God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1873

Although it is an island, it covers a large area, which is similar to the Taiwan treasure island of Song Fei\'s previous life. It is enough for Han Bo\'s people to survive for generations. Moreover, the island is rich in products, with a wide variety of fruits, and there are many seafood near the water area. As long as you work harder, it is not difficult to live.

Wang Shishi stood in front of Han Bo and whispered, "I\'ll restore the memory of your previous life now." after that, a drop of light yellow liquid appeared in the palm of his hand. The liquid was cold and mysterious.

This is yellow spring water, the golden immortal level liquid of the land boundary, which can not only restore Han Bo\'s memory of his previous life, but also help Han Bo transform himself and cast the supreme immortal body.

A drop of Jinxian level water is hard for ordinary earth immortals to obtain all their life. It can be seen that this treasure is valuable.

The yellow spring water drops on Han Bo\'s forehead and slowly integrates into Han Bo\'s forehead. Han Bo\'s body emits misty yellow light. Then his body suddenly changes. His white hair begins to turn black quickly, the wrinkles subside, and the flesh and blood regenerates vitality. His face, which was in his fifties, immediately returns to his twenties.

After a while, Han Bo opened his eyes. His eyes flashed through the vicissitudes of life and various complex emotions.

After a long time, Han boleng whispered, "Han Xin and Han Bo fought for the founding of the Han Dynasty, but died because of the founding of the Han Dynasty. It\'s a sad fate!"

Wang Shi said, "have you realized it?"

Han Bo was stunned and knelt down in the tunnel: "master, I understand."

Wang Shishi said, "before coming, the guild leader said your name was Han Xin. You\'d better call it Han Xin."

"Guild leader?" Han Xin whispered.

Wang Shishi said, "he is the most respected person of the teacher. He calculated that you would be robbed. The connection between this face and the earth has been cut off by the evil clan. If you fall, you will be destroyed. You can call him guild leader with me."

"Thank you, Shifu, thank you, sect leader!" Han Xin thanked again.

Wang Shishi looked at Han Xin with great interest and said with a smile: "the guild leader once told me that among the several art of War Masters, Han Xin came first, Bai Qi, Sun Wu followed, followed by Wu Qi and Le Yi. I really didn\'t expect that the man with the first art of war in the guild leader\'s mouth should be so stupid and make the same mistake twice."

Han Xin didn\'t listen to the words behind. After hearing the names of the people in front of him, he was shocked, as if he remembered something. He whispered: "Bai Qi, Sun Wu, Wu Qi, Le Yi? I Han Xin hate to sit down and talk with them. If we can fight on the battlefield, we will die without regret."

When it comes to the end, Han Xin has strong self-confidence. Han Xin has never failed in his life. His deeds in his life are even more magical than through novels. He led the army out of Chencang, determined the three Qin Dynasties, captured Wei, destroyed the dynasty, destroyed Zhao, subdued Yan and attacked Qi until he completely annihilated the Chu army. There is no failure, and the world dare not compete with it. Such a record is only Han Xin in Chinese history, Later generations called it the soldier fairy.

Of course, because he was not born in the same era, Han Xin fought with other famous generals. It is impossible to know who is strong and who is weak. However, in Song Fei\'s heart, Han Xin is well deserved first. No one has such a record in history, and he wins every war with wisdom.

Wang Shishi said with a smile, "don\'t worry, there will be a chance. They will all become your younger martial brothers."

"Shifu is going to find them?" Han Xin was surprised.

Wang Shishi said with a smile, "the guild leader told us to find their turning body naturally. You are just the first one. Well, if you have anything to say later, I will arrange an array for this island. Remember, you can\'t leave the island more than 50 miles, otherwise the array will be difficult to protect you."

When they heard the speech, they quickly thanked him and said, "thank you, immortal teacher."

Wang Shishi said, "half Zhu Xiang\'s time to explain later things, and then leave with me."

"Yes!" Han Xin said goodbye and then turned to the crowd.

Wang Shishi waved small flags and then hid into the void. A large array of earth fairy level was arranged between her hands.

Suddenly, dark clouds gathered in the sky and the world became dark. This vision immediately caused panic on the island.

An angry cry came from the sky: "who doesn\'t have eyes dares to set up an array here? Don\'t you know this is the territory of my old black mountain demon."

Many people exclaimed, "black mountain old demon."

"That\'s a big demon in the ancient legend. Your hands can tear the sky, your feet can crack the ground, and you have to eat a thousand cattle and sheep for a meal. Is there really a big demon in this world?"

"I didn\'t believe it before, but when I saw the immortal master, I believed it. All the legends in the world are true."

The black fog in the sky condensed into a huge human figure. Looking down, he blocked a large void. Then his right hand grabbed the void towards the sea, and the huge waves rushed into the sky. The water waves danced around him like water dragons, like gods.

This vision is too terrible for mortals. Many people play drums in their hearts.

"Immortal master, help me and others." they quickly worshipped Wang Shishi for fear that Wang Shishi would escape and leave them.

Han Xin also quickly said, "master, save my people."

Wang Shishi said with a smile, "well, it\'s good to set an example to others and deter other malicious people. Let none of your people be offended."

While talking, Wang Shishi spit out a blue fairy sword in his mouth. The fairy sword rises in the wind. In everyone\'s stunned eyes, the blue fairy sword spans the world like a pillar of heaven, emitting unparalleled power.

The old black mountain demon with amazing power immediately showed a frightened expression. He had never seen a treasure of this level, but from the fairy sword, he felt that he was like a mole ant and couldn\'t resist at all.

"Immortal, spare your life!" the old black mountain demon knelt down in the air. In front of such power, he knew that running away was extravagant hope.

Wang Shishi said, "you monster has a bloody smell of people. It seems that you often eat people. How can I spare you?"

The blue giant sword radiated a beautiful and bright light. Then, like splitting the sky, the huge figure of the old black mountain demon was split in two. After losing its strength, the water dragon condensed in his hand fell into the water and started a huge wave.

Everyone stared at all this, and the development of things seemed very unreal.

The mighty old demon was beheaded like this?

At the next moment, Wang Shishi\'s voice rolled to the four directions: "if you dare to provoke the people on the island, this demon is an example."

All the monks were frightened, and those who had watched avoided it for fear of being discovered by Wang Shishi.

Wang Shishi smiled, took back his fairy sword, and then sat cross legged on the ground, waiting for Han Xin and his family to separate.

When others looked at Wang\'s poems, they were more in awe.

Half an hour later, Wang Shishi and Han Xin burst into the sky. They broke the sky and disappeared into the blue sky.