God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1887

(don\'t tangle about science and technology, just follow the current science and technology.)

Because it was too troublesome to buy a store, Song Fei finally chose to rent. To rent a house, just write a contract.

On a small street with a large flow of people, Song Fei saw two rolling doors connected together with a piece of white paper for rent, on which the owner\'s telephone number was written.

Song Fei remembered that he didn\'t have a phone and found a small mobile phone store not far from the store.

The mobile phone seller was a little girl in her twenties. Hearing that Song Fei and others wanted to buy mobile phones and mobile phone cards, she smiled and said, "please show me your ID card, three!"

ID Song Fei was stunned. He really didn\'t think of himself as a mortal. He didn\'t even think of these basic things.

Song Fei said, "they didn\'t bring both of them, so buy a mobile phone first." Song Fei\'s mind spread and locked a young man who looked similar to himself 300 kilometers away. His magic power moved a little, took his ID card from a distance, and then handed it to the little aunt selling mobile phones, "this is my ID card."

"Song Tian! OK, please wait a minute."

After handling it, Song Fei returned his ID card and walked out of the store with his mobile phone.

For these things, the big goat and Qin Xiaoru who have been to the technology level to kill the evil sect are very familiar with them, but everything is as usual.

Back at the rented shop, Song Fei dialed the mobile phone number on the white paper. A young female voice came from the other end of the mobile phone: "hello."

Song Fei said with a smile, "is the shop on Nanguang road yours? I saw it for rent, so I called you."

"It\'s mine. Where are you? When do you rent it?" the other party said.

Song Fei said with a smile, "I\'m at the door of your store. If you can, the sooner the better."

"You wait, I\'ll come right away." after that, the girl hung up.

Song Fei smiled, put away the phone, and then looked around.

Such an ordinary life is not only not experienced after crossing, but also before crossing. His tight nerves began before crossing. At that time, it was more distant from mortal life. It was impossible to be a mortal at that time.

Next to these two shops, one is an ordinary tea shop and the other is a fish shop. Although this small street is small, it has all kinds of internal organs. Ordinary living goods can be found here.

"Young man, open a shop." an old voice came from Song Fei\'s side. Song Fei turned and saw a 60 year old man standing at the door of the tea shop. His hair was half white, but he stood very straight, like a gun.

Facing Song Fei\'s eyes, the old man smiled and said, "if you open a shop, we will be neighbors in the future. I\'m the boss of this tea shop. Just call me Lao Li."

When talking to Song Fei, Lao Li kept his eyes on the big goat. Maybe the big goat is more eye-catching.

Song Fei said with a smile, "my name is Song Fei. I\'m going to open a grocery store."

grocery store? Now it was the old man\'s turn. He was a little surprised and said, "look at you. Unlike ordinary people, you even opened a grocery store?"

Although Song Fei has restrained his momentum, he will not be like ordinary people because he has mastered more power than the emperor for a long time.

Song Fei said with a smile, "you\'re always joking. I\'m a very ordinary person. I just like to wear robes. It\'s comfortable."

"Oh!" Lao Li replied noncommittally, "come to me for tea when you\'re free. Since you\'re a neighbor, you\'re welcome."

"OK, thank you!" Song Fei said faintly.

Just as a guest came to buy tea, Lao Li nodded to Song Fei and entered the tea shop.

Before long, a battery car stopped beside Song Fei. The owner took off his helmet and showed a beautiful face. She was a girl in her twenties.

When the girl saw Song Fei, she was stunned. Perhaps she was surprised at Song Fei\'s robe, but she soon found her gaffe and smiled at Song Fei: "are you the one who wants to rent the store?"

Song Fei nodded.

The girl smiled: "my name is Ma Xiaoyun. Let me show you first."

Ma Xiaoyun wants to push the battery car onto the steps, but the steps are a little high and it\'s a little hard to push.

Song Fei said, "big goat, help."

"Ah, yes!" the goat hurriedly started, pulled up the battery car with one arm like a sponge, and then put it on the steps.

Seeing such a heavy battery car in each other\'s hands like a toy, Ma Xiaoyun was stunned.

Song Fei turned his head and saw the owner of the tea shop next door standing behind the counter, staring at the body of the big goat, his eyes shining.

Song Fei smiled at Lao Li, then turned around and gave Dashan a white look.

The goat said, "I\'m a rough man. I have no other characteristics except great strength."

The girl sighed, "it\'s the first time I\'ve seen you so strong." but when she saw the exploding muscle on the goat\'s arm, the girl didn\'t think it was strange.

Pulling up the rolling door, the girl turned on the lights inside. The room was empty. There was no decoration except some old tables.

Through chatting, Song Fei learned that this used to be a clothing store. It was closed due to poor management. He returned the house before it expired. It has been empty for more than a month.

The girl said, "what kind of restaurant do you open? If you eat and drink, the rent should be a little more expensive." the cooking fume from the restaurant is easy to dirty the house, and ordinary homeowners are unwilling to rent it to those who open restaurants.

Song Fei said with a smile, "grocery store."

Ma Xiaoyun said, "well, 5000 a month, 60000 a year, at least for half a year."

Song Fei said with a smile, "let\'s rent it for a year first."

"OK, wait for me!" Ma xiaoyunfei quickly ran to the side of the battery car, opened the trunk and took out a contract and pen.

The signing process was very smooth. Song Fei signed his name without looking at it, and then put the one-year rent and deposit in front of the girl.

When she got her ID card, Song Fei had another problem. She had to say she didn\'t bring it. Next time, take a picture and send it to her mobile phone.

Ma Xiaoyun took the money, looked back and forth at Song Fei and said, "it\'s strange that you don\'t have a pocket. Where did you put the money just now?"

Thirty six thousand is not a small number. It can\'t fit into ordinary pockets, let alone a robe.

Song Fei smiled, pointed to the big goat and Qin Xiaoru and said, "just put it on them."

The girl said "Oh" without asking.

Then the girl handed the key to Song Fei and said with a smile, "I work nearby. I asked for leave. I have to go back quickly. I\'ll call me if I have something to do in the future."

"Good!" Song Fei said faintly.

"By the way, your name is also Song Fei?" the girl who walked half suddenly stopped and turned to look at Song Fei.

Song Fei said with a smile, "didn\'t you read my name just now?"

"Song Fei, a friend of my ancestors, also called Song Fei, is a precious old photo." Ma Xiaoyun suddenly said.