God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1909

After pulling the rolling shutter door, the goat turned on the light.

Bai Lanfeng stood in front of Song Fei with a serious face and said, "little friend, do you know there will be a disaster of blood in the next days."

"Oh, really?" Song Fei said. "I happen to know a Taoist friend. Maybe he can help me resolve it."

Bai Lanfeng picked up a small porcelain bottle on the container and said, "take the liberty to ask, who gave you these drugs."

Song Fei smiled and didn\'t answer. Instead, he gave an unfathomable smile.

Bai Lanfeng sighed and said softly, "well, you also believe in the effect of these drugs, don\'t you?"

Song Fei nodded: "I always believe it."

Bai Lanfeng naturally didn\'t believe Song Fei\'s words, and then said seriously: "Xiaoyun should have told you about the things in the hospital. It hasn\'t spread yet. Think about it. If other people in the world knew you had such medicine in your hand, how would they act?"

Lao Li was stunned. Is this medicine true? Is Bai Lao really here for this medicine? This medicine is against the sky? He felt that his brain was not enough. What he thought was worthless suddenly became more precious than gold. He was also a well-informed person. The scene in front of him really broke his world outlook.

For Bai Lanfeng\'s question, Song Fei asked, "they should ask for a price. If I am willing to sell, I can hold an auction. It will certainly sell higher."

Bai Lanfeng said, "little friend, are you willing to sell? I can not only give you money you can\'t spend all your life, but also give you things you can\'t buy with money, so that you, a civilian, can ascend to the top of your life and marry Bai Fumei. You know, some things that men desire can\'t be bought with gold, such as power."

Bai Lanfeng lured step by step like a MLM person, and Lao Li was stunned. In his eyes, Bai Lao has always been a serious person. He has never seen such a side of him. It can be seen that the old man really gave up for the pill in Song Fei\'s hand.

Song Fei said, "that sounds good."

Bai Lanfeng was delighted and said, "did you agree?"

Song Fei shook his head and said, "I still want to keep it for myself. Otherwise, no matter how much money I have, no matter how powerful I am, for me, health and longevity are the most important."

Bai Lanfeng fixed his smile on his face and then said in a deep voice, "have you ever thought that you can\'t keep him at all? I\'m sure someone will take care of you at night."

"I will call the police!" Song Fei said faintly.

"You!" Bai Lanfeng was finally angry, with a flash in his eyes, wondering if he would take the opportunity to take those pills away forcibly.

The other party is just a civilian. If he really wants to plunder, he can be guaranteed to keep his mouth shut. There are people walking in the dark in every country and every era. They do something in the dark for their country. Song Fei\'s previous life is one of them.

However, Bai Lanfeng is difficult to pass his own level. The doctors\' parents\' heart and the most important thing for the disciples of the herbal hall is their heart. Generally speaking, Bai Lanfeng is a kind-hearted person, but he is reluctant to give up the pill he got. If he can develop more and better pills, he can benefit more people.

Such temptation makes Bai Lanfeng irresistible.

This is really a tangled choice.

Lao Li finally straightened things out and said in a deep voice, "Bai Lao, I have something to say."

Lao Bai said, "Xiao Li, go ahead."

Lao Li said, "since the little brother believes in the police, let him try. You can also arrange some people to protect the little brother outside. When he realizes the seriousness of the matter, he will naturally know how to choose."

The old man was moved and secretly said that you are worthy of doing this business. This trick is really poisonous.

Although Lao Li said it openly and aboveboard, Bai Lao is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Naturally, he understands his hidden meaning.

After foreign spies get the news, they will try their best to compete. Then they can wait outside. After they get the pill, they come forward to get the pill from the spies. In this way, things will become simple.

Just in this case, song Feifei can\'t keep the pill. I\'m afraid he doesn\'t even have a chance to sell it, and he is likely to be killed directly.

Bai Lanfeng finally asked, "little friend, you can think clearly. If you can\'t wait for the police, your life may be explained here. This is not my alarmist talk. It involves the interests of countries. Some people are inhuman."

Song Fei shook his head: "thank you. I\'d better choose to use it myself."

"Good!" Bai Lanfeng nodded. He was not a bad man. Since he had analyzed the matter thoroughly and gave the other party a chance, he would not continue to be hypocritical and persuasive. "I hope you take care of yourself."

Lao Li looked at Song Fei, then got up and walked slowly. Before walking, he said in a deep voice, "take care, little brother." the tone of this sentence sounded like a parting of life and death.

Lao Li is also used to seeing life and death. In the face of major events, he naturally won\'t flood sympathy. He has to save Song Fei\'s life.

The goat opened the rolling shutter door and sent several people out.

Song Fei lay on the teacher\'s chair, drank tea gently and said with a smile, "how do you feel, big goat."

The goat said with a smile, "it\'s much more fun than fighting and killing. But I don\'t think what\'s happening now belongs to ordinary people if it deviates from the so-called mortal life of the guild leader."

Song Fei said with a smile, "doesn\'t Lao Li belong to mortals? Doesn\'t the man surnamed Bai belong to mortals?"

Dashan Yang nodded and said, "the old man is just a congenital realm. Naturally, he belongs to mortals."

Song Fei said, "so these belong to the world of mortals. If you only experience the things of ordinary people, it is not perfect."

After Lao Li entered the tea shop, he quickly invited Bai Lao to a secret basement, which is like a small military base with all kinds of weapons and communication equipment.

Old Bai said, "I thought you retired. I didn\'t expect you to open another point."

Lao Li said with a smile, "in our business, there is no saying of retirement except death and old people who can\'t walk."

Bai Lanfeng was silent and sighed for a while: "it\'s really hard."

Lao Li said with a smile, "it\'s hard work. Those who can\'t survive are hard. In our business, 99 of 100 people can\'t end well. How lucky do you think I am? So I always feel happy."

While talking, Lao Li opened a communication instrument and then input a password on the computer. A female voice came from the computer: "the permission has been verified and has been connected for you."

Then a huge screen in the middle of the wall lit up, and a white haired old man in military uniform appeared on it.