God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1969

Facing Zhao Dong and Ziyan\'s questions, the wind chime said, "in fact, the truth is very simple. I don\'t want them to see it. None of them can see me."

For the truth of the wind chime, they didn\'t believe it at all. Ziyan said, "you deserve to be Song Fei\'s friend. You talk as mysterious as him."

Zhao Dong said: "it must be my wise and divine force that attracted their attention. People didn\'t notice the existence of beautiful women. My limelight overshadowed the wind chime. God, I can play ten tianniu after I go back. Boss, you have to testify for me. You saw it yourself."

The goat said angrily, "go and tell the boss here that I want to eat barbecue and order me 20 kilograms of barbecue alone."

"Twenty pounds? Boss, are you an animal?" Zhao Dong looked at the big goat with strange eyes.

The big goat stared and said, "don\'t talk nonsense. I\'m just trying to taste it. If it\'s delicious, order another 200 kilograms."

"Animals." Zhao Dong hurriedly avoided the big goat\'s foot. Finally, he was still kicked and staggered by the big goat.

Then Zhao Dong said, "boss, it\'s not your revenge. You\'re cruel. Do you want 20 kilograms of other dishes?" after that, Zhao Dong straightened his collar and walked out of the room. The word "roll" of the big goat came from behind him.

When going out, a man in a suit met him and whispered beside him, "young man, what else do you eat? Hurry up and go. The black boss is not so easy to mess with."

Zhao Dong thanked him, and then went to the boss for barbecue.


In Private Room 201, Zheng Gang told Yang Junkun everything just now. In most cases, Yang Junkun saw it from a distance, but he didn\'t know some details that happened in the private room.

After Zheng Gang finished, Yang Junkun said faintly, "so, there suddenly appeared a man who can beat the waste around the boy."

Zheng Gang said: "yes, look at the man behind him. It seems that he came out of the army. He should be a retired officer like me."

Beside Yang Junkun, besides Zheng Gang, there were three retired soldiers. Therefore, he was indifferent to such an identity, and then said, "how do you compare with him?"

Zheng Gang said, "it should be comparable. Does Yang Shao want me to do it?"

Yang Junkun shook his head: "you\'re my man. I\'ve seen the wind chime. You can\'t go. Go find some people who can call."

Zheng Gang said, "I know some good practitioners, but it\'s too remote here. When people come, they all have a good meal."

Yang Junkun said, "it\'s really not good. Even if you find someone to teach him a lesson next time, hum, it seems that he hasn\'t been taught a lesson when he smashed his store last time. You call several people over this time, smash his store again, and then stare at it and smash it again."

Zheng Gang suddenly reminded: "Yang Shao, this boy is not short of money. Last time he took Miss Fengling 100 million."

Hearing this, Yang Junkun felt that he was more uncomfortable than eating a fly. The woman he pursued gave a little white face he despised 100 million. What\'s this called.

Around Yang Junkun, a young man smiled and said, "Yang Shao, you can\'t just forget it. My brother can\'t stand it."

Yang Junkun said, "Zhu Xiang, what\'s your good idea?"

Zhu Xiang said, "Yang Shao\'s forces are in the city. Naturally, they come slowly. Brother, I still know some suburban forces. These forces are not very big. If they can unite, there will be a lot of people. Of course, it\'s easy for them to unite. It\'s natural to ask for money."

Yang Junkun said with a smile, "money is not a problem. As long as you can find people, I will pay twice the market price."

"Yang Shao is domineering." Zhu Xiang said with a smile, "then I\'ll call right away."


In the 108 private room, people slowly ate food and drank wine, because the business of this restaurant was so good that the service was very slow. Twenty minutes later, they only served three dishes, not even barbecue.

Zhao Dong angrily said, "the serving is so slow. Is that boy intentional? I\'ll hurry up. If I don\'t hurry up, I\'ll smash the store."

Ziyan was not angry and said, "are you a law enforcer or an underworld? Wait honestly."

For the strong figures around head Zhou, Zhao Dong lost his temper and sat back obediently.

At the same time, more and more small vans came to the parking lot of the farmhouse banquet. Instead of parking according to the parking space, they directly saw where they were free and parked the car. After the car stopped, a group of young people with control knives came down from the car.

This scene attracted the attention of many people. Some people silently closed the door of the private room and didn\'t want to provoke any right and wrong. Others stood at the door of their private room and stretched their heads to see what happened. Maybe they could have the opportunity to witness a scene of underworld fighting that is difficult to see in reality.

Hundreds of people rushed into the farmhouse banquet with props.

Zhao Dongzheng hung his head and looked at the empty plates waiting silently. The door of the box was suddenly kicked open, and a group of people holding long knives suddenly rushed into the box.

"Fuck me!" Zhao Dong was also startled. He was a special elite. Yes, but he was not a purple sun power. He was a little nervous when he faced so many people holding sharp blades, especially when he saw many people holding long knives through the gate.

The two benches beside Zhao Dong\'s claws first hit the two young people who were the first to approach him, smashed them on the ground, and then kicked the one in front of him, causing him to hit the dense crowd.

The crowd rushed in at a slow speed, but after picking up their companions, someone immediately poured into the private room.

In the small room, because the other party was holding knives and there were too many people, it was difficult to dodge. Zhao Dong smashed the chair violently, forcing the enemy outside the room and trying to keep them from entering the room. Otherwise, Zhao Dong couldn\'t do it in the small private room.

A chair resists five or six knives, and the real battle will not happen. In the TV series, when all knives are cut down at the same time, they can be blocked by chairs. Instead, everyone is looking for the gap between Zhao Dong. Countless knives are cut from different angles. The chairs are heavy. Zhao Dong was overwhelmed and cut off his right leg.

In a short time, Zhao Dong was injured.

"Yes, it\'s true." Zhao Dong was furious. He was a senior official of the armed police special warfare team. His usual action was to crack down on such social crimes. He didn\'t expect anyone to dare to organize people under his own eyes to deal with himself.