourth level of Jinxian. This greatly improved strength makes xuesha feel desperate.

Song Fei\'s magic sword pointed straight at him. At the moment, there are still hundreds of millions of troops under the command of xuesha, but xuesha is very lonely.

Although there are many armies, there is only one person facing Optimus. No matter how many others are, they are ignored by the other party. The power of their own Jinxian fourth level, even if they are the higher demons in the demon family, surpasses many other races in the same realm, and is of no use at the moment.

The feeling of death was shrouded in the blood ghost. Before death, the demon emperor who had lived for hundreds of millions of years did not show a fierce side, but shouted loudly: "I submit."

The sword tip suddenly stopped in front of the bloody devil\'s forehead. Just pierced his forehead, a drop of bright red blood appeared and dropped on the sword tip of the demon sword. Then it slipped from the demon sword and dropped on the bloody devil\'s nose, dyeing the bridge of his nose red.

At that moment, hundreds of millions of years of painstaking cultivation of the bloody ghost will disappear in an instant.

It\'s a little short.

The blood devil was glad, and then knelt on one knee in front of Song Fei: "the great Qingtian demon emperor, the blood devil family, submit to you."

"Ha ha, ha ha!" Song Fei laughed.

"Optimus devil is invincible!"

"Great Optimus demon emperor!" a cry sounded in the world, and these voices were full of fanaticism.

The bloody army silently placed the weapon, and then crawled in front of Song Fei, dark one after another, which was willing to surrender.

After a war, Song Fei\'s territory expanded three times. Countless resources are waiting for Song Fei to acquire, which takes a certain period of digestion.

Mining, smelting and handling are naturally handled by the fleeting legions under Song Fei. They are very familiar with these.

Song Fei winked at Tonghe, then returned to the head of the dark magic dragon and said to sun Qing judo in a daze in the sky: "go!"

"Ah!" Sun Qingrou was still in a daze. After hearing Song Fei\'s call, she finally reacted, and then looked at Song Fei with a shocked face.

Crazy? It\'s really crazy to challenge an enemy much stronger than himself. It\'s crazy to break through with the enemy\'s blood essence in battle. What\'s more crazy is that he succeeded in the end.

This man is more belligerent than most of our Asura people. Sun Qingrou whispered.

"Go?" Sun Qingrou looked at the messy battlefield and didn\'t understand the meaning of the word "go".

Song Fei said, "go to the Asura family."

In front of Song Fei, xuesha looked up in amazement: "Your Majesty, are you going to take refuge in the Asura family?"

"Hum?" Song Fei snorted coldly, and his cold eyes shot at him. He was so scared that he quickly lowered his head. Finally, Song Fei explained, "I heard that the fairy world is going to war with the Asura family. Those hypocrites in the fairy world will turn their spears to our demon world if they really clean up the Asura world. Hum, I\'m going to the battlefield and kill more people in the fairy world."

The blood evil spirit didn\'t think so. The demon family didn\'t like the fairyland and the Asura world, but the blood evil spirit also knew that now many demon family leaders are very close to the Asura family.

Then, Song Fei ordered: "Tonghe cleans up the battlefield and commands everything in our Optimus territory. If you dare to resist, there will be no amnesty. Bloody ghost, you come with me."

Tonghe\'s identity is sensitive. Although he has confused many people in the demon world with a set of armor, this time he is going to see the emperor level figure like the ancestor of Styx. In front of that person, Tonghe\'s real identity is afraid to be seen at a glance, so Song Fei doesn\'t take anything that may reveal his motivation.

With Song Yi and other demonic blood ants, magic dragons and blood demons, Song Fei set foot on the road to the Asura family, leaving Tonghe to command the overall situation. Without the blood demons, there will be no problem in rectifying the blood demons territory with Tonghe\'s strength and his own power.

The magic dragon walked through the darkness, broke through layers of clouds, broke through a space barrier, and then came to a dark void in the blink of a day.

Sun Qingrou pointed to a void in the distance and said, "in the past, it\'s the military camp in the fairy world. We have to go around from the side. Even in the marginal area, there are often scouts in the fairy world. If they are entangled, it will be very troublesome."

Song Fei said faintly, "just a few scouts. Just kill them."

Sun Qing Judo: "if you are encountered, it can only be so, but the scouts are early warning after all. If you kill the scouts, it will be very troublesome, so we\'d better be careful."

Sun Qingrou said so much, but saw that Song Fei\'s face was unmoved. Even the bloody devil was an indifferent expression. The rebellious nature of the people in the demon world was naturally no worse than the Asura family. Facing the scouts in the fairy world, he certainly wouldn\'t pay attention to it.

In the Asura world, only a few intelligent people will pay attention to the immortal army. More people have only one idea, that is to kill all the immortal army.

Sun Qingrou shook her head and gave up persuasion.

Then, it was a long-distance blink. When it appeared again, sun Qing judo said: "the space barrier was arranged by the people in the fairy world in front. We can\'t blink any more. Let\'s fly over."

Song Fei said faintly, "lead the way."

Sun Qingrou\'s body floated from the magic dragon, then turned into a bloody streamer, quickly shot to the front, and the party quickly shuttled through the void.

Far away, Song Fei saw the entrance of the Asura world, the huge space tunnel. When he entered the tunnel, he could enter the buffer zone between the Asura world and the fairy world. As long as he entered there and received by the army of the Asura world, he didn\'t have to worry about the army of the Asura world.

The blood light of sun Qingrou who led the way suddenly stopped in the sky. The blood light dissipated and sun Qingrou\'s petite figure reappeared.

Sun Qingrou whispered, "I\'ve been found."

There was an army of more than 50 people ahead, and then someone said, "it\'s Asura and the people in the demon world. Early warning."

Because the distance was too long, sun Qingrou and others had no time to stop. They found that the scouts had avoided them far and opened the distance with them. Moreover, sun Qingrou believed that the people in the fairy world must have informed their army.

This is a void. Although it is very big, the line of sight is really good.

The blood devil added his lips and said, "I haven\'t tasted the delicious blood of the people in the fairy world for a long time."

Sun Qing Judo: "go, go. I\'ve informed our people in the Asura world that they will come out to meet us soon."

Looking at Song Fei\'s indifference, sun Qingrou said anxiously, "my Lord!"

Song Fei bowed his head, kissed sun Qingrou gently on his face, and then said faintly, "look at your face, I\'ll spare these sundries. Bloody ghost, let\'s go. You want to eat and find an expert to eat."