God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1918

After talking about the matter, Song Fei took the big goat away on the grounds that he was sleepy.

From Zhou Qun\'s mouth, Song Fei also learned the names of the four people. The man in white is called Yu Yang. The man who wakes up with speed power in vest is called wind, the woman with purple hair is called purple flame, and the man in black is called hammer.

The rest of Zhou Qun and others are still sitting in the secret room, digesting what happened before. Even if they think about it carefully now, what happened just now is really amazing, just like in a dream, breaking everyone\'s cognition again and again.

Zhou Qun whispered, "Song Fei, it\'s not easy. Did you find out? Until he left, I didn\'t have a chance to inquire about the forces behind him."

Hearing what Zhou Qun said, people remembered that it was really such a thing.

Zhou Qun said, "to what extent has the power of the big goat reached? Do you have a bottom in your heart?"

Yu Yang and others smiled bitterly, and then Yu Yang said, "it\'s unfathomable. In his hands, we feel like babies dealing with adults. The other party lightly beat us out, and we can\'t find out his depth at all. In the power world, we have never met such a powerful figure. We don\'t know how to compare with black thorn and rose!"

Black thorn and rose are recognized as the strongest in the power world. They don\'t belong to any force, but form their own forces. Black thorn is the boss of the black thorn killer alliance, the largest killer organization in the world. Because they don\'t know his real name, they are called by the name of the organization. As long as they can afford the price, black thorn dares to kill no matter what identity, and the success rate is very high.

Many dignitaries from all walks of life died in the black thorn killer organization. Later, they angered all countries and jointly sent power men to kill them. As a result, the black thorn lived well, but many power men died. The strength of the black thorn has become more and more evil and has become a taboo in the power world.

As for rose, there are many legends about him, but not many people have seen him. Most people don\'t even know whether he is male or female, but he has a good reputation in the power world. Every time an expert is killed by a rose, a red rose mark will be left on the scene. Over time, this powerful mysterious figure will be called a rose.

These two people are both figures who have not met a defeat. Their real strength lies only in the speculation of everyone.

Purple flame said, "we don\'t know the strength of rose and black thorn, but we are deeply frightened by the power of this big goat. If he attacks us, our Chinese power world can\'t stop him at all."

Zhou Qun then turned his eyes to Li Tianyun and said, "brother Li, can you have such a powerful figure in your hidden sect!"

Li Tianyun said with a wry smile, "to be honest, I don\'t know. Our hidden sect has legendary experts. They are just such experts. Don\'t mention me. I\'m afraid you can\'t invite them out. Unless they fight with the big goat, I really can\'t judge who is stronger."

Zhou Qun said, "I don\'t want brother Li to make a clear judgment. In your heart, there is always a difference between high and low."

Li Tianyun said, "the legendary expert can fly with his sword. That\'s an immortal means. We can\'t reach it. In my opinion, if that character appears, it should be able to hold down the big goat. Of course, it\'s just my own imagination. Don\'t be misled by me."

Zhou Qun said, "is there such a person in brother Li\'s sect?"

Li Tianyun shook his head and said, "to tell you the truth, I don\'t know. Maybe the leader elder martial brother knows better. I advise Lao Zhou not to take their ideas. If you annoy those people, it will be a disaster."

Zhou Qun nodded and agreed with Li Tianyun, but his eyes were flashing. No one knew what his real idea was.

Then, Zhou Qun said to Bai Lanfeng, "white man, danfang, have you seen it, too?"

Bai Lanfeng said, "it\'s amazing. These herbs are just ordinary herbs, but the principle of this medicine is beyond my seriousness. We\'ll give you the answer after we gather experts from the herbal hall to study it together."

Zhou Qun said, "we can use modern medicine. I mean, we can study with those people in the Academy of Sciences."

Bai Lanfeng said, "our herbal hall is not built behind closed doors. There are also disciples of our herbal hall in the Academy of Sciences. Don\'t worry, we will combine modern scientific means."

Zhou Qun said, "you are an expert in this field, so I\'ll give it to you. I\'ll go back first and contact Song Fei later. Lao Li will give it to you."

"Yes!" Lao Li and others stood up and sent Zhou Qun away. Then Yu Yang and others followed Zhou Qun.

Then Bai Lanfeng left in a hurry. He had to hurry back to the herbal hall.

Li Tianyuan found that in the end, he was the most useless. Obviously, he was ready for the war of life and death, but he only made the first circuit man a. the ordinary police characters in Chenggang drama cleaned up the scene for the protagonist.

"I\'m leaving too!" Li Tianyun said goodbye to Lao Li. He must report to the sect as soon as possible about a powerful expert like big goat, which is a great event for the Yinshi sect.

Such an extraordinary night must always pass. With the rising sun, what happened last night left no trace on Nanguang road. Ordinary people still walk on the street and start their ordinary and hard life.

They just don\'t know that there are many more spies on this road. After being netted by the Chinese government last night, someone secretly listened on Nanguang road in an attempt to find the truth last night.

It\'s just that the outside world is doomed not to know the truth. Those who know the truth have become prisoners.

The grocery store is still open, and all the dispatched experts have disappeared without trace. There are many doubts about the strength of various countries. Some people think it was the Chinese experts who took the pill. The Chinese experts have taken it away for a long time. This time, it\'s just a conspiracy. Some people also believe that this incident was a conspiracy of China from the beginning and a big stroke of their fight against *******************************************************************************************.

When Song Fei\'s grocery store opened, there was a guest who Song Fei expected her to come.

A luxury Red Limited Edition car stopped at the door of the grocery store. A beauty familiar to everyone ran out of the car. When the beauty saw Song Fei, she suddenly screamed, just like the scream of fans seeing idols.

However, because everyone knows this beauty, in the hearts of ordinary people, she is people\'s idol. What people see is her bright side. They have never had the opportunity to see her before, let alone her so "impolite" side.

She is a wind chime.