God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1914

In the eyes of all countries, they gather their hands in a short time. Even if China has a response, it will not be fully prepared. With the strength of all countries, the treasure hunt will be earth shaking and a battle between dragons and tigers. In the end, it is really possible to take that magical pill out of China\'s borders.

Everyone\'s eyes were fixed there. In addition to the combatants, some ordinary spies were all arranged around the street to closely monitor this operation, so as to spread the details here to the leaders of various countries at the first time.

This time, the Chinese military is popular. It directly blocked several streets, caught turtles in a jar, and arrested all the suspicious characters suspected of being spies. The number of people in this part is far more than the prisoners in Song Fei\'s grocery store.

Lao Li reported everything that happened in the evening to the head through communication equipment.

Hearing what happened, Rao was a great man who had experienced countless storms and did not change color when Mount Tai collapsed in front. He also showed deep surprise. Then he said to Lao Li, "wait for me!"

Although Lao Li was prepared, he didn\'t expect that the head would really come in person and immediately informed Zhao Dong and Li Tianyun to arrange their protection forces.

Li Tianyun said with a smile: "when the head comes, he will bring Yu Yang, so don\'t worry about his safety!"

"Yu Yang?" Lao Li seemed very strange to this name.

Li Tianyun said with a smile, "since you don\'t know, it\'s not convenient for me to say."

Lao Li nodded. He never asked what he shouldn\'t ask.

At three o\'clock in the night, Ma Tao and his daughter were sent to Song Fei\'s grocery store. When they got off a military car, they obviously had some fear on their faces.

Song Fei stood at the door of the grocery store to meet the two and escorted them together. Unexpectedly, there was the beautiful officer Jiang Qingqing Song Fei had seen before.

Jiang Qingqing saluted Song Fei and said, "people have arrived."

Song Fei said with a smile, "go slowly!"

Then he went to Ma Xiaoyun\'s side. Like elders to younger generations, he gently touched Ma Xiaoyun\'s head and said softly, "don\'t worry, it\'s all right."

Ma Xiaoyun, who was a little stunned, suddenly burst into tears, and his grievances were vented at the same time.

Ma Tao looked at his daughter and Song Fei in amazement. For a moment, he didn\'t understand their relationship. Is it

Song Fei held Ma Xiaoyun in his arms, patted him on the shoulder and said, "it\'s okay, everything\'s okay."

Song Fei has no descendants on earth. Since the children of the Ma family have always sacrificed themselves to his descendants, Song Fei has regarded them as his only branch in his heart. In his opinion, Ma Xiaoyun is like his daughter or granddaughter.

Ma Tao said, "are you Song Fei? Little brother, what\'s going on?"

Song Fei shook his head and said, "others can call me little brother. You\'re not suitable."

Ma Tao was stunned and said secretly, because it\'s Xiaoyun\'s reason? Do you want me to call him son-in-law? How could this happen.

Song Fei said, "come in. The person who caught you is from our state secret department. It has something to do with the pill, but now it\'s all right. You don\'t have to think about it."

Ma Tao said with a bitter smile, "if so, I almost became a test object, but little... Song Fei, how could they let us go?"

Song Fei said with a smile, "you forget, I gave Xiaoyun the medicine. With the medicine, it is naturally much more useful than your experimental product." at the same time, Song Fei patted Ma Xiaoyun on the shoulder and said, "well, don\'t cry."

Ma Xiaoyun gradually stopped crying. When he thought of what had happened just now, he couldn\'t help being embarrassed. He somehow fell into the arms of a person he had just met and was still in front of his father.

Qin Xiaoru greeted her father and daughter in the store and said softly with a smile, "you\'re coming."

Qin Xiaoru\'s temperament brightened Ma Tao\'s eyes. He wondered how there could be such a fresh and refined woman in the world. Compared with the woman in front of him, Ma Tao felt that all the women he had seen were the difference between earth and white clouds.

Song Fei said, "this is my wife."

Ma Tao\'s face changed slightly when he heard the speech. Since you have a wife, did you hold my daughter just now?

Then I heard Song Fei say, "go to the hotel next door in the evening and make do with it. You\'ll go back tomorrow."

Ma Tao nodded: "Oh, let\'s open a room now."

"Xiao Ru, you take them." Song Fei said, "Lao Li, they will come to me later."

Qin Xiaoru said to Ma Tao\'s father and daughter, "please follow me."

Under Song Fei\'s comfort, Ma Tao\'s father and daughter\'s spirit became surprisingly stable, and all their fears disappeared.

When Song Fei saw them, he just wanted to see them. After all, whether Ma Tao or Ma Xiaoyun, they had a sweet fire with themselves.

Xiao Ru had just left. Lao li really came to the door. When he saw Song Fei lying in the Taishi chair, he smiled and said, "little brother, it\'s great that he hasn\'t slept yet."

Song Fei said, "it\'s both a car and a helicopter. I can\'t sleep. I\'ll go out of business tomorrow."

Lao Li said with a smile, "can you come to my store? Someone wants to invite you and the big goat to tea."

Song Fei said, "it seems to be good tea."

Lao Li smiled noncommittally, "where\'s the big goat and little friend?"

Song Fei shouted, "big goat, rub tea."

The goat ran out with a silly smile and followed Song Fei, making Lao Li look like a peerless expert.

Walking into the tea shop, Lao Li took them directly to the basement. The basement was built on a large land, the size of a basketball court. There were many weapons, light and heavy weapons, and even rockets.

Seeing these weapons, Song Fei was inexplicably kind. In his last life, he had been dealing with them

Deep in the hall, in the front seat, sat a serious white haired old man in military uniform. Behind the old man in military uniform, stood four young people, three men and one woman. The woman is in her twenties, wearing leather clothes and trousers, and her hair is half purple and half blue.

Among the other three men, one was dressed in white, one in mandarin jacket, and one of them was dressed in black leather.

These four people, all with sunglasses.

There is a tea table in front of the old man in military uniform. The tea on it has been soaked and bursts of tea fragrance came.

In addition, Li Tianyun and Bai Lanfeng sat on the left and right of the old man. At the door where Song Fei entered, there were two people standing, Zhao Dong and Jiang Qingqing, senior officials of the two special forces.

When Song Fei and the big goat were halfway there, the woman in black and purple hair beside the old man in military uniform suddenly ran out like a leopard, and a flame lit up on her fist. When she ran to the big goat, her fist with flame blasted hard at the big goat\'s chest.