God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1866

In order to better control the Wushen alliance, Song Fei adopted Wang Shishi\'s suggestion and adopted the way of secretly absorbing in order to control the whole alliance.

After the small-scale meeting, Song Fei took the Optimus sword sect in front of the transmission array.

In the Optimus Palace on earth, people come and go, and countless disciples go in and out.

Qingtian sword sect has been expanded to include many sites of the buried moon mountain and Yuehua sect. Most of the disciples practice outside the magic Qi secret realm. Now the magic Qi secret realm has become the core of the whole sect. Ordinary disciples can enter and leave, but they can\'t stay for a long time. It has also become a closed place for core disciples and sect leaders.

Song Fei comes to the deep place of Qingtian palace in the magic Qi secret realm. Here, disciples who have made contributions to the sect or have outstanding talents will be arranged to teach the knowledge of secret patterns for two hours a day. For the remaining ten hours, the magic beads will be used to soak the immortal liquid.

The secret grain knowledge is broad and profound. With the deeper understanding of the avenue, song Feifei found the terror of the secret grain. These runes seem to express the trajectory of the whole world with symbols. However, although they are visualized, it is still difficult to fully understand them.

The secret patterns taught by huanhuazhu in the past have been understood by Song Fei. However, with the long-term closure later, Song Fei has not been exposed to new secret patterns since the realm of earth immortals. This time, he came to find huanhuazhu not only for the seal of the emperor, but also for the secret patterns.

In the depths of the palace, the little man with magic beads lies comfortably in the barrel supported by Phoenix jade, which is boiling Jinxian level immortal liquid.

Now the fairy liquid provided to the magic beads is the liquid of Jinxian material. Only the treasure of Phoenix jade can accommodate the high temperature after the dissolution of Jinxian material.

Huanhuazhu\'s face was intoxicated, as if he were immersed in beautiful enjoyment. He didn\'t care about Song Fei\'s coming in.

Song Fei didn\'t care about this guy\'s rudeness. He stretched out his right hand and put it above the barrel. Three drops of light blue liquid dropped into the barrel.

At dusk, Huan Huazhu opened her eyes, looked at Song Fei and said, "nothing to be courteous. Every time you take a fairy stone, you have to get back ten thousand fairy stones from the emperor. Come on, what\'s the matter?"

Song Fei didn\'t pay any attention to the ridicule of Huan Huazhu. Over the years, he has really cheated him again and again. Only the secret grain knowledge has made the people of Qingtian sword sect improve their cultivation speed, which can\'t be exchanged for a mere fairy liquid.

Song Fei said with a smile, "let me show you a good thing." Song Fei spread out his palm, and a pure light emerged from his palm, and then condensed into a glittering seal.

The magic pearl whispered in a surprised voice, "Jade Emperor seal? Did you bring that man\'s nest?"

Song Fei looked at the magic pearl with strange eyes and said, "you even know the Jade Emperor seal. What else do you don\'t know in the three realms?"

The magic pearl said in a deep voice, "my greatness is understandable by Feier and others."

Song Fei said, "how about I take out the spirit of the Jade Emperor\'s seal?"

The magic Pearl was stunned: "you want to refine the outer incarnation? It\'s a pity that this spirit!"

While they were talking, the golden light of the Jade Emperor seal suddenly rose, separated from Song Fei\'s hand, and tried to break open Qingtian palace and fly away in the distance.

Song Fei grabbed it with his big hand, wrapped the Jade Emperor seal with his majestic mana, and photographed him back into his hand, but it was still shaking in Song Fei\'s hand.

Huan Huazhu said, "you scared him."

Song Fei said, "I don\'t have the heart to erase the spirit, so I thought of you. How can I pull out the spirit? If I can, I hope to find him another body."

After Song Fei\'s voice fell, the trembling of the Jade Emperor seal slowly slowed down and repeatedly listened to the dialogue between the two people.

The magic pearl said, "it\'s easy to extract the spirit of the instrument, but it\'s not easy to find him a suitable body. Therefore, generally speaking, the spirit of the instrument is very tragic when it is refined into a treasure outside the body."

"Can\'t you help it? What a pity." Song Fei whispered.

Huan Huazhu said, "he is already a top-notch magic weapon. How can he willingly succumb to a magic weapon worse than him? Rather than so, it\'s better to destroy. The spirit also has the pride of the spirit."

Song Fei said, "don\'t make a circle. Tell me quickly. What can you do?"

Huan Huazhu said, "if the emperor had not been kind and compassionate, he would never have been cheap to you."

As soon as Song Fei\'s eyes brightened, he listened to a trace of magic beads, as if there were some benefits.

The magic pearl said, "do you know that even if he is the king of magic weapons, he has limitations. Only ordinary people are ignorant, they call the magic weapons that will grow as the king of magic weapons."

Song Fei shook his head and said, "I don\'t see your limitations!"

Huan Huazhu Nu: "how can those artifacts be compared with the emperor? I tell you, some so-called king of magic weapons are limited by the spirit of the weapon. As long as the spirit of the weapon can\'t break through, he can never grow. For example, the spirit of the weapon is only a human fairy, so the so-called king of magic weapons can only become a human fairy."

Song Fei pointed to the seal of the Jade Emperor and said, "do you mean to recreate a body for the spirit? Let him become a growing treasure?"

The magic pearl said: "not only that, he is a unique treasure, but what if he can grow? How can he be willing. Unless you give him a magic pearl that can grow! If he can be promoted to a unique product, you can have a gold treasure that is ever-changing."

"Is it just gold? Can\'t magic beads be transformed into any treasure?" Song Fei said strangely.

Huanhua Zhu snorted coldly and stared at Song Fei coldly: "ignorance."

Song Fei smiled awkwardly. He had only one magic pearl. He really didn\'t know that the magic pearl had different attributes, but this guy could be transformed into a treasure of any attribute.

Forget it, which magic bead can understand the dense pattern, it\'s better not to tangle with these things.

Song Fei said, "tell me, what should I do to let the spirit enter a small magic bead? Will he be willing?"

"You don\'t have to worry about these. Put the Jade Emperor seal here, and then prepare the materials I want for me. I\'ll come here three days later."

"Only three days? OK" Song Fei was surprised.

Magic beads need more than 100 kinds of materials, all of which are gold magic weapon materials. The level of materials varies from high to low, but the highest is also human immortal level materials.

In the words of magic beads, refining is lower, which can save a lot of effort.

Song Fei asked him if he could directly refine it into Jinxian level, and the magic pearl shook his head unless Song Fei gave him a bucket of unique immortal liquid.

Song Fei is reluctant to give up the unique immortal liquid and doesn\'t have so many points. He can only refine low-grade magic beads according to the requirements of magic beads. Song Fei is also very looking forward to the new body of the Jade Emperor\'s seal spirit. Magic beads can\'t control themselves, but if there is a unique gold fairy that can be changed, it will be of great significance to his sect.

There are only one or two unique immortal tools for the great saint level figures, and they can\'t change freely and display a variety of abilities like magic beads.