God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1999

Hearing what Kate said, Song Fei suddenly remembered the story between Lao Zhang and Kate.

But what Kate said before was not clear, mainly because Qin Xiaoru\'s strength was too low at that time, and it still needed a long distance from a certain requirement.

Song Fei said, "can you elaborate now, sister-in-law?"

Hu mei\'er said with a smile, "first, we came to see my uncle and sister-in-law. The second is to see where my sister-in-law\'s strength has gone."

Song Fei said in a deep voice: "the strong in the way of time and space in the later period of Jinxian can take some things back across the long river of history?"

Kate said, "someone told me that the more common things are, the easier they are, and the more expensive the better things are. For example, if you go back to the past and want the Sun God Emperor to bring them back, I\'m afraid you can\'t do it at all. Similarly, if you want to get the heavy treasure from the past to the present, you also need to pay a great price. I don\'t know the details. I need my siblings to explore it by themselves."

Song Fei asked Qin Xiaoru, "Xiaoru, can you cross the long river of history now?"

For this matter, Song Fei still can\'t imagine. This kind of magic power is really terrible. If he has this ability and wants to kill an enemy, wouldn\'t it be very easy to return to his weak strength? And when you know where the treasures or relics are unearthed, you can go back to an earlier time to explore. Isn\'t it the first to grab them immediately?

Qin Xiaoru said: "I can see some things in history, but it\'s good to see. If I want to participate in it, I need to pay a great price. Now I can bring a useless stone back, but a living creature or an ordinary weapon can\'t do it. It involves the rules of time and space. A slight change will trigger a chain reaction. The avenue of heaven and earth has great constraints on this piece 。”

Song Fei understood. In short, the greater the benefits, the greater the difficulties.

Hu mei\'er saw Song Fei\'s worry and said with a smile, "the person who told me about it said that it would be no problem to bring an ordinary person in the later stage of Jinxian. At that time, sister Ru will try and know that she won\'t talk nonsense with that person\'s magic power."

Qin Xiaoru said with a smile: "the realm of Jinxian can improve a strong power without raising the first level. My husband can rest assured that there should be no problem bringing a person back in the later stage of Jinxian."

Song Fei nodded and said, "it\'s so good. I\'m looking forward to brother Zhang\'s family reunion in the future. By the way, sister-in-law, you\'re all right. Just stay with me for a few more days."

Lao Zhang said with a smile, "hahaha, brother, we\'re here to help you. Of course, my strength can only be idle food. I mean, this woman is still useful. You can call at will."

Song Fei said, "well, you are my guests."

Lao Zhang shook his head and said, "although I\'m a rough man and don\'t understand the affairs of the three realms, my woman said that you are now the most important and dangerous time for strength development. We have discussed it. I\'ll hide in your fairy mountain, and then she will help you fight the world."

Kate helped herself fight the world? Recalling the silver sword she fought against herself and Qin Xiaoru alone, Song Fei was very excited, but the other party has always been kind to herself. Now she has to work hard for herself. Is it really good?

Lao Zhang continued, "brother, don\'t hesitate. If you die in danger, your sister-in-law will not live alone. If your sister-in-law dies, there is no hope, and I have no meaning to live. Do you know what I mean?"

Hu mei\'er said with a smile, "don\'t mention it, uncle. We\'re doing it for ourselves."

Song Fei nodded and sighed, "well, I\'m not polite. Now there\'s really a difficult thing to help. Unfortunately, there\'s no suitable expert to help me."

Then Song Fei said Xiao Hei\'s story again.

After hearing Song Fei\'s narration, Kate said, "do you want to go to the Asura world to save people?"

Song Fei said, "yes, Xiao Hei is my brother of life and death. I can\'t help him. For Yu Gong, yuan tu\'a Bi is the first sword under the top ten Lingbao. Even the twelve sacred mountains don\'t have such a treasure. It would be a great help if it could come to our Qingtian sword sect. I\'ll go anyway."

Soon, Song Fei said his worries again.

After listening, Kate said, "I can\'t do anything about uncle\'s scruples. I can only fight and kill. If I need to go to the Asura world, I don\'t frown." Kate won\'t participate in the calculation that determines the survival of a force.

Song Fei shook his head and said, "forget it. We\'ll talk later. Let\'s drink and eat meat first."

The smell of wild boar meat came, and the pig killer couldn\'t help drooling. Song Fei tore a thigh for him. After a big bite, Lao Zhang chewed it like a hungry ghost.

After eating half a wild boar, Wang Shishi went out from the depths of the palace and said that the military division hall had made a plan.

Hearing the news, Song Fei quickly asked Wang Shishi to say a specific plan.

Standing in front of Song Fei, Wang Shishi said: "According to the analysis of the martial arts hall, the opponent\'s purpose is no more than three kinds. One is to set a trap for the guild leader to jump down, the other is to lure the tiger away from the mountain, and the third is to deliberately set a fog to hide their other purpose. The so-called Yin is within the Yang, not the opposite of the Yang. The first and second purposes are well understood. Let me explain the third point. If the opponent\'s purpose is the third point, why So he wants to use a message to attract us? That is, the thing he did is easy for us to find, so let us divert our attention, that is, under normal circumstances, we have a high probability of finding it, and after it is found, they will have a certain failure rate, or because of this failure rate, they come up with such a thing to increase it Success rate. "

A word, let fox Mei son\'s eyes shine, looked at Song Fei and said, "your military division hall is so powerful."

Song Fei said, "I accepted this sentence frankly. Before that, I only thought of one or two points, but did not think of the third point. Poetry, what is the response plan of the military division hall for these three points?"

Wang Shi said: "First of all, we should start from the third point. It\'s very simple to crack the third point. The more the other party wants, the more we won\'t let them succeed. If the enemy wants to make some action, it\'s nothing more than to start from the outside and inside. Therefore, during this period, we should strengthen intelligence collection and monitor the close movements of internal members. Since the enemy is so worried, it shows that they are afraid of our investigation , then let\'s strengthen it secretly. "

Song Fei nodded: "yes, uncle, I\'ll leave the internal affairs to you, and the external affairs to Bai Xin and Hong Rui, so that they can strengthen their efforts."

Qin Shihu nodded and said, "yes!"