God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1953

Liu Yanghong said, "but I once killed people from the island country on the battlefield."

Igawa inouda didn\'t care at all. He smiled faintly and said, "at that time, your Excellency and the soldiers of our island country, their masters, it was a battle between warriors. No matter who wins or loses, they are respectable people. The defeated warriors are not qualified to survive. We people in Oshima won\'t care about these little things."

Liu Yanghong whispered, "you don\'t care, but I care. Do you know why I went to the battlefield? With my family background, I could have sat in the rear and mixed some qualifications back. But..." finally, Liu Yanghong even shouted, "the islanders should be killed. He is the enemy of my nation."

Then, Liu Yanghong turned around, pointed to jingtianchuan with his fingers and said in a harsh voice, "even if I die, I won\'t be a slave to your island country or a sinner in China. You can roll away."

Igawa nodded: "your national righteousness is admirable, but if you die, someone will cooperate with me. If you change your mind and want to continue your cooperation, you can shout Igawa Jun on the balcony, and our cooperation is still effective."

With a smile, Igawa left.

"Cough! Cough!" what he said just now made Liu Yanghong use up all his strength and spread out powerlessly on the bed. Then he smiled bitterly. He seemed to be really dying. Although he was very unwilling, he still couldn\'t do some things.

"Didi!" Liu Feihu thought of his mobile phone, put away his gun and took out his mobile phone for a look.

The next moment, he hurried to Liu Yanghong\'s side and said loudly, "Dad, short message, it\'s Song Fei\'s short message."

"Song Fei, it\'s him!" because of excessive overdraft of life, Liu Yanghong\'s body became very weak. Dizziness constantly attacked him, making his mind unable to run quickly.

Liu Feilong made the master for old man Li and said, "second brother, read it quickly!"

Liu Feihu read the text message and said, "seeing that you are in a high position and have the great righteousness of the nation, you can be given 30 years of life on the premise that you can get the understanding of the Gu people within 10 days, Song Fei."

Seeing this short message, Liu Feilong was shocked not by the thirty years life of Song Fei, but with a lingering fear, "Ida Kawataka, how did he know about this incident?"

Liu Feihu was stunned, and then said with a bitter smile: "what\'s strange? When Song Fei got off the bus, he saw that the old man was poisoned and didn\'t even feel his pulse. Moreover, he said clearly the reason and location of the poison in the old man. I really don\'t think it\'s strange compared with the current thing."

The crowd was shocked, and someone exclaimed, "is there really such an expert?"

Another conspiracy theorist said, "will someone here pass the matter on to him? The Japanese was also his man just now. They played the double reed."

Liu Feilong disdained to say, "the old man came to the door to ask for it himself. Although he can put forward some unreasonable conditions, he doesn\'t need to make things so complicated. Moreover, he doesn\'t put forward any excessive requirements now."

The conspiracy theorist stopped talking.

Liu Feilong continued: "it\'s meaningless to pay attention to these now. The old man has gone to sleep now. Let\'s do it according to Song Fei\'s requirements."

There was a young man: "uncle, there were so many people moving at that time. How do we know who was the person who poisoned the insects."

Liu Feilong sneered: "You don\'t know how to use your mind to think more about things all day except the sound and lust of dogs and horses. Since Song Fei didn\'t name anyone who was the demagogue, the purpose is also very simple to get everyone\'s understanding. Feihu, I\'ll go back to my unit immediately. You cooperate with me from your side to transfer out the list of all the residents of the land at that time, and then we come to the door in person to ask them for understanding, Whatever the cost, the old man\'s life is more than everything. "

"Good!" Liu Feihu also readily agreed. At present, the current situation of the Liu family can\'t get rid of the dilemma without master Liu. Liu Feilong and his Liu Feihu can\'t do it. Although Liu Feilong is also a highly resourceful person, after all, he has been in politics for many years and has a little less sensitivity in business. He won\'t have a chance to reach the level of Master Liu unless he inherits the master\'s experience for ten or twenty years.

Although Liu Feihu has rich experience, his mind is a little worse than his brother\'s, and his vision can\'t be compared with that of the old man. He can\'t stir up the beam.

As for the other children of the old man, although their abilities are well trained, they are far from being the helmsman of such a large family.

For a time, the whole family mobilized and began to implement Song Fei\'s requirements.


In Tianmao building, Yang Junkun was sitting at the office. He was in a good mood a few days ago because his people successfully smashed Song Fei\'s grocery store.

When Yang Junkun was still a little happy, Zheng Gang came to report that the Phoenix Gang had broken up, and the black phoenix song huanger had taken refuge in Song Fei and became Song Fei\'s thug, even beating Zhao Kui.

"Are you talking about Zhao Kui, the Jindun security guard?" Yang Junkun still can\'t believe it. In his eyes, Zhao Kui and song huanger are not opponents of the same level at all. Although song huanger has the title of black phoenix, it is not much different from a grass chicken in the eyes of people like Yang Junkun. On the contrary, Zhao Kui has a great weight in his eyes. He is like a wolf. Although he is not afraid of him, he annoys him, There is no shortage of trouble.

Yang Junkun said with a smile, "that\'s great. Zhao Kui suffered a loss and won\'t give up next time. We also took the opportunity to get some means. We\'re afraid we can\'t kill the boy."

Zheng Gang said with a smile, "it\'s just a little person. Just have fun with Yang Shao."

Yang Junkun sneered: "if it weren\'t for the wind chime, he wouldn\'t deserve me to play with him. Hum, it\'s his blessing."

At the same time, Zhao Kui became more and more angry in the training room. He thought that young master Zhao Kui had always been bullied by others. When did he suffer such a big loss, not to mention when he stood up for the woman he loved? Zhao Kui Gen couldn\'t bear such a hatred.

The sandbag has been blasted by Zhao Kui for half an hour. Seeing the evil spirit on Zhao Kui\'s face, no one came forward to persuade him. Instead, they avoided it one by one and dared not touch the mildew of young master Zhao.

"It\'s amazing to be able to fight, isn\'t it? I don\'t know whether your fist is fast or your bullet is fast. Next time I put a gun against your head and pick your tendons to see how you fight."

The more Zhao Kui wanted to get angry, he simply sent a text message to Liu Yueqing: "if I help you, will you still be my woman." Zhao Kui had little hope, and he was ready for Liu Yueqing\'s sarcasm.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yueqing replied quickly, simply two words: "effective!"

At the thought of her beautiful and exquisite face and concave convex figure, Zhao Kui was overjoyed and his body was a little dry and hot.