God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1845

After the barbecue, Song Fei went back to Qingtian palace. The beasts who had eaten meat together scattered, but Qin Shihu and the big goat followed Song Fei back.

In Qingtian palace, Song Fei handed a black sword to Qin Shihu. Qin Shihu immediately trembled when he caught the sword.

"Guild leader, this is..." Qin Shihu\'s voice also took a tremor.

Song Fei said, "this sword is called killing God. It has the power of killing and cutting. It is a fairy sword of the same level as the broken dome sword. Now only you can use it in the whole sect."

Song Fei has the soul of the sword, but the body of the sword is hidden by the evil sect, so it is difficult to find it one by one. Now he has points. He can exchange the body of the immortal sword directly. The value of the body of the sword is much cheaper than that of the complete immortal sword. After all, the spirit of the sword is the root of the sword.

"Kill God, is he called kill God? Good name." Qin Shihu whispered softly and stroked the fairy sword with both hands. His eyes could not move away. Qin Shihu loved the sword, but he never had a fairy sword suitable for him.

Qin Shihu deeply understands the power of the broken dome sword. Even if it is inconsistent with his own attributes, it can also play an attack power far more than countless times. Holding the broken dome sword in Yunyi\'s hand, it can even draw with Qin Shihu, who controls the way of sword. It can be seen how terrible the power brought by a good fairy sword.

Seeing the fairy sword of the middle level in the broken dome, as a person who loves the sword, he also wishes he had such a sword.

Now, the surprise suddenly came, which made Qin Shihu fall into joy.

Song Fei said, "at present, this is the best fairy sword we can get. It is said that there is only one unique fairy sword that can master the way of killing and cutting in the whole three realms. I still listen to Feng Xian."

Qin Shihu said, "is it a superb fairy sword?"

Song Fei said, "I once held it in the hand of a man called a sword. After he fell, the sword disappeared. I don\'t know who held it."

Qin Shihu said, "master Jian\'s sword. That was many years ago."

"Well, so it\'s hard to find that sword." Song Fei said, "killing God will be your only fairy sword. We can\'t change for a better one."

"Enough." Qin Shihu said, "I\'m very satisfied. With this sword, my strength can be improved at least a hundred times."

"That\'s good. When the enemy comes, you\'ll use him to kill the enemy." Song Fei said with a smile, "Feng Xian told me that there will be action over the rosefinch."

Qin Shihu said, "I visited Miss Feng before, and he also mentioned it to me. I\'ve asked Hong Rui to go there and check it myself."

"Oh, the little fox has left?" Song Fei nodded. "She is the most suitable candidate, and she must monitor the rosefinch family. I think there will be news soon."

Soon, Song Fei said again, "second uncle, you let wanshuang, Xiao Qiang, beast, Lan Yu, Shaofeng, Xia Xia and Zhang Xiong return and let them lead the sword respectively."

Qin Shihu was frightened and hurriedly said, "are these top-grade immortal swords? The guild leader gathered the sword body?"

Song Fei nodded and said, "yes. You release the news to them and let them come as soon as possible."

Qin Shihu pondered for a while and said, "my subordinates have no objection to the distribution of fairy sword, but Shaofeng\'s achievement in the way of wind is no better than chenwufeng and tengsnake. If there is a difference between intimacy and estrangement, I\'m afraid it will chill others."

Song Fei said, "I\'m negligent. Teng snake\'s brothers and sisters have their own magic weapons, so we don\'t care about him. Well, you attract dust and no wind. I\'ll give them another middle-grade wind Fairy Spirit and let them draw lots. Whoever is lucky will win the top-grade fairy sword, and if he is unlucky, he will use the middle-grade fairy sword. What do you think?"

Qin Shihu said, "it\'s good to be so fair. My subordinates, this is a message to them."

After Qin Shihu left, the big goat also left. He went to mobilize the people of Wutang to cooperate with Bai Xin.

Song Fei looked into the void in the distance through the layers of obstacles in Qingtian palace and whispered, "do heroes emerge in troubled times? Since it is the divination of the demon emperor, I also want to accumulate strength in this troubled times."

The Qi of chaos has run out. If you want to save and improve, you need to rely on your own understanding.

Song Fei took out the colorful dragon balls from Longmen. This one is the real dragon ball. The other Dragon Balls obtained when entering Longting are just a magic weapon that can absorb the Qi of chaos.

The dragon ball appeared in the palm of Song Fei\'s hand, emitting soft colorful light and slowly spreading in the secret room with the unique authority of ZuLong.

Looking at the dragon ball, Song Fei\'s heart moved inexplicably. He thought of the old ancestral plume of the rosefinch used by the rosefinch family in the dragon\'s gate. It was only the cluster of plumes at the tail, not on the head. It also exuded endless power, which is equivalent to a top-grade magic weapon.

The dragon ball in front of us is the dragon ball of ZuLong. The strength of ZuLong is not only stronger than the ancestor of rosefinch, but also the most powerful magic weapon on a dragon, far more than teeth and claws. Even in the same realm, the power of a dragon ball is more than the plume of any part of rosefinch.

Song Fei noticed that this is not only an opportunity to understand the Tao of chaos, but also a supreme treasure, but also a treasure of the five elements.

"Good baby." Song Fei gently stroked the dragon ball, "you will follow me in the future. I will make your reputation surpass Xuanyuan sword and Yuan tu\'a nose. If I preach and mix yuan, you will be promoted to Lingbao."

Longzhu seemed to understand Song Fei\'s words, broke away from Song Fei\'s palm and slowly rose, suddenly burst into dazzling golden light.

Seeing that the dragon ball had a trace of his own soul, Song Fei\'s eyebrows wrinkled slightly. Then gently, a picture scroll covering thousands of worlds flew out, instantly wrapped with colorful dragon balls.

Song Fei whispered, "I won\'t allow you to exist whether you are a spirit generated by yourself or ZuLong\'s residual thoughts. ZuLong, if you have residual thoughts, I promise you. After killing the evil god, I\'ll try my best to revive you."

Then, Song Fei smiled bitterly and shook his head. Even the divine exchange system was separated from him. There could be no idea left. It seems that the spiritual consciousness produced by Longzhu itself, like other magic weapons, will produce the spirit.

Generally speaking, the spirit of the generator will only make the magic weapon more powerful, but the colorful dragon ball was temporarily decided by Song Fei to be of great use. He can\'t give birth to any spiritual consciousness.

The colorful dragon beads wrapped in the picture of mountains and rivers suddenly gave off an angry breath, as if they were dissatisfied with Song Fei\'s means. The Dragon beads rushed left and right in the picture of mountains and rivers, and even wanted to sweep away.

Song Fei said with a smile, "it seems that what I expected is good. This spiritual consciousness has been nourished by the Qi of chaos and has been born for a long time. Fortunately, it was found in time that it did not cause great disaster. It will be settled."