God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1906

Ma Xiaoyun\'s heart was in a state of collapse. She hurried downstairs and stopped a taxi. Otherwise, with her current panic mentality, riding a battery car was afraid of an accident.

Ma Xiaoyun didn\'t know how to face such bad news. Even if his father had uremia before, she thought about how to cure his father. She never thought that his father would leave her one day.

Such a blow was unprecedented for Ma Xiaoyun, which made her very helpless. Sitting in a taxi, tears kept falling like broken pearls, wiping more and more.

The taxi driver saw what was on the girl\'s mind and whispered, "have your relatives been born? Girl, you have to be strong before you can find a way."

Ma Xiaoyun was ignorant and couldn\'t listen to other people\'s words. He only had his father\'s voice and appearance in his mind. He wanted to see his father in the shortest time.

At the same time, there was a trace of desire in my heart. I hope the hospital made a mistake. When she opened the door of the ward, my father still lay in the hospital bed as before, smiled and said to her, "girl, I\'m fine."

Even if he had a terminal illness in the past, Ma Xiaoyun longed for it. At least he could talk to his father, and there was a glimmer of hope.

The last side? This word is so cruel that Ma Xiaoyun\'s heart is broken and his hope is dashed.

When the taxi arrived at the hospital, Ma Xiaoyun directly threw the driver 50 yuan, and then hurried to the inpatient department. This time, he also didn\'t take the elevator. When he came here this morning, he was happy. He ran the stairs in order to quickly report the good news to his father. This time, he was in the opposite mood.

When Ma Xiaoyun appeared on his father\'s floor, everyone looked at him. The nurses\' eyes were sympathetic and sad.

"Ma Xiaoyun, you\'re here at last." the nurse called, but saw that Ma Xiaoyun ignored her and hurried to the ward.

Pushing aside the ward, in addition to the young doctor Bai Shijie, there was an old man with white beard who ma Xiaoyun had never seen.

Looking at his father, who was as pale as a dead man, Ma Xiaoyun said in a harsh voice, "what\'s the matter? My father is well. How could he become like this."

Bai Shijie felt guilty and said, "it\'s my responsibility that your father was poisoned."

"Your responsibility?" Ma Xiaoyun bited his teeth and said fiercely, "if my father has something wrong, I want you to pay for your life."

Ma Xiaoyun\'s words made Bai Shijie more guilty, but he was speechless.

Bai Lanfeng frowned slightly, then sighed and said, "girl, I can wake up your father for ten minutes. You only have ten minutes. After ten minutes, even the gods can\'t do anything."

Ma Xiaoyun was furious, but he was most concerned about his father. Seeing that Bai Lanfeng pulled out a silver needle on his father\'s forehead, he immediately showed signs of awakening. Ma Xiaoyun could only bury his hatred in his heart first.

Ma Tao woke up leisurely, looked at Ma Xiaoyun and said, "girl, why are you here again."

"Dad!" Ma Xiaoyun threw himself into Ma Tao\'s arms and cried loudly.

"Well, girl, what grievances have you suffered? Tell Dad that Dad will avenge you." although Ma Tao felt weak, he didn\'t expect to die soon.

Or Bai Lanfeng said, "you\'ve been poisoned by the little devil. You only have ten minutes of life. Take advantage of ten minutes to explain the future."

"What?" Ma Tao widened his eyes and looked at Bai Lanfeng incredulously. It was this slight force that Ma Tao suddenly felt the earth spinning. The whole person seemed to have lost all his strength and had never been weak.

"Ten minutes?" Ma Tao smiled bitterly and said to Bai Lanfeng, "I see."

"You talk. Shijie, let\'s go out." Bai Lanfeng winked at Bai Shijie. They walked out of the ward and closed the door.

"Dad, it\'s not true. You told me you\'re in great health now. It\'s their fault." Ma Xiaoyun cried.

"Silly girl, in fact, when I was suffering from uremia, I was waiting for such a day. Now when I wait, I look away, but I can\'t let you go." Ma Tao whispered.

"It\'s them. It\'s Bai Shijie. He must have used the wrong medicine. You were fine. How could you be poisoned?" Ma Xiaoyun said.

Ma Tao smiled softly and said, "it\'s none of their business. Let\'s talk. While my father still has some time, I\'ll say something with my favorite daughter." Ma Tao doesn\'t care if it\'s related to Bai Shijie, but the other party is a national famous figure. Her own woman is lonely. If she wants her daughter to get justice for herself, no matter what the outcome is, it\'s always her.

It\'s a good thing that I left. At least I don\'t have to let my daughter bear my medical expenses. I can\'t recover from uremia. I\'m only a drag on my daughter. Now I\'m finally free. Without my burden, when a woman is sad, she can meet a new life.

A dying father, the only souvenir is this daughter.

They spoke slowly. Time passed quickly. Ten minutes seemed to pass in the blink of an eye. Ma Xiaoyun obviously felt that his father was becoming weaker and weaker.

Ma Tao felt that his strength was losing rapidly and that his life had come to an end. He stroked his daughter\'s face with all his strength and said with a hard smile: "my daughter is so beautiful that I can never see enough. Dad really hopes to live forever and look at you forever."

The door of the ward was opened and uncle and nephew Bai Lanfeng came in. They counted that the time had come and collected Ma Tao\'s body.

Ma Xiaoyun cried and said, "my daughter also hopes that my father will live forever and accompany my father forever."

Looking at the true feelings between father and daughter, Bai Lanfeng sighed, "it\'s a pity that there is no immortal elixir in the world. Even we will die."

Elixir? The word crossed Ma Xiaoyun\'s mind like a flash of light, which made her involuntarily touch the small porcelain vase around her waist.

Ma Tao stroked Ma Xiaoyun\'s hand more and more loose, and then slipped slowly.

"Dad, eat this." Ma Xiaoyun shakily took out the small porcelain vase and put him on Ma Tao\'s mouth.

At the moment, Ma Tao\'s breathing has stopped and he can\'t open his mouth at all.

"Dad, take the medicine and you\'ll be fine." Ma Xiaoyun cried and shouted, desperately breaking his father\'s lips as if he had grabbed the last straw.

"Girl." Bai Shijie wanted to stop and tell her that her father was dead and there was no cure. Even if he invited Dayang pill from the herbal hall, it was too late to expel the poison from him.

Bai Lanfeng stopped Bai Shijie and shook his head gently. Anyway, everyone is dead. Let the girl vent.