God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1842

With the continuous change of Song Fei\'s thoughts, the map of mountains and rivers is constantly changing, which can be changed into any form of the world at will with Song Fei\'s mind.

This is just the most basic function.

With Song Fei\'s gentle finger, the sealed chaotic gas suddenly emerged endlessly, lurking in the dragon\'s gate for a long time to absorb the chaotic gas, making the chaotic gas extremely sufficient for Song Fei to absorb for a long time.

Song Fei sighed softly. This is the favor of the demon emperor. Although he is dead, he has left himself a huge wealth, whether it is the picture of mountains and rivers or the spirit of chaos. Without the demon emperor, he can\'t get it at all.

Silently recording the kindness in his heart, Song Fei took out the colorful dragon balls obtained in the dragon\'s gate.

Since colorful dragon beads can create a steady stream of chaotic Qi, there must be ZuLong\'s perception of the way of chaos. He can use his perception to get a clue of the way of chaos.

In history, there were many fellow practitioners of the five elements, so Song Fei would never think that as long as he practiced the five elements, he could get the way of chaos.

However, the Tao of chaos must also have something to do with the Tao of the five elements. As for how to perceive the Tao of chaos, only you can find the answer. As Lulu said, she is only an instrument and spirit, and the matter of cultivation still needs to be solved by yourself.

Multicolored dragon balls are suspended in Song Fei\'s palm, emitting a blurred multicolored light. Without the original array, multicolored dragon balls can no longer give birth to chaos.

"The array is only auxiliary, and the colorful dragon balls are the core. I must first understand the avenue contained in the colorful dragon balls before I can consider the way of chaos. Next, I should first improve the realm of the way of the five elements." Song Fei whispered.

"Shut up for so long, let\'s go out and have a look first." Song Fei said.

When Song Fei walked out of the secret room, the broken sword waiting outside the secret room immediately said, "guild leader, Miss Fengxian and childe Xuanyuan have come. They have been waiting for you for three days."

"I\'ve been waiting for three days?" Song Fei was surprised and said in secret that nothing should happen. He closed all contacts with the outside world because he concentrated on closing the door. Someone couldn\'t call himself with a messenger jade slip.

Wait for yourself for three days, there must be something big to happen.

On the main peak of Xianshan mountain, Fengxian and Xuanyuan can\'t look at the direction of Qingtian city and the big city built by the distant peaks. The crowd is like water, full of prosperity and noise.

Compared with the main peak that determines the fate of Optimus City, it seems particularly quiet and elegant.

"Xiao Qi, no! That\'s great. You\'ve all been promoted to Jinxian." Song Fei saw their real strength at a glance when he looked at the fluctuation of their mana.

When they turned back, Feng Xian said with a smile: "most of the people who came out of the Dragon Court have broken through to Jinxian. We can break through, but just follow the crowd."

Having said that, Song Fei knows that Tianjiao, who has the ultimate skill, is far from being comparable to other immortals. After Fengxian and Xuanyuan grow up, they will become the backbone of their power.

Song Fei then waved and a complete set of tables, chairs and tea sets appeared on the ground. Song Fei motioned them to sit down and then made tea for them.

"You two waited for me for three days. Something big must have happened." song Feidao.

Feng Xian nodded: "you have to be careful. The rosefinch family is going to fight you."

"Oh!" Song Fei nodded. He was not surprised by the practice of the rosefinch family. It was just something thought-provoking from Feng Xian\'s mouth.

Song Fei sighed softly, "it seems that the green emperor is not good."

Feng Xian smiled and nodded seriously, "we came to tell you about it. The green emperor is missing."

Song Fei\'s tea was frozen in the air. Then he was not in the mood to make tea. He slowly put the teapot on the table and whispered, "it\'s missing. Is there an accident with the Yellow Emperor?"

Xuanyuan couldn\'t nod: "the Yellow Emperor escaped into the depths of the universe to heal his wounds, and no one could find him. Our Yellow Emperor\'s one pulse master died and hurt the ground, which greatly reduced his deterrent to the fairyland. Some big forces have seen the clue and secretly began to fight against us. As for the rosefinch family, they must have known the intelligence for a long time."

Song Fei said, "it seems that this time, there will be no less trouble for Qingtian sword sect."

Fengxian Road: "The Revenge of the rosefinch family is coming. We are afraid of your negligence, so we specially came to inform you that you must pay attention to this offensive. This offensive is definitely not comparable to the previous two. The power of the rosefinch family should be paid attention to even the emperor of heaven. This time, the old ancestor of the rosefinch didn\'t contribute much to the fight against evil gods, so he was injured very lightly. Maybe the Yan Emperor also had a situation, and the spirit virtual city didn\'t People can hold down the rosefinch family. "

"I see. Thank you for your warning." Song Fei said.

Feng Xian looked at Song Fei and said strangely, "brother Yue seems to have a plan?"

Song Fei said, "the rosefinch family is so strong, how can I be absolutely sure. I can only do my best. I don\'t know how long it will take them to mobilize the army."

Feng Xian said, "all the real masters have the way to rush to the sect quickly. If they really attack, they may arrive in a day or two."

Song Fei said, "I see. It\'s dangerous here. If nothing happens, I won\'t keep two."

Feng Xian pondered for a moment and said, "if you follow me to Lingyun City, you can be safe. With the founder Fenghua, the rosefinch family dare not be presumptuous in Lingyun city."

Song Fei whispered, "is Fenghua in charge of the overall situation now?"

Feng Xian nodded and said, "it\'s him, old man."

"No need." Song Fei sighed softly, "everyone who should come should come. Xianshan is my foundation. I can\'t put it down. Since the rosefinch family wants to fight, fight."

Feng Xian and Xuanyuan couldn\'t take a look at each other. Feng Xian then said, "before coming, the founder of Fenghua explained. If you need anything, just mention it."

Song Fei said, "didn\'t my elder martial brother always think about my ultimate skill? Tell him that I can provide a lot as long as he pays enough wealth, preferably the milk of the earth. If it\'s not enough, I can sell even immortal stones."

Feng Xian said with a smile, "fairy stones can be bought. That\'s really a great gospel of Lingyun city. I will bring this sentence to you."

Looking at the twinkling eyes in Xuanyuan\'s eyes, Song Fei said, "if you don\'t, Lingyun city also needs the ultimate skill, you can also send someone to discuss with me."

Today\'s Song Fei is no longer a small person who can be bullied before. Even if he deals, he is not afraid of the other party\'s bad thoughts.

After hearing the speech, Xuanyuan was really overjoyed and nodded: "I will bring this sentence to Lingxiao city. Don\'t worry, we always follow the rules."

Song Fei nodded and said, "from the descendants of Xuanyuan, I see your moral character. I trust you very much."