God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1824

Song Fei exclaimed, "dead?" then he reacted and said with a bitter smile, "it\'s not surprising that I died. I almost died several times. But who is the master you chose?"

Lulu said faintly, "the person I choose has at least a chance to understand the way of chaos."

Song Fei\'s pupil suddenly widened, stared and said, "ZuLong? He\'s dead?"

"Yes, I\'m dead." Lulu\'s expression was not sad. "Don\'t use that expression. If you were me, you would get used to every master\'s death. I\'ve experienced too much reincarnation."

"ZuLong is dead. Who did it? An evil god?" Song Fei whispered.

Lulu said, "you\'ve only heard that the Sun God Emperor went to challenge evil gods, but you don\'t know. In fact, it was a group of people. When ZuLong stepped into Jinxian, he also learned the secrets of the three realms, so he persuaded the Sun God Emperor and the two joined hands to kill evil gods. The result can be imagined."

Song Fei said, "didn\'t you persuade him?"

Lulu said, "no, the divine exchange system will not interfere with all the host\'s actions, but will only assist."

Song Fei nodded and silently digested the huge information in Lulu\'s words.

After a while, Song Fei looked at Lulu and said with a smile, "since you have assisted ZuLong, you must have accumulated a certain number of points, so I have a lucky draw for each promotion, right?"

Lulu nodded silently and said, "yes, but ZuLong consumed too much before he died, so you don\'t expect too many points."

Song Fei said, "well, can I think that I don\'t need a lucky draw this time? I can make a plan to get a treasure."

Lulu said, "the points left by ZuLong can be exchanged for a top-grade five element sword."

Song Fei sighed, "that\'s all that\'s left. He\'s the ancestor of the dragon. But Lulu, can you see what I think?"

Lulu nodded and said, "yes, I can see some."

"I knew it." Song Fei helped his forehead. "This feeling is really bad. I also want private space."

Lulu was silent and then said, "when you kill the evil god and succeed against the sky, you can lift your relationship with me. At that time, you don\'t need me."

Song Fei looked at Lulu and said, "where are you going?" Song Fei suddenly felt that the elf in front of him was so lonely that he had no superfluous feelings.

Lulu was a little confused, then shook her head: "I don\'t know. It\'s not enough. I don\'t have to think about it now. Facts have proved that I will reincarnate again and again. You will die, and the people around you, including your world, will die. I just abide by Yuan\'s will and rotate again and again with the world."

Song Fei said, "is the way of chaos really so difficult?"

Lulu said, "I\'m not a friar. I don\'t know. I\'m just an instrument spirit of the divine exchange system. If you fail against the sky, I hope you can also add some strength to the system and let later people have more abilities."

Song Fei sighed, "I understand that if I find that things can not be violated, I will try to add something new to the divine exchange system like previous masters."

Lulu said, "I have put the top-grade five element sword in your storage ring. If there is nothing else, our conversation is over."

"Wait!" Song Fei said, "I have one last question?"

Lulu motioned Song Fei with her eyes to go on.

Song Fei said, "didn\'t he create the real fire of the Sun God Emperor?"

Lulu said, "have you forgotten the people around you? But the man called the Sun God Emperor is really amazing. His talent is far better than that dragon. He is the most talented person I have ever seen except yuan and Xu. Unfortunately, his body does not have the five elements."

"I see. No wonder there are so many ultimate skills in the world." Song Fei was silent. It turned out that many of them were spread from ZuLong\'s hands. It seems that like himself, a group of such people gathered around ZuLong at the beginning, but the facts proved that they were not as United as their own qingtianjian sect when they went to fight against evil gods, Only a few people followed him.

Lulu said, "along with ZuLong, there are the ancestors of rosefinch, divine tree, sword, white snake, Teng snake and Taiyin. Except that the Sun God Emperor was to protect the people from dying on the spot, others died gradually later."

Song Fei whispered, "the sword of the sword way? It turns out that the Taiyin also participated. Their skills are far better than others. I see."

Lulu Road: "Finally, only the Taiyin regained life by using the perception of death, and the rest died. Of course, the people who follow ZuLong are not those, so I won\'t tell you in detail. By the way, don\'t underestimate others, such as the five heavenly emperors, the ancestor of the twelve sacred mountains and the virgin of yaochi. These people just don\'t have five elements in their bodies. In terms of talent, the five heavenly emperors make heaven with mortals In the position of earth, many people have more talents than ZuLong. Of course, your talents are worse than those of the masters of the divine exchange system in the past dynasties. "

Lulu continued: "At the peak of ZuLong\'s life, he tried to learn from others. Other ultimate skills in your world were also refined by ZuLong. ZuLong kept a low profile, so people thought he only created five ultimate skills of the dragon family. Unexpectedly, before he died, he deduced countless ultimate skills into chaotic marks and sealed them into the God level exchange system. That\'s why you can see so many The ultimate skill of the world.

The masters of the divine exchange system in the past dynasties pay the least attention to the skill, so there are not many popular skills. What they care about is the avenue of perception.

Everything is auxiliary. If you become a saint, even the most common Avenue becomes a saint, you will turn your hands and kill any non saint. "

"I see. Lulu, I hope this time, you don\'t have to continue reincarnation." Song Fei looked at the beautiful elf with a palm in his hand and whispered.

Lulu said, "maybe reincarnation is the meaning of my life."

Song Fei\'s silence is so cruel.

Before leaving, Song Fei whispered, "maybe you will find a new meaning of life. Because I think you are not a simple tool spirit, but a living person."

The scene in front of him suddenly lit up, and Song Fei returned to the chaotic air mass.

Looking up at the sky, the sky is still blue, but at this moment, the whole world is different in Song Fei\'s eyes.

"Heaven and earth are unkind, and all things are ruminant dogs. Since destruction is the rule of the road, then I can only go against the sky." Song Fei\'s eyes flashed a strong firmness. This whisper seemed to be an oath and to tell his dissatisfaction to heaven.