God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1854

Taixuan water beads were originally refined from Jinxian level water. In addition, Yue Sihua was good at magic. The mystery of the way of using water covered up the power of taixuan water beads and successfully deceived everyone.

When everyone reacts again, the taixuan water bead has completely wrapped the Jade Emperor fairy house. At this moment, the mana of Tang Jinyu and others is late.

If Yue Sihua wields his magic power, people will still be able to disperse him and then retain the Jade Emperor fairy house, but this is a middle-grade gold fairy.

A inferior gold artifact of its own strength is enough to resist everyone\'s attack, let alone a middle-grade gold artifact.

Countless attacks fell on the blue water curtain outside the fairy house, making bursts of "crackling" sound.

The taixuan water bead wrapped the Jade Emperor fairy house, which is equivalent to bringing the whole fairy house into the interior of the taixuan water bead. The whole Jade Emperor fairy house suddenly shrunk with the taixuan water bead, and finally became a small blue ball suspended in the air.

The blue water drops suddenly shot into the sky at a very fast speed, avoiding the next mana attack.

After the blue water drops fly out of a certain distance, water vapor condenses in the sky, and then condenses into a blue water man. The blue light curtain outside the blue water man fades, revealing Yue Sihua\'s figure. The taixuan water drops are held by Yue Sihua.

The rosefinch family and all the people in the forest looked up at the sky and looked at Yue Sihua\'s smiling face. They wanted to pull him over and break him up immediately.

Lin Aofeng roared at the end of the world, "kill him, kill them."

Tang Jinyu and the experts of the rosefinch family showed their magic power. Flames condensed in the void, as if to turn the whole heaven and earth into a huge melting pot.

In the sky, Yue Sihua said with a smile, "old fellow, didn\'t you just say power? Are there few people who bully me? Hahaha, people of my Optimus sword sect can\'t be bullied by an old dog like you."

"Bastard." Lin Aofeng\'s roar rang through the world like thunder.

Yun Yi said, "the Jade Emperor immortal mansion is here. Xiao Qiang, let\'s go."

"Leave it all to me." Tang Huang shouted angrily, and the rosefinch plume in his hand was emitting bursts of fire, trying to restrain Xiao Qiang from leaving.

In the distance, the broken dome sword and the rain dew sword made joint efforts to blast out two Changhong to hang Tang Huang.

The firelight rolled towards Yue Sihua and wanted to jointly kill Yue Sihua while he helped Xiao Qiang out of trouble.

Yue Sihua\'s right hand waved the taixuan water beads. The blue water beads condensed into a water curtain to block the power of the flame in front. Water conquers fire. The taixuan water beads are refined from Jinxian level water liquid, which can resist the attack of the flame to the greatest extent. Although they are not as abnormal as the flesh of little silver dragon, they also successfully resist the attack of Tang Jinyu and others.

Xiao Qiang and Yunyi took the opportunity to leave the battlefield and came to Yue Sihua. The three gathered together. I\'m afraid no one can keep them in the battlefield at the moment.

"Go!" said Yun Yi. He won the Jade Emperor\'s immortal mansion, which is equal to complete merit and virtue. There is no need to stay. As for Lin Aofeng and others, they have not reached the point of killing.

The three turned into three streamers and suddenly shot out towards the rear. However, just out of the room, the three had to stop and look at the distance with a dignified face.

In the distant sky, there was a red fire spreading, rolling like a raging tide, as if it had burned down the sky.

However, the most frightening thing for the three people was the terrible force that spread far away. It was precisely because of this force that they stopped flying.

The three looked at each other, their faces very dignified.

Yun Yi said, "Xiao Qiang, after we break, let Sihua go first."

Xiao Qiang nodded silently.

Yue Sihua said, "don\'t reason with me. The three of us have a greater chance of survival. If you two have a smaller chance of survival, don\'t forget, I\'m the enemy against the fire."

Yun Yi said in a deep voice, "don\'t be capricious. We can die, but you can\'t."

Yue Sihua smiled and whispered, "my father said that no one\'s life must be more precious than others. Every creature is equal. Moreover, if I leave you and run away alone, my father will not recognize my son."

Xiao Qiang said in a deep voice, "fight together." he had seen Yue Sihua\'s determination. He said that he had no intention. He might as well put his spare energy on the battle.

In the sky, an old voice slowly sounded: "the two generals under Yue Tianyu and his son, well, killing you can make Qingtian sword sect hurt."

The flame in the distant sky condensed into a hand, and the whole hand occupied most of the void. The flame hand slowly condensed into a fist, and then the index finger stretched out from the fist pointed at the three people.

The hot breath came to his face, and the three people behind mana fled like falling into a stove, sweating, and a strong sense of powerlessness was born in his heart.

The visitor is too strong to resist.

The old voice sighed gently: "I\'ve bullied the young by killing the young generation. I\'ve lost my face, and you\'ll die without regret." the voice was filled with strong confidence and dignity, as if it had sentenced the fate of the three people.

At the same time, a voice sounded very abruptly between heaven and earth: "it\'s really shameless to bully the small with the big." the next moment, a colorful brilliance turned into a long pilian shot from a distance, pilian shot on the big hand of the flame, and the big hand was hanged into powder under the bombardment of the colorful brilliance.

At the next moment, a figure in white appeared in front of Yunyi and others. The white clothes were as clean as snow, detached from the dust, or a trace of dust. He turned his back to Yunyi and others and whispered, "Tang Hong, you are also a famous person. You deceive the small with the big. It\'s too much."

The voice is very light, but it has an unspeakable charm that people can\'t ignore.

Looking at this figure, many people whispered, "Yue Tianyu!"

Then Lin Aofeng, Li Yuhe and others turned their eyes to the distant sky. The name seemed more frightening than seeing Song Fei. Countless people involuntarily said, "Lord Tang Hong."

Even Lin Aofeng said these three words with deep awe.

Tang Huang, Tang Jinyu and other experts of the rosefinch family quickly hugged their fists, bowed slightly to the distant sky, and said in unison, "meet old Tang Hong."

The sky was ablaze with fire and slowly came out of a figure. It was an old man with a walking stick. The old man was wearing a cloth shirt, stepping on cloth shoes and bowed slightly. If he only looked at his appearance, he could not be connected with a peerless expert.

However, when the old man appeared, whether it was Li Yuhe, Lin Aofeng or Tang Huang, the strongest expert just now, the expression of awe in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

Tang Hong walked slowly all the way, ignored the people, stared at Song Fei, nodded and said, "are you Yue Tianyu? You can come better."