God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1928

Walking one street after another, Ziyan followed Song Fei. It seemed that there was no end. It has been more than two hours since he went out.

Ziyan walked a long way. In order to chase and kill a power, they ran after each other for a day and a night, and finally killed each other in a valley.

But such a slow walk for such a long time, Ziyan is the first time in her life.

Ziyan finally couldn\'t help asking, "didn\'t you say you were going to help your friends? Why aren\'t you in a hurry."

Song Fei said with a smile, "just after dinner, it\'s good to take more walks. Besides, my friend is not in danger for the time being. Maybe we can catch up when we arrive."

Ziyan couldn\'t help looking at Song Fei. He didn\'t call with his cell phone all afternoon. I really don\'t know how his conclusions came out, and you just saved people. Why don\'t you go there earlier? If you were yourself, you would have taken a taxi. If you were a little late and had some accidents, wouldn\'t it be too late to regret.

Walking to a busy street, Song Fei looked up at the luxury KTV next to him and said with a smile, "it\'s right here."

Ziyan looked at Song Fei, who was still walking slowly, and couldn\'t think whether he came to sing or help people.

A group of young men and women stood at the door of KTV, bowed and shouted, "welcome."

Song Fei put his hands behind him and went in slowly.

"Sir, do you still have a reservation?" the young waiter came up to say hello.

Song Fei said, "Room 201, I\'m an old customer. I\'ll find it myself."

Regular customers? The waiter had some doubts. Anyway, he had never seen it before, but since the other party said so, he wouldn\'t force it. He looked at Song Fei and walked in the direction of 201.

Ziyan quickly walked to Song Fei\'s side and said, "you really don\'t come to entertain?"

Song Fei said with a smile, "I\'m here to smash the field. Will they welcome me later?"

"Smash the field, you?" Ziyan was a little suspicious. It was Song Fei\'s light touch, which was very different from the underworld who smashed the field and robbed the territory in the imagination.

Song Fei said, "don\'t you still have you?"

Purple Yan said with a straight face, "I said, I\'m not your thug."

Song Fei said faintly, "if you can\'t do it, I\'ll transfer the big goat back. Alas, I\'m just too kind. How can others be soft hearted when they ask and send the big goat out? I haven\'t sent it these days."

Ziyan\'s mouth smoked. If Dashan Yang was really called back by Song Fei, she would have no face to talk to Zhou * *.

Room 201 is right in front. At the door of the room stands a middle-aged man in his forties with a small belly. He is Shi Kuan.

In order to promote good things for Ding Baoshan, he personally came to the door outside the box. In addition, the boss of KTV here is Ding Baoshan\'s friends. Naturally, no one will disturb Ding Baoshan\'s good things.

Seeing Song Fei and Ziyan coming, Shi Kuan took a faint look and didn\'t care. There were too many people in the KTV. Shi Kuan wouldn\'t pay attention to it, but the Ziyan behind Song Fei was amazing, tall and beautiful. It was the best everywhere. Shi Kuan couldn\'t help looking more.

Soon, Shi Kuan found that there was something wrong with the two people\'s route. He walked towards his room. Shi Kuan couldn\'t help but cheer up and took a deep breath of smoke. Then he took a step forward, stretched out his hand and stopped Song Fei in front of him. He said positively, "are you in the wrong room?"

Song Fei waved his left hand, which was not fast, but Shi Kuan, an ordinary person, couldn\'t stop it. He clearly saw Song Fei\'s hand fan on his face. Immediately, the whole person flew out and hit the wall of box 201.

When he slid down from the wall, Shi Kuan opened his mouth and blood gushed. He lay on the ground coughing powerlessly. While spitting out blood, he spit out teeth dyed red by blood.

Ziyan\'s pupil contracted slightly, and Shi Kuan\'s teeth were all knocked out. The control of this strength was almost incredible. Just because she slapped, Ziyan didn\'t know whether it was the coincidence caused by each other\'s strength or hidden.

It\'s just, what\'s going on in the KTV? Are you really here to fight? In the past, the big goat had been following him all the time. Unexpectedly, some people made enemies with him without eyes?

"You, how did you hit people?" a passing waiter saw this behind the scenes and thought of the boss\'s special account of 201 distinguished guests. His face changed slightly. Then he immediately picked up the communication machine in his hand and began to report the situation here.

The next moment, Song Fei opened the door and Ziyan followed in.

Under the dim neon light, a girl lay on the sofa with her eyes open. Her eyes were blurred and her face showed panic, but she couldn\'t get up because of drinking too much.

A man like a fat pig was unfastening his coat, casting his eyes on the girl, and bursts of obscene laughter appeared at the corners of his mouth.

Seeing this scene, Ziyan understood what was going on.

However, after understanding this matter, a greater doubt came to Ziyan\'s mind. It is obvious that he came to save the girl, so why did he take a walk? Don\'t you know that if this kind of thing is slow for a minute, it may produce an irreparable tragedy?

What\'s the secret, or what\'s going on?

If it is an ordinary person, she may completely ignore other things after being attracted by the current situation, but Ziyan\'s brain turns quickly and thinks a lot, which is also a matter of business. Because of this, the smarter the person feels more confused. She feels like a retarded person. She doesn\'t know anything and can\'t understand anything.

Ding Baoshan turned his fat body and saw the two people who suddenly broke in. Good things were disturbed. An unknown fire came out of his heart and roared at Song Fei: "son of a bitch, get out of here."

Song Fei narrowed his eyes and walked to Ding Baoshan step by step. Then he turned his head and said faintly to Ziyan: "I want him to spend his whole life in prison, locked up with a group of vicious criminals. Well, his cellmates must be Brokeback Mountain."

Seeing that Song Fei ignored himself, he cursed himself for going to prison, which made Ding Baoshan\'s anger worse. He couldn\'t help but step forward and slap Song Fei in the face.

As for Song Fei\'s words, Ding Baoshan doesn\'t believe it at all.

Ziyan\'s heart has already been filled with anger. She is the guardian of the country. Her faith is for the country and the people. Seeing an innocent little girl almost ruined by this fat pig, her anger is also on the verge of outbreak.

Before Song Fei could make some moves, Ziyan stepped forward and kicked Ding Baoshan\'s stomach, kicking his body out. If Ziyan hadn\'t restrained himself and didn\'t want to kill ordinary people in violation of the law, it would be enough to kick Ding Baoshan to death.

Rao is so. Ding Baoshan is not easy. After sliding off the wall, the whole person bowed together like a lobster, covered his stomach with his hands, and kept wailing, and the water and wine he drank in his stomach kept spitting out.

(recommend a book, super call flow system.)