God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1827

With the order of the leader of the evil sect, hundreds of thousands of troops retreated orderly. With the strength of the heavenly immortals, even the outermost members of the evil sect only need one or two breaths to retreat into the dragon\'s gate.

The black figure retreated like a tide and disappeared into the dragon\'s gate in a twinkling of an eye.

Then, the people of the three realms followed closely. Looking at the close map of mountains and rivers, even if someone thought that the purpose of the great commander was impure, his footsteps would not stop. That treasure transcended all dangers.

People from the three realms poured into the Longmen one after another.

"Let\'s go too!" Qin Shihu shouted coldly. They have strong combat power. They are more confident than others. Moreover, with the weak background of Qingtian sword sect, they are more worth the risk at the moment.

Soon, they passed through the dragon\'s gate and entered the interior of the dragon\'s gate.

The full-bodied chaotic gas is filled with the whole void. The chaotic gas here is everywhere, as if it could condense into essence.

However, when they rushed into the dragon\'s gate, they also found that their speed was greatly reduced.

Just like the huge resistance encountered in the Longting trial at the beginning, although the speed at the moment can be much faster than that at that time, the map of mountains and rivers is not so easy to get.

At this moment, people understand why the mountain and river country map has not been obtained by the commander after fighting outside for so long. It is impossible to rush to the area where the mountain and river country map is located without a certain time.

At the same time, the commander again ordered: "give up obstruction."

The army of evil sect suddenly retreated to the left and right, leaving a huge gap for people to pass calmly.

Tianjiao of the three realms is not a fool. After hearing the command of the commander, many people gave a "click" in their hearts and shouted bad.

Qin Shihu bit his teeth and said coldly, "yangmou, yangmou that makes people helpless."

Yes, yangmou.

The evil sect retreated, but the people of the three realms have fallen into madness. Countless people know that the commander is to let the people of the three realms kill each other. They know that he has this goal, but everyone will try their best to compete for the map of mountains and rivers.

I can\'t help it. I can\'t watch others hold the map of mountains and rivers in their hands.

People who recognize this scene are bleeding and killing each other. After the beginning, the power of the three worlds will only become weaker and weaker, and the power of the disguised evil sect is increasing. The final outcome is self-evident.

At the same time, although the evil clan\'s team retreated to both sides, it still moved towards the inside of the dragon\'s gate. Maybe it will give a fatal blow to the people of the three realms at some time.

Countless people rushed to the front, and the scuffle broke out among themselves, although at the moment the people were still patient and didn\'t work hard. However, such a battle, such as a real fire, will inevitably lead to a war of life and death.

The people of Qingtian sword sect didn\'t move. Qin Shihu\'s eyes glittered. If he obeyed the commander, it\'s hard to say whether Qingtian sword sect can retreat in the end. Moreover, the map of mountains and rivers must fall into the hands of the commander.

"Two heads of the family, how to do." the big goat gritted his teeth.

Qin Shihu\'s eyes flashed a strong sense of killing: "kill, people of the evil sect."

At the same time, Qin Shihu shouted: "who and I Qingtian sword sect kill the people of the evil sect."

After saying that, regardless of the reaction of the people, Qingtian sword sect suddenly stabbed the evil clan\'s team with a big goat as its tip.

"Kill the evil sect, how can we have fewer people in Lingxiao city?" Xuanyuan Jincheng laughed loudly, and then waved his big hand, "go, kill the evil sect."

"Hahaha, how can we kill the evil sect without the people of Lingyun city?" Feng Yue laughed, and the black and white chess pieces on his head suddenly flew out and fell into the army of the evil sect. For a time, everyone in the black robe of the evil sect turned over his horse.

Night Wuxin and others bit their teeth and looked at Xuanyuan Jincheng and Fengyue, then looked at each other with white dust. Bai Yichen then turned his attention to Yanqing Yao of the Phoenix family and Tang Jinyu of the Zhuque family.

Yan Qingyao gritted her teeth and said to the crowd, "kill, seize the treasure!"

Yan Qingyao and others continued to move in the direction of the map of mountains and rivers.

Seeing this behind the scenes, the indifferent commander stood all the time, and bursts of sneers appeared on the corners of his mouth. Indeed, the people of the three worlds could not be one heart.

If someone grabs the mountain and river country map, someone will not be willing to let the treasure fall into others\' hands. Sure enough, some people who want to fight against the evil sect resolutely give up and continue to fight for the mountain and river country map with others.

On the side of the demon family, Jin Yu, a golden winged ROC, said, "little prince, how are we?"

Mu Qing\'s young face flashed a thick firmness: "kill the evil clan. My father and queen mother told me that the first goal of this trip is the evil clan."

The people behind Mu Qing were shocked, and the golden winged ROC was even more surprised and said, "the first goal should not be the map of mountains and rivers?"

Mu Qing said, "I also doubt this, but I never doubt my father\'s wisdom."

Jin Yu nodded. For the demon emperor, Jin Yu also worshipped and admired him. He followed Mu Qing silently and stabbed the people of the evil sect with his long gun.

The plantain fan is shot behind Mu Qing. It is a unique treasure with powerful power. Every fan is torn by evil believers. The power of the demon family is no weaker than Xuanyuan Jincheng and others.

Of course, this is only a strength of the demon family. Similarly, a small group composed of other demon families is trying to kill the country. In front of the treasure, the identity of the little prince doesn\'t work.

Yizhen stepped on the Buddha\'s light, and the people in the Buddha world were very unified and all shot at the people of the evil sect.

Under the influence of Qingtian sword sect, many forces targeted the evil sect, but even so, the grand commander\'s plan was successful. He successfully divided a group of people and could deal with the rest of them in good faith.

The commander shouted loudly, "kill those who attack us, and let those who do not attack us go forward."

"So cunning." the big goat gnashed his teeth and said. In this way, those who fly towards the map of mountains and rivers are even less likely to fight against the evil clan. They will wisely use those who fight against the evil clan to contain the power of the three realms, which is the most ideal state in their mind.

A new round of war broke out in Longmen.

Qing Jiao and ye Mei joined hands to kill Qingtian sword sect at the same time. Behind the two strong ones, there are more than 20 Jinxian level masters.

The flower demon killed the wind. The wind quickly fought with Xuanyuan Jincheng to resist the power of the flower demon.

The Buddha took the initiative to welcome the complaining spirit. Many scriptures were recited from the mouth of the Buddhist disciples and turned into wonderful notes around the complaining spirit.

The power of Buddhism can transcend the souls of the dead. It has a natural power of restraint for the complaining spirits.

Mu Qing said sternly, "Luo Tu, dare to join hands with me." facing the attack of the silver wolf, Mu Qing was under great pressure and roared at Luo Tu who was fighting in the distance.

"Why don\'t you dare? We\'ll win or lose when the evil clan is destroyed." Luo Tu shouted fiercely, leading the experts of the demon world to join the battle group against the white wolf.