God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1835

The golden winged ROC at the peak level of Jinxian is really not comparable to Song Fei and others. After turning into the noumenon, Jin Yao can even fly in the void turbulence behind his back. People at this level are no longer controlled by the void turbulence, and some rules of space can\'t help them.

Flying through the cold void, through the space barrier, the group finally flew into the demon world.

The demon world gave Song Fei the first feeling of beauty. The infinite green spread the earth and mountains of the demon world. Flowers swayed in the green, and the earth was full of vitality.

This is the true beauty of nature.

Flying over the mountains, Song Fei saw a huge garden, which was much more beautiful than an ordinary garden, with wild and spectacular beauty. There were all kinds of exotic flowers and plants and Jinxian plants everywhere in the garden.

There was a faint outpouring of terror in the garden. Song Fei guessed that this should be the place where the demon emperor lived.

In the garden, there are countless animals and trees. Apes jump quickly among the treetops. Tigers lie on the grass powerlessly. A white rabbit jumps on the tiger and sleeps comfortably on his belly. The tiger is dissatisfied, but the rabbit stares at him and dare not make a second time.

Seeing Song Fei and others coming, the tiger looked lazily at Qingtian sword sect and others. This glance made everyone feel more pressure. I\'m afraid the tiger\'s strength is enough to destroy everyone of Qingtian sword sect.

Every creature here is not simple.

Song Fei thought that the place where the demon emperor lived must be hierarchical, dignified and noble, but he didn\'t think it was such a scene.

Mu Qing said, "those apes used to be the family brought by the great sage of Qi Tian. The tiger is a general under my father\'s command. The rabbit on the tiger is the ancestor of the rabbit in the three realms. Although he seems harmless, the spirit who is angry can\'t hold him down."

It seems disorderly here, but it seems that there is a default hidden rule for them to get along in a certain order.

Song Fei said, "the demon emperor usually manages like this?"

Mu Qing said, "our demon world is different from other worlds. It advocates freedom and nature. Is it normal to abide by something called ritual like your Terrans?"

Song Fei nodded and thought about it. Rites and laws are human order. If they are used to ask for demons, they take it for granted.

It can be heard that although Mu Qing wants to keep calm, he can\'t hide his grief and sadness in his voice.

Through the grassland, a huge mountain appeared. Jin Yao, a golden winged ROC, put everyone on the top of the mountain.

At the top of the mountain, there are grassland, running water, flowers and trees. It is a paradise. On the grassland mountain, a small wooden house is built.

Jin Yao said, "go."

This is the demon emperor\'s bedroom? Song Fei looked at the cabin in a daze.

A young but tired voice came from the house: "is Yue Xiaoyou here? Please come in."

Song Fei was surprised. Demon emperor? For the first time in my life, I saw people of this level.

"Brother Yue, let\'s go." Mu Qing arrived. At this moment, his eyes were red, and Mu Ling next to him, two lines of clear tears had wet his cheeks.

Song Fei nodded and walked towards the cabin.

Walking into the small wooden building, Song Fei saw a bed, a wooden table and several chairs, just like ordinary rural mortals in the world. He couldn\'t see anything strange.

On the bed lay an extremely beautiful woman, who looked only in her early twenties. At the moment, her eyes were closed and there was no life.

"Empress mother!" seeing the woman, Mu Ling and Mu Qing rushed up crying. At this moment, they couldn\'t help their inner sadness and cried bitterly.

A handsome young man in a yellow robe who looked only 20 years old sat by the bed, gently patted Mu Qing and Mu Ling on the back and sighed softly.

In this cabin, Song Fei didn\'t feel the nobility of the demon emperor. Instead, he saw the grief of his family after losing their relatives. These were unexpected before Song Fei came.

Song Fei stepped forward, saluted the young man and said, "younger generation Yue Tianyu, meet your Majesty the demon emperor."

The demon emperor smiled and said, "I\'m just a dying man. Don\'t be polite."

"Father!" Mu Qing and Mu Ling looked up and stared at the demon emperor.

Mu Qing suddenly said, "what about my brother and sister? Where have they gone?"

Mu Qing also found that none of his many eldest brothers and sisters came.

The demon emperor smiled bitterly: "dead, all dead."

"What?" not only mu Ling was shocked, but also Song Fei was deeply shocked. The children of the demon emperor died.

Mu Ling and Mu Qing were completely dull. After a while, they closed their eyes and burst into tears, but they had forgotten to cry.

Deep sadness was spreading in the cabin, which made Song Fei involuntarily immersed in grief.

Song Fei sighed softly. He wanted to comfort, but he couldn\'t talk about it. He wasn\'t them. He didn\'t understand the grief in their hearts. What qualifications did he have to comfort? If your Optimus sword sends a large number of people to die, I\'m afraid you can\'t be calm.

After a while, Mu Qing clenched her fist tightly and growled like a beast: "father, what happened? How can my brother and sister die? And you and the empress mother are the top experts in the three worlds. You still have red hydrangea."

The demon emperor sighed, "the evil god is coming."

Song Fei sighed in his heart, "evil gods, have you grown so powerful? Do you still have time to understand the way of chaos? ZuLong has not fully realized it for countless billion years, and he has not found the slightest clue."

"Evil god!" Mu Qing\'s fist was tightly clenched.

The demon emperor said, "we didn\'t expect that the power of evil gods would become so powerful. This time, the fairy world lost completely."

Mu Qing said, "father, why isn\'t the evil god the public enemy of the three realms? Why is only our demon world suffering heavy losses? Are other people watching the play?"

The demon emperor smiled bitterly and said, "remember the old man who took you into the Dragon Court? That\'s the ancestor of Erlong mountain, immortal Huanglong. He died in the war!"

The ancestor of Shenshan died in the war? Immortal Huang Long, isn\'t he the ancestor of LAN jing\'er and Ding Peng?

The demon emperor continued: "in this war, many experts, such as the five heavenly emperors, the ten yamas, the ancestor of the twelve sacred mountains, the virgin of yaochi in the fairy world, the six Buddha masters in the Buddha world, the ten demon gods in the demon world, the Taiyin God Emperor, me and your mother in the demon world, as well as the Seven Saints, have all shot."

Mu Qing was shocked: "is that powerless?"

The demon emperor said, "yes, we despise evil gods. When the people arrived one after another, we found that the power of evil gods exceeded our imagination. Immortal Huanglong was killed by evil gods before they arrived."