God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1924

The middle-aged man is only the director of the banking department. The annual profit of the bank is linked to his income. Seeing that his aunt embarrasses the guests, he can only go to the rescue in person and warn her to pay attention to the impact.

But I didn\'t expect my aunt to become more and more violent and unreasonable.

The middle-aged man could only temporarily press down his anger and said to Song Fei, "go to my office."

Aunt angrily said, "what do you mean, Cai? He\'s not a VIP and can\'t do business here. What\'s the rule for you to be our branch?"

The middle-aged man couldn\'t help it. He turned back and shouted, "shut up, he\'s my guest. Why, you still want to drive my guest away."

"Hum!" aunt turned her head and sneered.

Entering the middle-aged man\'s office, Cai Jizhong said, "I\'ll make you laugh. My name is Cai Jizhong. This is my business card. I\'ll help you with any business."

Song Fei said, "get a card and save money!"

Cai Jizhong secretly said that it was this kind of thing. No wonder the old woman wanted to make trouble for him. This kind of little man has too low weight. Even if she complained, it won\'t attract too much attention, so that the old woman has no fear.

Cai Jizhong nodded and said, "OK, do you deposit a check?" Song Fei looked up and down. He only looked at such a check.

If it was normal, he would never accept such business and would persuade the other party to do it downstairs. However, he was kind of persuasion and did not rush people directly like the old woman.

Song Fei said, "yes." then he casually handed over the check.

Cai Jizhong took it carelessly. When he saw the zero running in a row, Cai Jizhong\'s hand shook and thought he was wrong.

With a strong shock on his face, Cai Jizhong took off his eyes, gave himself several drops of eye drops, then wiped his glasses again, and then carefully checked the check in his hand again.

After three consecutive confirmations, Cai Jizhong held his glasses with a trembling hand and said in a trembling voice, "little brother, this is to open a card deposit?"

Song Fei said with a smile, "didn\'t I say that?"

Cai Jizhong said, "well, can you let me be your economic adviser? Don\'t worry, I\'ll help you with your business in the bank in the future."

The so-called economic adviser is to ask Song Fei to deposit the money according to the deposit he pulled. The salesperson of each bank has a commission on the deposit. Because of the large scale of sunflower bank, the commission rate is low, only three ten thousandths per month.

However, with a deposit of 100 million yuan, there are 360 thousand a year. There is no need to do anything. As long as the young man in front of him keeps his money in his name, he will have such a rich income, and as long as the money is there, he can always improve.

How can he not be excited about such a huge harvest? Even if he is a supervisor, the Commission in previous years does not exceed 400000. If the young man in front of him nodded directly, his income would be doubled. Not only that, his position directly in the bank may be able to climb up again, and it is possible to compete for the vice president of the branch.

Song Fei said with a smile, "just do it. I don\'t have any requirements for these."

Cai Jizhong was overjoyed. Then he took a serious look at the check and said to Song Fei, "no wonder my brother looks so familiar. It turned out that it was the check given by Miss Fengling. I also saw you in the morning newspaper."

Song Fei smiled and didn\'t answer.

Cai Jizhong continued: "although you have a close relationship with Miss Fengling, the amount is too large. We need the president to call Miss Fengling for confirmation. I hope you can understand."

Song Fei said with a smile, "it doesn\'t matter. Just make arrangements."

Cai Jizhong hurried out. After watching it, aunt Qian said unhappily, "how fast, let\'s reincarnate."

Cai Jizhong ignored him and ran to the president\'s office as fast as he could.

Before long, a bald old man in his fifties hurried here, followed by Cai Jizhong.

Aunt sat behind her desk and was stunned. Then she had a thick sneer on her face: "ask the president to complain? Mom, see how you can move me."

"Hello, I\'m Ji Hai, the president of this branch. Is this the little brother Song Fei?" the president warmly shook hands with Song Fei. After that, Cai Jizhong asked Cai Jizhong to call out the internal telephone of Fengling bank, dial and record the telephone in person.

It was Fengling who answered the phone. After confirming the authenticity of the check, Ji Hai and Cai Jizhong became more enthusiastic. Cai Jizhong took Song Fei to the counter to handle the storage business. Before leaving, he whispered in the president\'s ear.

While walking, Cai Jizhong said in Song Fei\'s ear: "little brother, I hope you can testify to us about this scene today. You know, there are some pests in our bank. Please help to remove them. This is also the opinion of the president."

Song Fei said, "how to do it."

Cai Jizhong said, "I\'ll write a document about what happened just now. Just sign it after you see it."

Song Fei naturally will not object.

Then Song Fei handled business, but Cai Jizhong went to his own office to print text.

I have to say that Cai Jizhong\'s writing level is good. In ten minutes, he wrote down what he had just seen and heard in 1000 words, printed it and handed it to Song Fei.

Song Fei signed, and then the document was given to the president, who signed it.

"Little brother, I may ask you some questions later. Could you please sit down for a while and have tea?" President Ji Haidao. Bringing down such a big customer as Song Fei is also a surprise for the president, and he can get rid of some related customers.

Song Fei promised, and then Cai Jizhong led him to the teahouse to drink tea.

About 20 minutes later, the long line ran over to Song Fei and said, "well, everything is done. Lao Cai, here you are. You\'d better deal with it."

Then, the president handed Cai Jizhong a document. On the top, who wrote in Black: dismissal letter.

Song Fei smiled. He would not sympathize with the kind of woman who did evil.

Cai Jizhong said, "I\'ll leave for a moment and deal with the matter."

Song Fei said, "please help yourself."

Then Cai Jizhong took the dismissal letter and photographed it in front of the old woman surnamed Qian. Then Song Fei saw that the old woman\'s face was pale and kept questioning Cai Jizhong. Song Fei heard her saying, "no, I\'m about to retire. You can\'t do this to me. It must be you who provoked me to speak ill of me. I want to complain about you and you framed me."

She almost drove away a large customer with a deposit of 100 million. This kind of thing is too big. It\'s useless for her to complain. Even she called the related account. As a result, she was scolded and scolded that she had implicated him.

After splashing for half an hour, the old woman finally began to go downstairs pale. Originally, he wanted to drive Song Fei away, but she was dismissed. She couldn\'t step into the VIP room in the future. Instead, Song Fei still sat in the VIP room and became a VIP.

Dogs look down on people.