God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1881

Yunyi and others do not have many opportunities to lead people to launch large-scale wars, let alone easily develop call orders. Each large-scale battle needs to wait a long time. More often, they will act alone in the mode of teams. In this way, the danger is bound to increase greatly.

Therefore, in each war, Yunyi\'s reputation will be louder and more important in the hearts of people. Now, there are countless teams under Yunyi and others, and the ranking has become more cruel. Instead of rising, the ranking of Feiyan team has also decreased by dozens, which makes Nangong Yan extremely wronged and helpless.

The members of Feiyan team leaned against a broken rock. The war just now consumed the strength of many people. They took the opportunity to take the pill to recover.

Maintaining the peak state is a good habit that every immortal must keep. Otherwise, a mistake may lead to accidents. On the battlefield, a small accident may be the difference between life and death.

Just as they were restoring their mana, the people of Feiyan team received a message at the same time: "I\'m Jinhong. Boss Yunyi wants to summon you. Come quickly."

The people of Feiyan team opened their eyes at the same time. Nangong Yan\'s face showed a surprised expression. Jin Hong didn\'t belong to any team. He was a general directly under Yunyi\'s command. Unexpectedly, he delivered the voice himself? Nangong Yan felt flattered.

Nangong Yan wears a ponytail, a red coat and black leather pants. Her legs are slender. She looks smart and capable.

Soon, Nangong Yan saw that others also opened their eyes at the same time. Ecstasy appeared on her face. She couldn\'t help saying, "who heard the voice of Lord Jinhong just now?"

The answer was soon revealed. The people of Feiyan team received a message from Jinhong at the same time.

"OK, great, it\'s the honor of our team to summon our whole team." Nangong Yan surprised.

She did not lower her voice, so that the immortals around her heard their dialogue. For a time, countless envious eyes came, which greatly satisfied Nangong Yan\'s vanity.

A young man with green skin and tall and thin body in the flying swallow team said, "Lord Jinhong has spoken to me, but I am an ordinary Mantis. If I am refined, will it be the mistake of the adult?"

Ordinary Mantis becomes a spirit. In the world where the status of the three worlds is arranged according to blood lineage, this birth is very low. It is lower than that of ordinary monsters, and it is far worse than that of monsters with divine animal blood.

Therefore, the young man has always been looked down upon. Only Nangong Yan liked the mantis with extraordinary potential and recruited him into the team without saying a word, but his inferiority complex has always existed.

Lin Yan held a long sword and said, "my birth is also very low. It\'s just an ordinary casual practice. Will it be abrupt if I go?" the extremely brave and calm young man on the battlefield even raised a little more when he saw Yunyi. The Terran also talks about birth. Although it is much higher than the essence of the mantis, it is also despised in the fairy world.

In the fairyland, people without background have always been bullied by other forces.

Nangong Feiyan said angrily, "what do you say? Go with me and go."

Liu Mu patted them on the shoulder and said with a smile, "let\'s go. Although I was born in the fairyland, I\'m not a big force, and my status is not much higher than your scattered cultivation."

Led by Nangong Yan, the party flew towards the cliff deep in the battlefield. They saw Yunyi on a cliff.

I used to look at it from a distance. This is the first time that the people of Feiyan team are so close to Yunyi.

There are many young people gathered around Yunyi. Each of them is a general under Yunyi\'s command. The worst is the cultivation of Tianxian peak. For example, the famous existence of Jinhong has already reached Jinxian.

Yunyi has no shelf. Like the boy next door, he shows a bright smile. He is baking meat with others. When the people of Feiyan team come, it seems that the meat has just been roasted and emits the unique smell of barbecue.

Yunyi smiled at the crowd and said, "come on, come and have some barbecue together. Although you don\'t have to eat and drink, I tell you, eating barbecue once in a while will make people feel good."

The people of Feiyan team didn\'t expect that when they saw their idol, the other party was so approachable, just like talking to acquaintances.

At this moment, Nangong Yan, who had just been careless, seemed very restrained. As for Lin Yan and others, they were nervous and didn\'t know where to put their hands.

Yunyi said to the young man who had become the essence of the mantis, "your name is Tang Fen, right? Struggle Fen. Tell yourself to move forward and work hard. That\'s a good name."

"My Lord, you know my name." Tang Fen was excited and became incoherent. "I, I\'ve just been praying mantis."

Yunyi said with a smile, "in my eyes, all living beings are equal, and there is no 369. Even if it is a divine beast high above, if it has poor morality and is greedy for life and afraid of death, it is not as good as a mantis."

If Tang Fen said this from someone else\'s mouth, he might just be regarded as someone else\'s comfort, but it\'s different from Yunyi\'s mouth. Especially when Yunyi called out his name, he knew that Yunyi really thought so.

"My Lord, thank you for looking up to me." Tang Fen became very excited and even burst into tears. After years of grievances, he was looked down upon, which made Tang Fen very low self-esteem. If ordinary people were sure, Tang Fen would only be more comfortable, but Yunyi\'s affirmation opened a gap in his low self-esteem and poured something called self-confidence from the outside.

"Hehe, a man can only bleed but not shed tears. You are very brave on the battlefield. Although your strength is not outstanding, you have killed a lot of evil believers. How can you say a few words and cry." Yun Yi smiled.

"My Lord, I\'m so excited." Tang Fen squeezed out a smile and smiled.

Yunyi then smiled and said, "if I remember correctly, you have only soared for 5000 years, but you have reached the realm of earth immortals. Your potential is very good, better than some divine beasts. Don\'t look down on yourself because of your birth."

"Is it better than a divine beast?" Tang Fen whispered. Then he saw Yunyi\'s trusting eyes and nodded: "my Lord, from now on, Tang Fen must work harder."

"Well, I\'m sure you will." after Yunyi finished, he looked at Lin Yan and said, "genius, I Yunyi wasn\'t as good as you in those years. Your insight and cultivation talent are far better than my Yunyi, but I Yunyi was lucky and experienced more adventures. I think you will surpass me in the future."

"Boss, I, thank you for your respect." Lin Yan is also a little incoherent. He used to praise in the mortal world, but in the fairy world, he has been suppressed, despised and excluded, and even made him feel that casual cultivation is not as good as the disciples of the forces of the fairy world.

Yunyi\'s words like clear the clouds and see the sun, let him sweep away the past haze and regain his self-confidence.