God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1996

When I saw Fenghua again, I was still the Fenghua with unique style. Sitting on a light cyan chair in the side hall, I made a pot of tea that was comfortable to smell from a distance.

Feng Xian accompanied Song Fei, and Qin Xiaoru and others didn\'t follow.

When I saw Song Fei, Fenghua said, "I haven\'t seen him for three days. I\'m ashamed of your progress, younger martial brother."

Song Fei sat down in front of Fenghua with a smile, picked up Fenghua\'s tea, drank a cup first, and said with a smile, "elder martial brother, you are a busy man. You have been busy with affairs. Where are you as free as me? However, how can I feel that you are stronger, elder martial brother."

"Hahaha!" Fenghua laughed. After a few words, they didn\'t have strangers who hadn\'t met for tens of thousands of years. They were just like at the beginning.

Fenghua said, "I can\'t compare with my younger martial brother. Only for many years, I not only improved my strength, but also established my position in the fairy world with a Wushen alliance. Now people in the fairy world don\'t know much about my Fenghua, but no one doesn\'t know Yue Tianyu, the creator of the Wushen alliance."

Song Fei drank another cup of tea, then put down the cup and said, "complimenting younger martial brother is not like your style, elder martial brother. If you don\'t have anything to pay attention to, you can steal if you don\'t cheat. Come on, what do you want me to do?"

"I can\'t ask you to drink tea if you have nothing to do. After all, you are my younger martial brother." Fenghua said, and immediately filled Song Fei\'s tea cup with tea. The conversation changed, "but it\'s really a small matter. I want to negotiate with you, younger martial brother."

Song Fei knows that although the other party talks about small things, it is definitely not a small thing for such a busy Fenghua to see himself. Although it has been closed for tens of thousands of years, time is a luxury for both of them.

Fenghua said: "although younger martial brother has established the martial god alliance, some high-level intelligence must be unknown, such as the Asura world, such as the demon world."

Song Fei nodded. Although the Wushen alliance is all over the fairy world, because most people are not strong, the intelligence involving some experts and intelligence outside the fairy world is naturally poor, far less than the giant of the green emperor.

Fenghua continued: "The Ashura world garrisons troops on the border, and there is a tendency to attack the fairy world. In addition, I also heard that although your little black eloped with the red apricot, the Ashura world will not easily let their little princess leave. Now they are trapped in the dark blood world and can\'t get out. Although the entrance is closed, the ancestor of the Styx river is angry and said to refine the whole dark blood world and make the dark blood world and the red apricot The nose sword in your hand is refined into a treasure. "

Song Fei said, "where is the hell blood world?"

Fenghua said: "it\'s a small world in the Asura world. If you want to enter, you must enter from the Asura world. Therefore, if you want to save people, you have to face hundreds of millions of troops in the Asura world."

When it comes to Xiaohei\'s safety, Song Fei\'s heart has also lost his previous ease. The Asura world dares to fight with the fairy world for many years with the power of one world. Its strength is unfathomable.

You know, in the past, in addition to the five heavenly emperors, there were twelve deep mountains, Jiuli, yaochi and other holy places. Their strength can be imagined.

And I heard that the ancestor of the Styx river was born from the blood river. As long as the blood River doesn\'t dry, he will have the body of immortality. In addition, his strength is at the level of the emperor of heaven. It\'s impossible to fight hard to save people.

In the last war with evil gods, the ancestor of Styx river did not participate in the war. It can be said that he is the only intact person at the level of emperor of heaven. Although Song Fei is confident, he is not arrogant enough to fight with experts at that level.

Fenghua said: "in addition, I would like to remind younger martial brother that although I have had a lot of trouble collecting this news, I always think it is too easy. This is just my subconscious feeling, younger martial brother, do you understand what I mean?"

Song Fei\'s heart moved and said, "you mean, someone may deliberately leak the news to you and tell me through you?"

Fenghua said: "I can\'t rule out this possibility. All I can say for sure is that Xiaohei and they are really trapped, but I\'m not sure if it\'s a conspiracy to lead you to a trap. Of course, it doesn\'t rule out luring the tiger away from the mountain, transferring you away, and then killing your fairy mountain. Hey hey, who told you that you have a lot of enemies in the fairy world."

Song Fei nodded silently and put away his previous relaxed mood.

On earth, you can do whatever you want, have fun and relax, but when you arrive in the fairyland, you return to the battlefield. You must also experience intrigues, schemes and calculations.

Song Fei didn\'t know how to deal with it for the time being. He told Wang Shishi the news with the dragon ball sitting in the unknown fairy mountain, and then asked Wang Shishi\'s military division hall to analyze it. Although the talents in his military division hall are not old, they are the ancestors of conspiracy. They are good at these calculations. Whether Zhuge Liang, Zhang Liang or Sun Bin, they are experts in this field, Let\'s wait until they make some plans.

Fenghua then said, "let\'s talk about trading. You still have the ultimate skill."

Song Fei nodded and said, "yes, there are still some. Elder martial brother wants them?"

Fenghua shook his head: "it\'s not what I want. It\'s the black emperor and the Yellow Emperor. They found me and wanted to trade with you through me. I don\'t know if you can meet them, younger martial brother. And let me ask, younger martial brother, what do you want."

Song Fei pondered for a while. Naturally, the most exciting thing for Song Fei was the best or top-grade gold fairies hidden in each family. However, Song Fei also knew that even under the power of the emperor of heaven, there would not be too many gold fairies. Asking for one more was tantamount to weakening their power.

Now evil gods are eyeing. Song Fei doesn\'t want to weaken their combat effectiveness.

But if you are inferior to gold fairies, you are almost saturated now and don\'t need too many gold fairies.

Song Fei said, "the milk of the earth, all in exchange for the milk of the earth."

Fenghua was stunned and said, "as far as I know, there are many golden immortals in your power. As long as it takes a little time, you can condense a certain amount of earth milk. You still want earth milk."

Song Fei smiled bitterly. These people can naturally condense the milk of the earth, but similarly, what he lacks most is time.

Optimus sword sect is developing rapidly, and time is the most precious. In contrast to the forces of the Yellow Emperor and the black emperor in the north, many of them have reached the later stage of Jinxian. It is difficult for them to break through their cultivation. It is better to use the ultimate skill to lure them and let them spend time and energy to condense the milk of the earth to their Optimus sword sect.

Although Xianquan is precious, the refining efficiency can\'t be compared with the milk of the earth. Moreover, after being promoted to Jinxian, the consumption of Xianquan is also massive. The consumption in Xianshan during this period is a terrible quantity. Song Fei estimates that it can\'t support everyone to break through the later stage of Jinxian. After all, there are too many Jinxian in Xianshan.

An ultimate skill is enough to exchange a large amount of milk of the earth. Moreover, for experts in the later stage of Jinxian, spending time condensing the milk of the earth can exchange for the ultimate skill, which is a good thing that will wake up in a dream. Although the Optimus sword sect wants a lot of milk of the earth, for those people, what they don\'t care about most is time.

This is a win-win situation.

Fenghua said, "if they hear this news, they will be very happy. Younger martial brother, how many ultimate skills are they going to change."

Song Fei pondered for a while and said, "for each ultimate skill, change one million kilograms of earth\'s milk. How much earth\'s milk they have and how many ultimate skills I sell. If you want, senior brother, I can give you a 20% discount."

A million catties of earth milk needs a golden immortal master to spend a lot of time to gather, which is equivalent to asking them to help Qingtian sword sect cultivate. This price can only be borne by forces like the emperor of heaven.