God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1822

"Who made this divine exchange system? And I heard that the so-called magic weapons such as Pangu axe, Donghuang bell and Taiji diagram are fictional. The three worlds do not exist. Can they really be exchanged?"

Lulu said, "if you have enough points, you can exchange them in theory."

"Theoretically?" Song Fei\'s face was full of surprise.

Lulu said, "Pangu opened heaven and earth. Yin and yang are divided. The clear is Yang, the rising is heaven, the turbid is Yin, and the sinking is earth. From then on, the three worlds of heaven, earth and man have taken shape. All the worlds are derived from the three worlds, including the demon world, the Buddha world, the demon world and all kinds of secret places.

Since then, the way of yin and Yang runs through the whole universe.

However, this is only the experience of people in the three circles. This statement ignores another place. "

"The area of evil gods." song Feidao.

Lulu said, "yes, it\'s the area of evil gods. If the area of evil gods is included, the saying that yin and Yang divide heaven and earth is not tenable."

Song Fei frowned: "the way of yin and Yang does not include the whole universe?"

"That\'s not true." Lulu said, "but because the theory of yin and Yang of people in the three realms is limited. Heat and cold are divided into yin and Yang, length and length into yin and Yang, life and death into yin and Yang, day and night into yin and Yang, light and darkness into yin and Yang, birth and destruction into yin and Yang. Your world can also be divided into yin and Yang and the world of evil gods."

"Boom!" as if a loud noise exploded in Song Fei\'s mind. Song Fei couldn\'t believe it. "Birth and destruction are divided into yin and Yang? The three realms and the world of evil gods are divided into yin and Yang? Then can I think that the three realms represent birth, and the world of evil gods represents destruction."

Lulu was not surprised by Song Fei\'s speculation and continued: "Pangu opens up the world. Chaos is divided into yin and Yang. The three realms represent rebirth, and evil gods represent destruction. At the beginning of the birth of the three realms, they are thriving, powerful and talented. This is the initial rebirth and represents the prosperity of life. For the time being, the evil realm is called the evil realm, generally I call it the Yin realm. Evil life begins to be born in the evil realm, and that life is the evil in your mouth God. The evil god at the beginning of his birth was very weak. However, he could recklessly absorb the power of the whole world and continue to be powerful. Because of some restrictions, people from the three realms could not go to the evil world to kill the evil god. Yang made this mistake and was finally killed by the evil god. In fact, the power of the evil god at that time was not like Yang, but the rules of heaven and earth protected him and let Yang in the evil world Unable to exert the power of the peak.

Similarly, evil gods cannot enter the three realms. Once they enter the fairyland, their power will pass. This is a balance set from the beginning of the birth of the universe.

However, since the universe is divided into yin and Yang, rebirth and destruction, the universe is bound to go to the day of destruction. This is the rule of heaven and earth and cannot be reversed. "

Hearing the speech, Song Fei was shocked: "Yang? The Sun God Emperor. All three realms will be killed by evil gods? Doesn\'t it mean that the power of evil gods is limited? But why can\'t evil gods coexist with the fairy world? The balance of yin and Yang is not good?"

Lulu said: "the evil god can not be counted as a living creature. He is the avenue of the Yin world. Although his will is gradually born, he is cold and ruthless. His mission is to destroy. What he wants to do is to destroy the universe, destroy the three worlds, and make the world return to chaos. This is the avenue of the universe. The evil god carries out this avenue until he destroys the world with him."

Song Fei was completely shocked. He never thought that there were such rules in the whole universe. At the next moment, he spit out: "reincarnation?"

Lulu nodded and looked at Song Fei with approval: "Yes, reincarnation. An evil god is the embodiment of the will of the road, so he can continue to be strong, and can continue to be strong endlessly. Even if it is the realm of saints that people in the three realms are hard to find, he can also reach, or even be stronger. As long as he is strong enough, he will destroy the world, finally destroy himself, and make the world return to chaos."

"So powerful? You can directly grow into a saint." Song Fei sighed. "Doesn\'t that mean that the three worlds will die?"

"Yes, the three realms will die, and evil gods can continue to wait for strength. Now evil gods can compete with experts at the level of emperor of heaven. If they continue to be strong, who else in the three realms can resist?" Lulu said. "Now the world has reached the peak of balance, destruction gradually overwhelms rebirth, and the three realms are about to be destroyed, including everything will return to chaos."

Song Fei suddenly looked at Lulu, his eyes burst out, and said, "no, if the world is like what you said, how do you know? I\'m afraid no one in the three worlds will know this secret unless you have experienced it."

Lulu calm tunnel: "Yes, I have experienced and experienced the birth, destruction and reincarnation of the universe again and again. I opened my eyes and looked at it again and again. Looking at the pride of the three worlds when they stood at the peak, the pride when they dominated the wind and cloud, the grief during hard struggle, the pride was crushed, the pride turned into helplessness, and the happiness and ease turned into permanent pain and destruction. No one can see the creatures born in the three worlds Enough to escape such a fate. The universe gave them life and death. Heaven and earth are not benevolent. They take all things as their ruminant dogs. With their cold will, they faithfully implement the rules they have created. Heaven and earth collapse and all things turn into nothingness. Again and again, round after round. "

Song Fei said, "no, how did you survive? Everything is destroyed, but you can survive alone."

Lulu said, "finally one day, I don\'t know how many times this world has been destroyed. Finally, there is a world called" Yuan " The powerful creatures of the universe deduce the rules of the universe, know the secrets of the world, and count their own world towards destruction. At the beginning of the birth of the universe, he stood at the peak of the universe and achieved the position of sage, which is far from comparable to your non holy world. Such a character is naturally unwilling to destroy. He wants to resist heaven and earth and the will of the whole universe. He even gave birth in heaven and earth At the beginning of his life, he went to kill evil gods. At that time, evil gods were still very weak. "

Song Fei said faintly, "as a result, he failed."

Lulu Road: "Later, he found that even the power of saints could not kill evil gods. Finally, he wandered alone in the three realms and thought hard about ways to fight evil gods. After hundreds of millions of years, when the universe was about to be destroyed, I was created. Yuan roared to the common people in the World:" if you give me another 100 million years, the evil gods will fall, and the rules of heaven and earth will change because of me 。’

This roar became the last song. God would not give him another 100 million years. Then, the evil god killed, the three worlds were destroyed, Yuan entered the destruction with regret, and the universe returned to chaos. The created me, that is, the divine exchange system, used the secrets peeped by yuan, and really survived intact. "