God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1974

The political center of the imperial capital, a secret conference room.

This time, there were no six people gathered, but only three people came. They were Wang Tianyuan, an old man surnamed Wang who controlled the economic development of China, Zhou Qun, who controlled the elite secret troops of China, and Wu Guoxing, an old man surnamed Wu.

Wu Guoxing sat straight on the main seat, holding a document in his hand and said faintly: "Let me make an opening speech first. You must have read the documents. Last time we answered those foreign forces according to Song Fei\'s reply. Now they sent a document. It said that Song Fei, since he is a fugitive, wants to help us catch him. Frankly, they are not easy to fool and want to do it by themselves. Lao Zhou, you have been contacting Song Fei all the time, Tell me your opinion. "

Zhou Qun said, "I talked to Song Fei about this before. His meaning is very clear, that is, let us treat it as if we don\'t know anything and let him deal with it by himself. He said that if foreign countries really send someone over, let him come."

Wang Tianyuan\'s face showed a faint surprise and said, "if we let go and foreign forces send someone over, how can he resist it? If he was caught, wouldn\'t he want to reveal a lot of pill formulas? Such a person can only be controlled by us and can\'t be let into the hands of outsiders."

Zhou Qun looked at Wang Tianyi and said with a faint smile, "Lao Wang, you are afraid of his treason."

Wang Tianyuan\'s mind was broken. His expression remained unchanged and said faintly: "my worry should be. I even doubt whether he took the opportunity to get rid of China and join other nationalities."

Zhou Qun shook his head and said, "you\'re too worried. I\'ve dealt with him. I\'m not such a person."

Wang Tian wished to say, "trust alone can\'t be foolproof. Brother Wu, tell me."

Wu Guoxing nodded and said slowly: "What you said is reasonable. Well, we can open them up to enter China and let them catch Song Fei, but one bottom line is that Song Fei can\'t go abroad. Whether he is caught or voluntarily, we can\'t let him go out. Lao Zhou, since you believe in Song Fei, we\'ll wait and see if he can resolve the crisis by himself. If he is caught, Then it won\'t be trustworthy in the future. "

Zhou Qun nodded and understood Wu Guoxing\'s meaning. If Song Fei is captured by foreign forces, it means that he has no power to protect those precious pills. In order to protect those pills, the state must take action.

From the perspective of the state, Zhou Qun also believes that Wu Guoxing is right. It is related to the national interests. It is not his wishful trust that can influence and decide. Even if he trusts another person and rises to the national height, he can only be measured by naked interests, because he can\'t afford to gamble. If he loses, he loses the national interests, and no one is qualified to gamble with the national interests.

Wang Tianyuan smiled and said, "I\'m in charge of the economy. I won\'t intervene in this matter. Just decide."

Wu Guoxing said, "ordinary soldiers are not competent for this blockade. You should take charge of Lao Zhou. The bottom line is that Song Fei must not step out of the country."

Zhou Qun said, "don\'t worry, I understand."

After a while, Zhou Qun said, "marching pill has been developed."

This sentence brightened the eyes of the other two elders who collapsed in front of Mount Tai without changing color. Wang Tianyuan was a little excited and said, "marching pill, is it really as magical as you said?"

Zhou Qun said, "I\'ll send ten to each of you first. You can see the effect. However, although the development has been successful, the production cost is still high. I\'m going to give it to the powers and those hidden families first."

Wu Guoxing said, "the distribution of pills is very important. We waited for the other three old men to discuss together. Song Fei\'s credit is not small. Don\'t take tough measures until necessary."

Wu Guoxing\'s last words set the tone for the current affairs.

Half a day later, the Huaxia state issued a national document and agreed that the United Nations would organize forces to "assist" the Huaxia state in arresting the "murderer" Song Fei, but after he catches someone, he must try the suspect with Huaxia. Of course, the last one is just a form. Everyone knows that if Song Fei is really caught, the United Nations will try every means to avoid Huaxia\'s power and send him to the hands of the United forces.

On an aircraft carrier in the Pacific Ocean, the immortal bird, holding the national credentials of China, smiled at the cardinal and the power representatives of the island country: "Hahaha, the Chinese nation is still tough at home and weak at abroad. When the danger is coming, it really sacrifices its own people to plan the so-called overall situation. However, because it is difficult to capture, it is not easy for us to enter. You send the most elite troops in China. In addition, the agents lurking in the Chinese nation send them to Song Fei\'s position and wait for the opportunity."

Cardinal gullier said with a faint smile: "it\'s just in your calculation of the immortal bird. Our EU troops are ready. I don\'t know when the American troops will leave."

Soon, the representative of the island country, taro Nishimura, said in a deep voice: "our island country\'s elite troops have been on standby in the Pacific Ocean. They can enter the Huaxia country in an hour. Our patience lurking in the Huaxia country has also been in place."

The immortal bird smiled and said, "our American troops have been on standby. I immediately ordered them to enter China."

Ten minutes later, the UN troops were ordered to enter China.

Standing in the bow of the aircraft carrier, the undead bird and others were roaring in the sea and beating the aircraft carrier. The undead bird smiled faintly: "Many years ago, the Allied forces of the eight powers invaded China and stole countless kuibao from China. Now, the Allied forces of dozens of countries want to grab more precious things than at that time. History is reincarnating. It is time for China to return to the status of a medium-sized country."

Standing next to the undead bird, taro Nakamura smiled and said, "our island country will always be an ally of the United States. After suppressing China this time, we also hope that the United States will help us rise again."

The immortal bird smiled faintly: "I\'m not involved in politics, but I\'ll report your requirements."

Taro Nakamura said with a smile, "if you have the immortal bird to help you speak, even your Excellency the president should pay attention to it."

The immortal bird smiled, and the headset on his ear suddenly sounded the voice of his subordinates: "general immortal bird, our satellite has flown to the space above China, and has been debugged successfully."

The immortal bird smiled faintly at the crowd and said, "let\'s go and watch the video. It\'s really a lively event." then he said to the microphone at his mouth, "tell your Excellency the president about the satellite."