God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1902

When Ma Xiaoyun reached the grocery store, the big goat was pulling up the rolling shutter door. After Ma Xiaoyun parked the battery car, he squatted down. Through the gap of the rolling shutter door, he saw Song Fei lying on the teacher\'s chair gently shaking, holding a large ceramic tea cup in his right hand and slowly tasting tea.

As the rolling shutter door opened, all the scenes of the grocery store came into Ma Xiaoyun\'s eyes.

Song Fei looked at Ma Xiaoyun and smiled softly, "you\'re coming."

Ma Xiaoyun quickly ran to Song Fei with the newspaper in his hand. He looked surprised and said, "I\'ve been caught. It\'s great."

Apart from Ma Xiaoyun\'s parents, few people can realize this excitement. The existence of Guo Hai makes them feel like living in hell, but they have nothing to do.

"I didn\'t have breakfast. Let\'s get together." Song Fei said faintly.

"OK!" Ma Xiaoyun felt a little hungry and answered subconsciously. After answering, she suddenly felt that there was something wrong with the painting style. She just had a tenant relationship with the shopkeeper in front of her. She only met several times. How can we have breakfast together? What song Fei said just now is too casual, just like her family.

After that, Ma Xiaoyun regretted. At the moment, Qin Xiaoru appeared with a plate. She secretly looked at Qin Xiaoru for fear that the hostess would be unhappy.

The goat set up a small table next to Song Fei. When Qin Xiaoru put down the plate, Ma Xiaoyun found four pairs of chopsticks and four bowls of bean flowers on the table.

Ma Xiaoyun said, "I just talked nonsense. In fact, I\'ve already eaten." just after saying this, because I didn\'t sleep well all night, my stomach was already hungry. Ma Xiaoyun\'s stomach made a "coo" sound, and she blushed with shame.

Song Fei said with a smile, "they are all our own people. Don\'t be polite."

Ma Xiaoyun felt that the other party\'s attitude was very natural, just like a family, which made her feel strange.

Qin Xiaoru took Ma Xiaoyun under his seat and said softly, "you\'re welcome."

Ma Xiaoyu felt that the girl had a unique charm and wanted people to get close naturally. Originally, he felt a little embarrassed. After Qin Xiaoru\'s pull, he immediately relaxed a lot. Ma Xiaoyun impolitely ate Douhua and meat bags.

After dinner, Qin Xiaoru cleaned up the tableware. Originally, Ma Xiaoyun scrambled to clean up, but Qin Xiaoru gently shook her head and refused. I don\'t know why, Ma Xiaoyun always couldn\'t refuse Qin Xiaoru\'s requirements.

After breakfast, Ma Xiaoyun remembered the origin. He was too excited to share the joy in his heart, but he didn\'t know why. His newspaper didn\'t know when it was trampled under his feet. It seemed that he had completely forgotten this thing. Thinking about today\'s behavior, it seemed that he came to rub breakfast. Thinking of this, Ma Xiaoyun burst into tears.

I\'m not very familiar with them.

"Cough!" in order to avoid embarrassment, Ma Xiaoyun looked at the grocery store. It was a small store with complete daily necessities. Ma Xiaoyun could find most household groceries.

"That, Song Fei." Ma Xiaoyun turned to Song Fei.

Song Fei said with a smile, "what\'s the matter?"

"I\'ll buy something to go back." in order to repay each other\'s breakfast, Ma Xiaoyun plans to buy some small things and touch the gadget he has never seen from the shelf, like a piece of yellow paper.

There are many tadpole like symbols painted on the yellow paper. Ma Xiaoyun wondered how the grocery store could sell yellow paper. He couldn\'t help asking, "this is it. Can you tell me how to use it?"

Song Fei lay on the master\'s chair, turned his head sideways and said with a smile, "it\'s really good eyesight. This is a disease driving charm. Any disease can be recovered as long as one is pasted."

Ma Xiaoyun\'s eyes widened and his mouth formed an O-shape. His favor for Song Fei immediately disappeared without a trace.

A rune dispels any disease? Even a three-year-old child would not believe this. He even said it openly to deceive himself.

Forget it, I don\'t really buy anything anyway. I buy him groceries to make up for his breakfast. I\'ll just throw it in the trash can later. Ma Xiaoyun thought of it.

Ma Xiaoyun held the yellow paper and said, "good thing, I\'ll buy it. A few dollars."

Song Fei said with a smile, "there is a price on it."

Ma Xiaoyun didn\'t care much about the original figure. No normal person would associate the figure of 50000 with groceries.

After listening to Song Fei\'s words, Ma Xiaoyun pointed to the price tag on the container and stared, "50000? You\'re crazy."

Song Fei said with a smile, "Oh, do you think it\'s too cheap?"

With a cold face, Ma Xiaoyun said very impolitely, "what do you say?" if anyone is so hurt, he won\'t have a good face.

Song Fei\'s expression still makes Ma Xiaoyun a little crazy. He pits himself so madly. How can he still be so calm and behave so naturally.

Song Fei said with a smile, "this thing only sells to people who are destined for it. It\'s your luck. Think about it. A talisman can cure all diseases, including cancer. Isn\'t it worth 50000? Of course, if you have to use it to treat colds, it\'s really more expensive."

Ma Xiaoyun waited for Song Fei\'s face for a long time. Looking at the other party\'s indifferent and serious expression, he finally couldn\'t help saying, "this joke is a little interesting."

"Hehe, I\'ll give it to you." Song Fei said.

"Ah!" Ma Xiaoyun felt that he couldn\'t keep up with the other party\'s jumping thinking. However, after Song Fei said this sentence, Ma Xiaoyun was relieved and thought that Song Fei\'s words were just jokes. Otherwise, who would like to give away anything worth 50000 at will.

It\'s just that such a thing seems to be worthless at all. Looking at the other party\'s expression, it seems that he has got much cheaper. Ma Xiaoyun can\'t cry or laugh.

Ma Xiaoyun picked up a small porcelain vase next to the talisman and said, "what about this?"

Song Fei said, "there is a pill to drive away diseases. Any disease can be cured by medicine. You are destined to drive away diseases. It seems that someone in your family is ill."

Looking at the same price of 50000, Ma Xiaoyun was speechless and directly took Song Fei\'s words as a joke.

Imagine that this small porcelain vase is very exquisite. It can be placed in the room to hold antiques. It\'s much better than the yellow paper that needs to be thrown into the trash can. So he said to Song Fei, "it\'s the same price. Can I send me this?"

Song Fei said with a smile, "no problem."

Ma Xiaoyun put the small porcelain bottle in his pocket and took out five yuan very heroically and photographed it in front of Song Fei: "I don\'t take advantage of you. I\'ll give you the cost price of five yuan."

Song Fei put away five yuan and said with a smile, "OK, deal."

"I\'m gone!" said Ma Xiaoyun. When she first stepped out of the rolling shutter door, Song Fei said, "this pill can get rid of all diseases, cancer, AIDS and uremia. It can\'t be dealt with without this pill."

Ma Xiaoyun shook his head and secretly said that it was enough to joke once. It was childish to joke twice in a row.

(once again, I solemnly recommend Jiuyou Heavenly Emperor. Xiaoshu is also chasing more novels. Friends with book shortage might as well have a look.)