God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1971

Boss Yan is not a big power boss, but a representative of several bosses. Cooperating with Yang Junkun\'s acting, he never thought he would encounter such a tragic fate in an instant.

Song Fei drew close to boss Yan, looked into his eyes and said faintly, "you\'re glad you live in a legal society, otherwise you\'re dead." now boss Yan, even if he doesn\'t die and loses his hands and feet, his lower body must be sad, maybe even death.

And mixed society, who has few enemies, has no power, and only they can understand the sadness of being found by the enemy.

This scene, not only Zhao Dong was stunned, but also Yang Junkun was stunned. Yang Junkun suddenly found that he was very strange to Song Fei in front of him.

The thugs around the door, look at me and I\'ll look at you. They were really shocked by Song Fei\'s hand and abandoned people in the twinkling of an eye. They didn\'t even mix with society.

Soon, Song Fei\'s eyes looked outside the private room and said faintly, "who dares to stand out for him, this is an example."

After boss Yan was hurt, Yang Junkun suddenly found that the things in front of him were beyond his control. Originally, relying on the forces of the underworld and the cooperation of boss Yan, he could sing a good play, which could not only win the good impression of the wind chime, but also severely humiliate Song Fei. At this moment, everything seemed different from what he imagined.

Someone shouted outside the door, "go, cut the boy. Who will cut him? 100000 yuan."

Yang Junkun heard that this was Zheng Gang\'s voice. He immediately saw Zheng Gang winking at several bosses. Several bosses understood at the same time and said in a deep voice, "go on, cut the boy."

People with knives immediately rushed up outside the private room.

Zhao Dong got up and grabbed the chair, but found that someone stepped forward faster than himself. It was a big goat.

Zhao Dong was surprised to see that the goat didn\'t take any weapons. He even met countless young people with knives with empty hands. He couldn\'t help but say, "it\'s too fierce."

In Zhao Dong\'s opinion, no matter how strong he is, he can\'t avoid such a random knife.

The goat didn\'t escape. Facing the long knife, his body was as flexible as a loach. Countless knives couldn\'t touch his tall body. Immediately, the goat took the hand, grabbed the nearest hand and pinched it directly. The crisp sound of bones sounded.

Then, Zhao Dong and Yang Junkun were like seeing a stunt action film. The goat pointed out one finger and broke people\'s bones. In an instant, there was a cry, and people fell one after another at the foot of the goat.

Except Song Fei and others, all those who saw this scene showed a stunned expression.

Soon, no one dared to come forward. I\'m kidding. It\'s the most important to be healthy. If you really want to lose your arms and legs, you\'ll end your social career in the future.

"Is this martial arts? It\'s great." someone exclaimed.

"This is a master. It\'s much better than those who fight in the challenge arena."

"Experts are among the people."

Even Zhao Dong sighed, "boss, it\'s too fierce. It\'s more fierce than I thought."

The goat said to the rest of the humanity, "take your people away. You know who to ask for medical expenses."

Yang Junkun smoked his mouth. For so many people, I\'m afraid it\'s a lot of money for medical expenses and disability compensation.

A group of underworld never regained their previous arrogance. They silently helped the injured companions away. They didn\'t even dare to look at big goat and others. Then they threw a resentful look at Yang Junkun\'s face.

Soon, people helped people go, leaving Yang Junkun alone in the private room, a little embarrassed.

In order to avoid embarrassment, Yang Junkun opened a chair, smiled at the wind chime and said, "it\'s really great to have nothing. Since we met together, I\'ll have a drink with jiu\'er."

Yang Junkun sat down. As a result, he accidentally sat empty. His ass sat on the ground, and bursts of severe pain came.

Yang Junkun looked back and saw the big goat who pulled away the chair.

Yang Junkun held back his anger, climbed up from the ground and said unhappily, "brother, what do you mean?"

Even if the other party can fight, Yang Junkun is not afraid at all. He can fight faster than rob. In today\'s society, power is the greatest power.

The goat smiled grimly and didn\'t answer.

Yang Junkun got up, sneered and said, "since I didn\'t welcome someone, I\'ll leave."

Song Fei said faintly, "breaking your leg will teach you a lesson."

Yang Junkun looked at Song Fei coldly and said with a sneer, "what do you mean, you want to do something to me? Do you know who I am?"

As soon as the voice fell, Yang Junkun suddenly stumbled and fell to the ground. There was severe pain in his right foot. Then he heard the goat say, "our boss wants you to have a leg. The best doctor in the world can\'t cure you."

Yang Junkun looked back at his right leg. Unexpectedly, the whole leg was bent. The bone dregs plunged into the meat, and there was a penetrating pain.

Yang Junkun\'s resentful eyes looked at the big goat and Song Fei. Finally, they fell on Fengling\'s face, but he found that Fengling was still drinking tea. He was indifferent to his fracture.

Yang Junkun hated and saw his position in the heart of the wind chime. His resentment rippled open, and then shouted, "Zheng Gang!"

Zheng Gang also hid outside the door. When he heard the cry, he hurried in, but saw Yang Junkun lying on the ground.

"Yang Shao, your leg." Zheng Gang was surprised. Then he glared at Song Fei and others and shouted, "who did it."

The goat said faintly, "I did it. If you want revenge, just come to me."

Zheng Gang didn\'t speak, silently carrying Yang Junkun to the outside.

Just outside the door, someone exclaimed, "President Yang of the Yang group was beaten."

"God, who is so bold? It\'s going to pierce the sky."

"Finished, offended Yang Shi, completely finished."

"These people are really bold. They just crippled people and beat all the young people in the Yang family. They are really a group of stunners."

"These people have never seen before. Come from other places."

"The strong dragon didn\'t press the local snake and offended the young people. They were afraid they couldn\'t get out of H city."

"They still don\'t go. I really can\'t go later."

Many of the people who came here for dinner were dignitaries. Naturally, they recognized Yang Junkun. The news spread quickly. More and more people came from the private room and stood in the distance to watch the excitement.

When Yang Junkun was helped out of the private room by Zheng Gang, he passed by the table in the hall, pushed Zheng Gang away, and pulled a red chair beside the table.

"Yang Shao?" Zheng Gang wondered.

Yang Junkun\'s face was ferocious and said fiercely, "can you break my leg? Is my Yang family so easy to deceive?"