God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1871

There are barriers between planes and planes, and planes are connected. They can be understood as closely connected cosmic space.

If you cross one plane, you can move towards another plane.

It has been one year since Song Fei closed the door. In this year, Song Fei has been with huanhuazhu and has never taken a step out of the Jade Emperor fairy house. Today, the Jade Emperor fairy house has been officially renamed Qingtian fairy house, which has become a symbol of the majesty of Qingtian sword school.

For five thousand years in Qingtian immortal\'s mansion, even if he was in the holy mountain and with the help of magic beads, Song Fei\'s progress was still very slow. In the golden immortal realm, if it hadn\'t been for the help of chaotic Qi in the past, even if Song Fei had been given a thousand times more time, it would be difficult to quickly promote to a small realm.

At this time, every promotion of a realm requires a deeper understanding of the avenue. This understanding needs to go a long distance. Now, even with all kinds of advantages, Song Fei also needs to work hard to improve.

Song Fei, who had already been prepared in his heart, was very calm in his heart and slowly accumulated the feelings of the avenue.

The Buddha and the separated body are feeling their own way, and the incarnation outside the body is feeling the mystery of the colorful dragon ball. Song Fei found that only the higher the cultivation of his own Buddha and the separated body, the smoother the perception of the flower god outside the body. The previous guess is right. To discover the mystery of the way of chaos, we really need to raise all the five elements avenue to the peak of Jinxian.

The changes outside can\'t affect Song Fei\'s mood. The people of Qingtian sword sect have a tacit understanding and don\'t disturb Song Fei too much. Only when some important things need Song Fei\'s decision, will someone send news into Song Fei\'s closed chamber.

However, there is another kind of person who can enter the secret room at will, that is, the person who practices, whether it is to choose to close the door and realize, or listen to the magic beads to explain the secret patterns, everyone will come and go silently and be allowed in and out.

People are more curious about the origin of the magic pearl. It seems that there is only one family in the whole three worlds. They have never heard of it before, but the magic pearl knows such mysterious and impermanent secret patterns, which surprised everyone.

Of course, surprise belongs to surprise. People who know the temper of magic beads will not ask for trouble.


Kan Ze\'s position is called Shenwu continent by local people. This position has poor aura, which leads to few immortals and less achievements. Therefore, it is an excessive situation dominated by mortals.

Friars are high up and rarely appear. Mortals only know the legend of immortals rather than fairy fate.

A man was standing on a hillside. He was in his forties. He had a handsome face, wearing gold scale armor and crotch sword. He was holding a grass root in his mouth and chewing it slowly. A cynical smile was aroused in his mouth.

In front of him, the sound of fierce fighting came, and two people with a scale of 100000 were fighting, all over the mountains and fields were crowds.

The number of more than 10000 people is a great test for the command of the general. In a fight on the scale of 100000 people, strategies are generally formulated, tens of thousands of troops are invested, and then soldiers are changed in turn. Even so, the general who can command 10000 people is definitely a famous general at that time.

However, this war made the enemy crazy. The commander called Han Bo directly pressed all his troops, regardless of the consequences of failure.

In such a chaotic war, as long as some soldiers escape with fear, it is very easy to cause panic, and then the whole army will collapse thousands of miles.

However, the crazy commander did so. Standing on the hillside in person, military orders were issued from the commander\'s camp in an orderly manner. Instead of chaos, 100000 soldiers crossed attacks in an orderly manner, and the balance of the battlefield poured rapidly towards Han Bo. In the distant battlefield, the enemy finally couldn\'t bear the pressure of terror. Some soldiers chose to flee after watching their companions die one by one.

Many generals stood behind Han Bo and looked at the battlefield like ghosts. They were also generals, but they were temporarily deployed to obey Han Bo\'s command. Their status was not lower than Han Bo on weekdays.

"It\'s incredible. I saw the art of conducting."

"Eternal soldier fairy." someone whispered.

Han Bo smiled, then lost his grass roots, turned to the camp, waved to the generals and said, "the greatest military skill belongs to me. It doesn\'t matter how many enemies you can kill. I remind you that if you slow down a few steps, the other party will run away."

The battlefield suddenly changed, and the enemy soon formed a large-scale rout. The generals looked at each other, and then suddenly ran towards their respective camps. The local soldiers who fled were all meritorious.

As time went by, the general named Han Bo became more and more important until he took control of the whole army.

There were more than ten countries on the Shenwu continent. Countries fought and annexed each other. During this period, a big Han Empire rose. Under the mysterious military strategy of Grand Marshal Han Bo, the originally weak big Han country wiped out its opponents with the potential to sweep through the eight wastelands. In less than 20 years, it established a unified empire, the big Han Empire.

Liu Zheng, the emperor of the Great Han Dynasty, ruled the world and was honored as the ninth five year old.

However, during the 20-year war, the people only knew the Grand Marshal Han Bo, but few knew the emperor Liu Zheng. They called Han Bo the first soldier fairy in ancient and modern times and the saint in the army. Some people said that in the world of Han Bo, the great men were not Liu Zheng\'s only choice, but all depended on the power of Han Bo. All kinds of remarks have laid a curse for the relationship between kings and officials.

Five years of Dazhi, the world is Changping.

Deep in the Imperial Palace, a counselor offered advice and said, "Han Bo\'s art of war is unpredictable. It\'s too late to return all his soldiers to him."

The next day, an angel rushed to Han\'s house with a decree in his hand. The angel followed two thousand imperial guards behind him.

Han Fu, who was in his fifties, led more than 100 families to receive the decree. The angel read the decree: according to the emperor\'s edict, someone secretly accused Han Aiqing of plotting rebellion and falsely accused Aiqing of privately making yellow robes and jade seals in his family. I didn\'t believe that the curfew falsely accused me and sent a royal army to prove Aiqing\'s innocence.

After hearing the edict, Han Boru heard a bolt from the blue and was dull on the spot.

He knows strategy and is good at the art of war, but he doesn\'t understand the taboos of the deep palace. He has long been advised to guard against Liu Zheng. However, Han Bo laughed it off. He often said that without the emperor, there would be no Han Bo. How can I defeat him?

However, when the imperial edict came, Han Bo knew that the heart of the emperor was unpredictable and that accompanying the king was like accompanying the tiger.

Not surprisingly, the yellow robe and jade seal were found in Han\'s house. The angel asked Han Bo why he rebelled. Han Bo screamed and roared in the direction of the palace: you don\'t know your minister, and your minister doesn\'t know you.

The whole door was taken to the prison.

At the same time, someone offered advice overnight: "all the generals in the world go out of the Korean gate. If you don\'t kill Han Bo as soon as possible, I\'m afraid all the world will turn against you."