God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1987

"The good play has just begun." after the immortal bird finished this sentence, he pinched the red wine cup into glass residue, and the red wine in the cup spilled. However, a red flame burst out in his heart, evaporating the spilled red wine into steam without spilling a drop.

The immortal bird got up, went to the door of the conference room, took off a white windbreaker on the hanger and walked out of the door of the conference room.

Guleer and others followed the undead bird to the deck of the aircraft carrier. When they got on the deck, they stood in the distance. Only the undead bird walked slowly towards the bow of the ship.

Above the sea, an up-to-date fighter plane flew from a distance. The rolling motor sound became louder and louder, and the roaring noise came to the top of the aircraft carrier in an instant.

The body of the undead bird suddenly rose like a shell and rushed to the endless high altitude. The fighter flew past the feet of the undead bird. The undead bird landed on the fighter and stood steadily above. It didn\'t care about the fierce air flow in the air. It stood on the fighter with both hands and chest and flew away.

Guleer and others silently watched the undead bird go away. Beside him, Betty whispered: "the strength of the undead bird is much stronger than we thought."

Gullier said: "there is an undead bird in the United States, and it has immediately become a top power country. It\'s very foolish to underestimate him. Let\'s continue to watch the live broadcast. The undead birds are out. The real war has finally begun."

Vatican, the headquarters of the Holy See, five carriages appeared from a castle. Each carriage was pulled by six horses. All the carriages were white as snow. If you look closely, you will find that there was a straight sharp angle on the heads of these horses.

Unicorn, representing holiness, is a legendary species in the West. At this moment, it appears on the platform in the castle.

The castle is built near the mountain. The platform is large, but it is in the upper part of the castle. The platform is 300 meters high from the ground below.

The carriage was getting faster and faster. It ran directly to the edge of the platform regardless of the cliff below the platform. Soon, the unicorn who pulled the car first ran to the edge of the platform. Regardless of the height of the platform, his body suddenly sprang out. The other unicorns showed no weakness and jumped up one after another.

At the next moment, instead of falling and dying, the unicorn ran into the sky. The speed was not much slower than that of an ordinary fighter.

Five carriages rushed to the clouds in an instant and disappeared into the vast sea of clouds.

Inside the Holy See, the Pope looked up at the sky. His old and muddy eyes seemed to be able to see through layers of obstacles and look at the carriage in the clouds. Then he heard him whisper: "the war is finally about to begin. The Chinese country has stood for too long..."

Island country, on Mount Fuji, on the fire that has been silent for a long time, suddenly thick smoke billows, and the residents at the foot of the mountain vaguely hear the roar of giant animals from Mount Fuji

Italy is an ancient castle. Bats hanging upside down can be seen at any time in the dark castle. In a hall of the castle, a handsome young demon man wearing a tuxedo sits on a huge red seat. The man\'s skin is too white, like leukemia. He has two sharp front teeth at the corners of his mouth, but his handsome face shows a sense of evil.

He carried a red wine glass. There was no smell of red wine in the glass, but there was a strong smell of blood. This was human blood.

The strange man drank very intoxicated and said softly, "the taste of girl\'s blood is really wonderful. And it\'s still angel girl\'s blood."

Below the men\'s road, there are two rows of men and women in tuxedos and suspender skirts. The men are very handsome and the women are unparalleled. Just like the men on the throne, they have a pair of sharp sharp fangs on their mouths, which makes them look different from ordinary people.

At the front, a man bent down and said, "Your Highness, what shall we do?"

The strange man on the throne smiled: "The Holy See\'s promise, withdraw from the holy see in Italy and give us a completely free country so that we can hunt as much as we like. What a wonderful promise, I am moved, and the other twelve princes are also moved. The old friends of the dark parliament have promised. You go to war with me. Let\'s taste the wonderful blood of the Oriental people. The fighter is ready I want to get to the East in the shortest time. I believe those dirty werewolves and dark mages are already on the way. "


Wei Jiang, an old man surnamed Wei among the six leaders in the imperial capital of China, said: "the United Nations has sent a national document. Let\'s explain the causes of the deaths and injuries of the joint forces. Those countries unanimously condemn us for using the force of the army to kill the United Nations forces. Let\'s hand over the murderer within one day, otherwise we will be given the cruelest sanctions in the history of the world."

Wang Tianyuan sighed: "condemnation, sanctions, alas, it\'s still coming."

Wu Guoxing\'s face was a little tired and said softly, "Lao Wei, let the Ministry of foreign affairs quarrel with them first. Everything will be discussed when today\'s battle is over." he is the No. 1 chief. With his words, it can be regarded as a certainty for this matter.

Suddenly, Zhou Qun said, "there\'s a situation."

Public humanity: "what\'s the matter?"

Zhou Qun suddenly picked up a microphone on the table and said, "pick up the picture."

On the original huge screen, a picture suddenly changed. In the picture, there was an American most advanced fighter. With the enlargement of the fighter, they saw a man standing on the fighter.

Wang Tianyuan exclaimed, "God, I didn\'t see any safety measures. How did he resist the airflow?"

Zhou Qun\'s voice was a little depressed and said in a deep voice: "this is the immortal bird, the leader of American powers. It\'s very powerful, but these are not the main ones. The main thing is that the fighter has entered our border. They ignored our warning, and the destination of the plane is the direction of Song Fei."

They were all very smart people. They soon understood the true meaning of Zhou Qun. The leader of the power came in person and ignored the dissuasion of the Chinese military. The meaning was thought-provoking.

Soon, two Chinese fighters appeared on the big screen to intercept, but the other party ignored it and didn\'t mean to stop at all.

Wu Guoxing\'s eyes flashed and said in a deep voice, "do you think the immortal bird will fall to death if it falls from the sky?"

They were stunned, and then Zhou Qun said, "Lao Wu, what do you mean?"

Wu Guoxing said, "I vaguely feel that the purpose of foreign forces this time is not simple. It may be many times more serious than we thought."

Zhou Qun said, "Lao Wu, you mean they want to start a war? Are we worried too much?"

Wu Guoxing said, "although I don\'t know the world of the superpowers, I feel afraid of the attitude and behavior of the undead bird. I vaguely feel that something big is going to happen. Lao Zhou, you go and order me to shoot down the fighter plane."