God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 2001

Hearing that Kate wanted to participate, Song Fei couldn\'t help saying, "sister-in-law, you are very kind to me, and now it\'s a desperate thing... I don\'t know what to say from my heart."

Kate said, "I\'ve made up my mind. Don\'t shirk it. But before that, I\'ll find someone. If he can do it, we\'ll be more sure."

Song Fei was surprised and said, "who?"

Kate shook her head: "I\'m not fit to say his name before he promised. Let\'s talk about it then. Don\'t talk. I know you\'re anxious to save people. I\'ll go first."

Hu mei\'er said, her body turned into peach blossoms and dissipated, and the peach blossoms all over the sky flew to the sky and disappeared in the distance.

Song Fei said to the remaining old Zhang, "brother Zhang, you\'ll stay in Xianshan during this time."

Lao Zhang said with a smile, "it\'s such a rich aura here. It\'s a real blessed place. It\'s too late for me to be happy. Brother, go find someone. I don\'t care here."

Song Fei nodded, stood up and asked Wang Shishi\'s military division hall to plan personnel problems.

These problems seem simple, but they can not be achieved in a short time. They involve the deployment of troops and troops. Even if the efficiency is the highest, they can\'t get down without half a month.

Song Fei can only wait.

One day later, Feng Xian accompanied them to visit. Both of them are famous experts in the fairy world. One is the second generation expert of Xuanyuan family. Xuanyuan can\'t break. One is xuanming, the chief General under the black emperor of the north.

In a hurry, they exchanged five million kilograms of earth milk for Song Fei\'s five soul marks of the ultimate skill, and then left in a hurry.

With so much earth milk, it can alleviate the resource tension of Optimus Tianjian sect for a period of time. For Optimus Tianjian sect, which is in the stage of rapid rise, there is no better gift than Earth milk. The effect of earth milk is unmatched even by pills.

Before Xuanyuan Bupo and xuanming left, they said that the milk stock of the earth is limited now. When more experts come out of the closed pass, they use mana to refine the milk of the earth and hope to trade again next time. Song Fei welcomes this.

Five days later, the personnel distribution plan was put in front of Song Fei.

Xianshan is the foundation of Qingtian sword sect, so we must leave the master to take charge. Song Fei\'s Longzhu separation and the map of mountain and river country will stay here. In addition, Qin Shihu, as the Deputy guild leader and chief steward, will also stay here to deal with it at any time. Big goat will stay to take charge of the battle outside. If the industry of Qingtian sword sect is attacked, it will be resisted by the person in charge of big goat.

Most of the old people of Optimus sword sect want to follow Song Fei to the front line to fight. After all, most of them have countless members of Wushen alliance. This large-scale battle needs their personal leadership.

Baixin and Hongrui continue to process intelligence and do not participate in this battle. The divine beast Bai Xuan follows the army. In the large-scale battle, the role of the way of sound is not weaker than that of any top master. At some critical times, it goes beyond the role of the top master.

Most of the beasts accepted by Song Fei stayed to guard Qingtian sword sect to avoid emptiness at home. Since then, the overall strength of Qingtian sword sect has been basically divided into two equal shares, each of which is not weak. Of course, in terms of number, there are far more people leading the army of Wushen Alliance than those left behind.

After appointing the participants, Song Fei asked the military division hall to order in his own name.

Half a month later, Song Fei took Zhang Liang and Han Xin to Lingyun city to meet Fenghua in the transmission array, and wanted Fenghua to say hello to his nephew Fenghuan.

Fenghua didn\'t see it. Instead of Fenghua, Fengxian gave Song Fei a warrant and asked Song Fei to go directly to the front line. She said that Fenghua had already said hello.

With doubts, Song Fei set foot on the transmission array again. This time, it is transmitted to the edge of the fairy world. If it is not for the warrant, it is not allowed to transmit at all.

When stepping out of the transmission array, Song Fei saw an endless void, and there was also a void under his feet. There were countless dense barracks in front of him. The transmission array was in the middle of the barracks, and there were heavy army handles next to it to prevent enemy experts and spies from sneaking in.

When Song Fei arrived, a man in his thirties stood in front in green scales, and a golden cloak floated behind him. He had a national face, solemn and murderous.

Behind him, there were more than ten generals wearing various armor. Looking at the costumes, there were the flame army of Yan Emperor, Xuanyuan army of Yellow Emperor and Heishui army in the north. What surprised Song Fei most was that everyone here gave him a very dangerous feeling. The power overflowing from his body made Song Fei feel bursts of panic.

Master, everyone is a peerless master. I\'m afraid they are much stronger than themselves.

How can so many people stand in front of the transmission array and greet any big people? Song Fei didn\'t think he was qualified for them to line up and welcome.

While Song Fei was thinking about whether to avoid it, the head of the green man showed a thick surprise on his face and said to Song Fei, "enjoy the downwind and see martial uncle Yue."

Uncle Yue, what the hell is this?

The other party\'s eyes looked directly at Song Fei. Song Fei soon realized that the so-called martial uncle Yue called himself. The other party was Fenghua\'s nephew. If we strictly follow Fenghua\'s generation, we should really call ourselves martial uncle.

However, I\'m afraid the other party\'s age unit is calculated in billions. How can you be a generation older than the other party.

Song Fei hugged his fist and said, "this is Lord Fenghuan."

Feng Huan hurriedly said, "Uncle Yue\'s name really hurts me. Come on, please come here. We have set up a reception banquet to wash the dust for uncle Yue."

Every move and gesture of the other party has great prestige, especially Feng Huan. Song Fei feels no worse than Jiao Pinghai, but vaguely surpasses Jiao Pinghai. The others behind him give themselves almost the same prestige as facing Jiao Pinghai. Each of them is a powerful top expert.

And they are the generals who lead the troops. When the flag is waved, thousands of people fall to the ground. But today, seeing their smile is a little different from the imagined generals.

Song Fei was flattered that such people formed a team to meet him. Of course, Song Fei felt very happy about the result. The other party was polite, so the next thing must be much simpler.

Feng Huan and others introduced Song Fei into a huge suspended palace, and then entered a hall. All kinds of precious delicacies were placed on the tables in the hall.

"Uncle Yue, come, please take your seat." Feng Huan motioned.

"I\'m a guest, how can I make noise and seize the host." Song Fei immediately shook his head and refused.

However, Feng Huan is not polite. He really wants Song Fei to take the seat and tries to persuade Song Fei, which makes Song Fei feel more inexplicable.

"You\'re so polite that you don\'t accept reward for no merit." finally, song feitan said, "we\'ve never seen it before, and I don\'t think I\'m one of the top ten Lingbao. I can\'t be loved by everyone. Why are you so polite to me?"