God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1945

The speaker is Liu Yueqing, Liu Yanghong\'s favorite granddaughter. In her twenties, she is beautiful, tall and sweet. She is Liu Yanghong\'s favorite granddaughter.

At the moment she spoke, Liu Yanghong had a happy smile on his face: "it\'s good for Xiaoqing to have this filial piety, so go."

Liu Tianlong said, "Dad, this girl is spoiled. She has a big miss\'s temper. She\'s afraid of delaying things."

Before Master Liu spoke, Liu Yueqing hurriedly said, "Dad, it\'s about Grandpa\'s illness. How can I be capricious. Do you have so little confidence in me!"

"Well, don\'t argue, let Xiaoqing go." Liu Yanghong said.

No one objected to the old man\'s decision.

"OK, Grandpa, don\'t worry. I\'ll beg you." Liu Yueqing smiled at Liu Yanghong again.

Before leaving, Liu Yueqing\'s mother said, "since you are a beggar, you are polite to others. You can\'t be so capricious as before."

Liu Feilong said, "Ah Xiang, you take her. You must take good care of him and report to me at any time."


Although a Xiang is not surnamed Liu, he is Liu Feilong\'s secretary and driver. He belongs to his confidant.

Driven by a Xiang, they went straight to Nanguang road.

On the way, Liu Yueqing leaned against the co pilot\'s seat and couldn\'t help saying, "Nanguang Road, Song Fei, how can you be so familiar."

Ah Xiang said, "it seems that a man quarreled with the female star wind chime a few days ago. The hero\'s name is Song Fei."

Liu Yueqing\'s eyes brightened: "yes, that\'s him. He runs a grocery store." then, Liu Yueqing frowned, "how can a person in a grocery store have any elixir? The old man should not be a charlatan."

Ah Xiang shook his head: "Miss, I dare not say whether he is a charlatan or not."

Liu Yueqing sighed, "Alas, the older generation is superstitious, and so is Grandpa. He even believes an old man who doesn\'t know where he comes from and calls him an elder."

Ah Xiang said, "Miss, our goal is to ask for medicine and not create complications."

"I see." Liu Yueqing elongated her voice and then clenched her fist. "If the medicine we get can\'t cure Grandpa, I won\'t let him go."

Ah Xiang shook his head. He knew the young lady\'s temper and didn\'t answer her.

"Hee hee, this time I asked for medicine to save my grandfather, so I have the confidence to be the general manager of the pharmaceutical company. Why should those people fight with me?" Liu Yueqing said. Facing her father\'s confidant, Liu Yueqing has no taboo.

Ah Xiang nodded: "Miss, if you do meritorious service this time, others have nothing to say. With the support of the old man, it\'s not worth mastering Jiangnan pharmaceutical factory."

"Hee hee, I think so too, so I was the first to ask for medicine. As expected, I was the first to win." Liu Yueqing said.

The car drove for about an hour and finally stopped at Song Fei\'s grocery store.

Liu Yueqing jumped out of the car and saw Song Fei lying in the master\'s chair at a glance. Looking at each other\'s young face, Liu Yueqing was more sure that the pill in Song Fei\'s hand was unreliable, but anyway, she still took it back.

Seeing that the other party is so young, Liu Yueqing has a lot of confidence. Ordinary young men don\'t give in to their appearance. And he was willing to be a little white face of wind chimes. Then he must be a man who loves money. No matter what the other party loves, Liu Yueqing has great confidence in getting the pill.

With a sweet smile on her face, Liu Yueqing walked into the grocery store and smiled at Song Fei, "are you the boss here?" then stretched out her hand and asked Song Fei to shake hands, "my name is Liu Yueqing."

Song Fei held out his hand and gently shook it with Liu Yueqing\'s hand. Then he loosened it. Liu Yueqing said, "you can pretend to be a gentleman. I don\'t believe you will have no lust when you see this girl. It\'s just a little white face. What\'s high."

Song Fei said with a smile, "all visitors are guests. Please sit down."

Liu Yueqing said with a smile, "sit down and don\'t use it. Can you eliminate Gu? It\'s the kind of terrible insects on TV."

Song Fei said with a smile, "I\'m a grocery store here. I have insect catching tweezers, but you have to buy pesticides at the pesticide store. Go out and turn left and walk 300 meters."

Liu Yueqing\'s eyebrows wrinkled slightly. He remembered what Bai Lanfeng said in his mind. He thought he didn\'t go to the wrong place.

Liu Yueqing said, "do you have any pills in your shop?"

Song Fei lay on the teacher\'s chair and shook slowly: "where is there any pill in the grocery store? If you don\'t believe it, look for it."

Liu Yueqing went in and looked around the grocery store. She really didn\'t find any pills.

Then Liu Yueqing turned to Ah Xiang and said, "Uncle Xiang, we\'re right."

Ah Xiang smiled bitterly and whispered in Liu Yueqing\'s ear, "how can things that can save lives be placed with groceries? He may start from the ground."

Hearing Ah Xiang say this, Liu Yueqing\'s face immediately overcast. If she didn\'t want to make meritorious service, she wouldn\'t come to this place at all. For her, the third miss of the Liu family came to you to get the medicine in person. It\'s your big face. It\'s your fault if you don\'t give it.

Liu Yueqing stood in front of Song Fei, looked at Song Fei lying leisurely shaking in the master\'s chair, and said coldly, "boy, you want to start the price on the ground, right? You can make a price. This time, I\'m willing to let you kill and how much I\'m willing to sell."

Song Fei took a sip of tea, then put the teacup aside and said faintly, "you can\'t afford it, go back." a pill that can save the name, the worst is a spiritual pill of Xiuzhen level. Such pills are measured by spiritual stones. No matter how much secular gold, you can\'t buy such a pill.

So Song Fei is right. If she wants to buy it, she really can\'t afford it, because he doesn\'t have a spirit stone.

At the beginning, a spirit stone can almost destroy an Optimus sword sect. It can be seen that the spirit stone is precious in the secular world. Coupled with the barren spirit of the earth, it is impossible to have more spirit stones, so the value will only be higher.

Moreover, Song Fei is not a philanthropist. How can anyone who comes to the door for medicine give him a pill? Otherwise, China\'s population of more than 1 billion will not be able to provide more than 1 billion pills themselves? In Song Fei\'s eyes, dignitaries and civilians are mortals, there is no difference.

Song Fei\'s attitude made Liu Yueqing more sure that he was sitting on the ground and that he had some kind of pill in his hand.

Liu Yueqing said coldly, "if you don\'t ask for a price, how do you know I can\'t afford it. Make a price. Don\'t be a mother. If you can\'t afford it, I\'ll leave."

Song Fei slowly tasted a cup of tea and then said faintly, "100 billion dollars."

"What?" Liu Yueqing\'s face was completely overcast and said with a cold smile, "I\'ve seen a lot of blackmail, but it\'s the first time I dare to knock like this."