God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1859

It\'s just a shame for the rosefinch family to deal with Qingtian Xianshan with strange forces. Even if everyone knows that it\'s the rosefinch family who attacked Qingtian sword sect, if Qingtian sword sect is really destroyed, I\'m afraid no one will fight against the rosefinch family for a disappeared force.

Therefore, as long as they can stop the reinforcements of Qingtian sword sect, the rosefinch family can calmly arrange experts.

Feng Xian\'s voice jade slips lit up. After hearing the news in the voice jade slips, Feng Xian\'s face changed slightly.

Xuanyuan couldn\'t help looking at Feng Xian\'s more gloomy expression. He couldn\'t help but "click" and hurriedly said, "what\'s the matter."

Feng Xian looked at the dark clouds in the distance and sighed gently: "I just received the news that Tianyu haunted the southern forest world and matched the experts of the rosefinch family."

Xuanyuan could not exclaim, "Lin Jie, jade emperor fairy house?"

Feng Xian nodded: "yes, it\'s the Jade Emperor fairy house. The rosefinch family cut off the transmission array in the big city. When our experts arrived, the battle was just over and Yue Tianyu harvested the Jade Emperor fairy house."

Black cliff\'s eyes flickered fiercely and said in a deep voice: "maybe for Tianyu, you can take the opportunity to escape a disaster. As long as you live, you can have the hope of revenge."

"Alas!" the crowd sighed softly at the same time.

Feng Xian said, "his man is very loyal. If he sees the unknown fairy mountain destroyed, he doesn\'t know what he will do. In short, this time, the rosefinch family calculated everyone. We thought the rosefinch ancestors were seriously injured and the rosefinch family would converge, but we didn\'t expect that they secretly arranged such a big chess game to hide all of us."

Black cliff whispered, "what can we do? Rush to the sect leader Qingtian fairy mountain to resist?"

Feng Xian shook her head: "if we can do something useful, I will be the first to do it. The rosefinch family will not worry about our identity in order to kill Qingtian sword sect. Moreover, I am also worried that when Tianyu returns, if we are not here, I don\'t know who can persuade him. We\'d better keep a useful body."

Xuanyuan and Heiya turned their eyes to the dark clouds spreading from the electric snake, and their fists were very tight.

Around the nameless fairy mountain, there are more terrible forces to prevent the people of Optimus sword sect from escaping. Not to mention the Optimus sword sect, even the Optimus city on the edge can\'t go in and out normally, even using the transmission array.

Everyone in Optimus City walked out of the room, out of the house and looked up at the void above his head. Terror and powerlessness filled everyone\'s heart.

Nowadays, many people here are residents of Optimus city. They have regarded themselves as a member of Optimus city. Under such a disaster, almost everyone has a strong anger in their hearts.

"Damn, who doesn\'t have eyes came to offend Qingtian sword sect."

"The Yue sect leader will certainly make them pay a heavy price."

Countless people couldn\'t stand the suppressed anger and scolded one after another. The more powerful opponents kept silent, as if they were in awe of this power, but also more clearly the horror of this power.

Meng Qing stood at the top of the city Lord\'s residence, looked at the dark clouds in the sky alone, clenched his fist and said, "disciple, you must do it. As a teacher, I believe you." but even Meng Qing didn\'t believe such words. The electric snake overflowing from the dark cloud made him feel more terrible than any spell. This power was more powerful than anyone of Optimus sword sect he had ever seen.

In Optimus City, suddenly someone shouted, "the enemy appears."

But I saw the dark clouds split and shot a white light, and a figure appeared in the white light.

The figure is tall, wearing a blue scale, and there is a sharp corner above his head. With his appearance, everyone feels like the sky is falling, and the suffocating pressure envelops everyone under the dark clouds.

It\'s terrible. Everyone feels that the other party can destroy the whole Optimus city with one breath. This is not the existence that human beings can stop.

They have seen the attack of celestial beings and golden immortals, but compared with the people in front of them, they seem to be the difference between mole ants and gods.

Someone couldn\'t help trembling and subconsciously said, "Qingtian sword sect, are you going to perish?"

"How can a man resist such a terrible force? It\'s over."

"I can\'t resist, I can\'t resist at all."

The person who had some confidence in the Optimus sword sect just now is crushed by his majesty, and all his confidence is broken.

In the restaurant, Feng Xian\'s face became pale. Xuanyuan couldn\'t hold his fist and said in a deep voice: "no wonder it\'s a force we\'re not familiar with. It\'s him, Jiao Pinghai."

The anger in Feng Xian\'s eyes flickered, biting her teeth and slowly said, "it\'s bold to collude with the demon world to murder the genius jointly favored by the emperor of heaven, the rosefinch family."

Black cliff\'s words were a little bitter and said, "since it\'s Jiao Pinghai, Qingtian sword sect is over. Fortunately, Tianyu is not here. If he is, he can\'t fight the enemy. Instead, he gave his life in vain. When Tianyu returns, we must persuade him. Xiao Qi, you have the most contacts with him. Remember to hold him."

"Hmm!" a trace of sadness flashed in Feng Xian\'s eyes. Although she was friendly with Song Fei, many people of Qingtian sword sect also had a good relationship with him. Now she can only watch Jiao Pinghai destroy Qingtian sword sect.

Black cliff said with a wry smile, "I just hope that there are not many people of Qingtian sword sect in Xianshan. In this way, we can minimize the loss."

As Jiao Pinghai stepped down step by step, it was like stepping on everyone\'s heart, which made people feel very uncomfortable. And as Jiao Pinghai approached, everyone had a feeling that life was not under their control. This feeling made everyone feel like death.

In Qingtian sword sect, he shouted angrily, "who dares to offend our Qingtian sword sect?"

Many people know this voice. He is Qin Shihu, the vice leader of Qingtian sword sect.

Qin Shihu is powerful and second only to sect leader Yue Tianyu in prestige. He is the second expert in the hearts of everyone in Qingtian city. But at this moment, seeing Qin Shihu\'s loud cheers, everyone\'s hearts emerged with deep sadness, as if Qin Shihu would die the next moment.

Jiao Pinghai sneered. A trace of irony flashed on his face and raised his head. In his voice, he had a thick arrogance: "ask Yue Tianyu to come out and meet him."

In the dark environment under the dark clouds, Qin Shihu\'s figure finally appeared. Standing at the door of Qingtian palace, facing the strong wind, he looked up and said, "since it\'s to meet our guild leader, I\'ll leave a name. I\'ll report it naturally."

The strong wind blew Qin Shihu\'s long hair and clothes. Standing alone on the top of the mountain in the dark world, facing the dark clouds and the man like a God in the dark clouds, he looked so lonely and tragic.

(publicize Xiaoshu\'s new book: Taigu crazy emperor, please remember to collect it.)